(n.) Vegetable mold mixed with earth, as found in low, damp places and swamps.
(n.) Anything filthy or vile.
(n.) Money; -- in contempt.
(a.) Like muck; mucky; also, used in collecting or distributing muck; as, a muck fork.
(v. t.) To manure with muck.
Example Sentences:
(1) The muck-raking website Lifenews.ru, which has close links to the FSB, Putin’s former spy agency, has pointed the finger at Nemtsov’s colourful love life.
(2) Their 12-year stewardship transformed an obscure theatre notorious for the austerity of its seats into a fashionable address renowned for its rollcall of stars - including Ralph Fiennes, Diana Rigg, Juliet Binoche and Cate Blanchett - all of whom were eager to muck in with communal dressing rooms and a minimum wage.
(3) 'They don't use tractors, they use cow muck as fertiliser; and they have low-tech irrigation systems in Kenya.
(4) As we picked our way along stream-side bushes, pulling off hard little rosehips and stripping elders of their berries, the scent of September filled the air; the smell after muck-spreaders had been out in the fields.
(5) He's not mucked it up today – he's not really been given the opportunity.
(6) It goes from being a load of muck to being made into a household object.
(7) Time, then, for another "D" word: "decent" Tories and Liberal Democrats, he says, will be expected to muck in.
(8) Billy Ivory (Common as Muck) Okay, well, the BBC drama department still produces, consistently the best drama on TV: Criminal Justice, Occupation, Freefall, All the Small Things, Doctor Who, Revelations, Life on Mars.
(9) Metal-contaminated muck soil (5700 micrograms g-1 Ni, 650 micrograms g-1 Cu and 90 micrograms g-1 Co) was obtained from a farm adjacent to a nickel refinery in southern Ontario and was placed on a field test plot at Brampton, Ontario, during the summer of 1984.
(10) We have previously described a visual area situated in the cortex surrounding the deep infolding of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus of the cat (Mucke et al.
(11) We are in power and therefore we have got a bit of muck on our hands.
(12) And one of the things I had wanted to do for ages was get stuck into a bunch of things that I had been mucking around with that didn't fit into the Radiohead zone.'
(13) Local villagers came out to see them, and Joe, as always was mucking around.
(14) I will leave you in the hands of Gregg Bakowski (gregg.bakowski@theguardian.com if you want to get in touch), and with this video of me and Gregg mucking about outside Guardian Towers earlier.
(15) He got his sleeves rolled up and mucked in like everyone else.
(16) His philosophy of journalism coincided closely with that of guiding Eye spirit, legendary muck-raking reporter Claud Cockburn who dismissed the popular assumption that "facts" lay around like gold in the Yukon waiting to be picked up by a reporter.
(17) "In reality, it gets reported but only as part of the generally muck and mire of grease-blotter journalism."
(18) A real tiny twitch of a balk that Buck and Muck Carver don't spot or understand October 31, 2013 We've got a few more innings to go here so.... 2.01am GMT Cardinals 0 - Red Sox 6, bottom of the 5th Kevin Siegrist, whom you may remember from that game one Ortiz homer, starts the inning for St Louis.
(19) We had five sets of contestants and we got it down to four, so one fewer round in the show, which meant there was much more time for us to muck about.
(20) But under all the scars and muck, there's a soulfulness to McCann's performance.
Example Sentences:
(1) From the early pamphleteers – Tom Paine for one – to the muckrakers who fought injustice such as Nellie Bly; from Rachel Carson's Silent Spring to Ralph Nader's Unsafe At Any Speed ; from Mother Jones to the Pentagon papers, the words that shook America mostly came from passionate reporters with a cause to champion.
(2) A series of muckraking TV documentaries accused Luzhkov of fleeing Moscow during August's devastating forest fires and caring more about his bees than the city's smog-choked residents.
(3) It suggests a shoulder to lean on when the going got tough a few months back following the muckraking.
(4) If the prime minister was unaware of this muckraking, the Tories say, he should have known; and it reflects badly on the culture of his administration that his aides thought such practices acceptable - particularly as they involved MPs' families.
(5) And of those who have heard of him, more than half trust his muckraking exposés of the corruption endemic among Russia's elite.
(6) That's tough competition, but in hindsight, it is clear that "A Bunny's Tale" complements Friedan and Plath and deserves to be honored, rather than forgotten as it has been, for the serious muckraking journalism it is.
(7) Because of his role as a muckraking reporter, Brown has attracted defenders like Glenn Greenwald and Rolling Stones' Michael Hastings, who died last week in a car accident.
(8) It would be a worrying sign if the architect of our new system of press regulation were to dismiss evidence of a possible breach of professional standards in a public inquiry merely as muckraking by certain elements of the press and unworthy of proper consideration.
(9) Pravda.ru also sponsors politonline.ru , a website known for its muckraking smears against Russia's opposition.
(10) Long before the internet had been invented, the legendary muckraking reporter Claud Cockburn explained why.
(11) It does not even knock politely, but kicks it off its hinges, trampling taboos, totems, rules and privacy in its muckraking wake.
(12) In 1957 the well-known Washington journalist Drew Pearson, known as a muckraker, pronounced of Kennedy's book, Profiles in Courage, published the previous year: "Jack Kennedy is … the only man in history that I know who won a Pulitzer prize on a book which was ghostwritten for him."
(13) In 1951 when muckraking Liberian school-teacher and journalist Albert Porte wrote an open letter to the Liberian president questioning his purchase of a luxury yacht on the nation's dime, William Tubman wrote back, accusing Porte of having an anarchical spirit and inviting him for a cruise: Your spirit appears to me to be anarchical.