(1) Whereas reversibility was demonstrated when the shearing stresses exceeded the elastic resistance [0.17 dyne cm-2 (1.7 muN CM-2)], thorough mixing usually resulted in a normal behavior of the solutions thereafter.
(2) The intervals between the transcripts are highly variable ranging from 0.1 mum to more than 3 mun.
(3) Mr. Hublot Possessions Room on the Broom Best short Aquel No Era Yo (That Wasn't Me) Avant Que De Tout Perdre (Just before Losing Everything) Helium Pitääkö Mun Kaikki Hoitaa?
(4) Values in the order of 10(8) dyn cm-2 (1 dyn=10 muN) were found.
(5) Chromatid abnormalities were observed in MUN and ENU-treated cells from each of four cell lines.
(6) Moon was born Yong Myung Mun in the impoverished village of Sangsa in what is now North Korea , but was then a Japanese colony.
(7) Best live action short: Aquel No Era Yo (That Wasn't Me) Avant Que De Tout Perdre (Just before Losing Everything) Helium Pitääkö Mun Kaikki Hoitaa?
(8) The level and pattern of contamination by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were investigated in tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus (Peters), sediment, and water from the Shing Mun River.
(9) With this model, it is possible to study the influence of the blood flow and the thermal conductivity lambda of the skin on the steady-state temperature and the decay constants mun.
(10) B. Ra, and Z. H. Cho, "Proceedings, Seventh Annual Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 1988," p. 958; W. S. Kim, C. W. Mun, D. J. Kim, and Z. H. Cho, Magn.
(11) By the application of shearing stresses on the order of 10(-3) dyne cm-2 (10(-2) muN cm-2), via the magnetic viscodensimeter, extremely high relative viscosities (greater than 500) were observed when turnip yellow mosaic virus was degraded in alkali into its capsid and RNA.
(12) They were joined by Drew Sherman of the Cook Islands and Brunei’s Mike Wong Mun Heng.
(13) The former dean of HKU’s law faculty, Johannes Chan Man-mun, was critical of the government during last year’s protests.
(14) Values for the modulus of rigidity at 20 degrees for about 1% virus concentration was less than 2 X 10(-2) dyne cm-2 rad-1 (0.2 muN cm-2 rad-1), which, while extremely small, was reproducible.
(15) But three senior officers, general manager of logistics Derek Osborn, chief executive of operations Kate Munnings and commercial strategy director Angela Margaret-Williams were unable to answer a series of questions about the serious allegations raised at the centre, instead opting to take most questions on notice.
(16) Korea DPR: Myong-Guk Ri, Cha, Chol-Jin Pak, Nam-Chol Pak, Kwang-Chon Ri, Mun, Jun-Il Ri, Ji, Hong, Ahn, Jong.
(17) Munnings said: “You’ve asked for a lot of detail and information and we will provide it on notice.
(v. t.) To pound.
(n.) A play on words which have the same sound but different meanings; an expression in which two different applications of a word present an odd or ludicrous idea; a kind of quibble or equivocation.
(v. i.) To make puns, or a pun; to use a word in a double sense, especially when the contrast of ideas is ludicrous; to play upon words; to quibble.
(v. t.) To persuade or affect by a pun.
Example Sentences:
(1) Go Kings go!” The pun-filled press release issued by De Blasio also helpfully included the lyrics to Sinatra’s and Newman’s classic tunes, in case anyone had forgotten.
(2) Bad pun aside, investors are concerned that the company's high growth-rates are tapering.
(3) January 12, 2016 Shorten hastily responded to that debate on Twitter with a pun-laden non-answer, saying: “Cos you asked … my favourite lettuce is one that doesn’t have a 15 per cent GST on it.” Bill Shorten (@billshortenmp) Cos you asked @workmanalice - my favourite lettuce is one that doesn't have a 15 per cent GST on it.
(4) The following day, politicians and eurocrats began scrambling to hammer out a larger rescue package for Greece: 28 April 2010 Photograph: Guardian That was the time when puns about Acropolis Now, and ‘making a drachma out of a crisis’ were in vogue: Greek debt crisis, 28 April 2010 Photograph: Guardian But there wasn’t much time for jokes.
(5) Hemingway’s daughter, Corey, is in a marquee at the back of the site, painting a teddy bear onto some MDF, in the pursuit of a Teddy Boy pun that either doesn’t work, or I don’t get, but it looks great.
(6) The outcome of 53 patients operated on either for posttraumatic ulnar neuropathy (PUN) or non-traumatic cubital tunnel syndrome (CTS) was reviewed after 3 years follow-up.
(7) In a report called "Un-Finnished Business" (you can always rely on the rating agencies for a bad pun), the analysts write: We think the risks to growth in 2012 and 2013 are rising.
(8) In all experiments, supplementing TRP-deficient diets with D- and L-TRP significantly increased feed intake, rate and efficiency of gain and decreased plasma urea N (PUN).
(9) Systemic LH, FSH, glucagon, cortisol, PUN, NEFA, estradiol, and testosterone were not affected by insulin or level of feeding.
(10) The first of April is normally a day of frothy fun, where newspapers and brands compete to produce the best jokes and the worst puns to fool their readers.
(11) The unfortunate design hasn’t gone unnoticed and attracted puns galore when it was posted on Reddit over the weekend .
(12) Photograph: David Levene for the Guardian The signs of wealth are everywhere, from the luxury gated village of the Pun Hlaing Golf Estate to the towers around swimming pools of Star City , both projects of the Pun empire.
(13) Emad Hajjaj, a popular Jordanian cartoonist, drew an elderly Palestinian woman by her sagging UN tent saying – in an untranslatable pun on the words “Charlie” and the colloquial Arabic “I have been” – that she had lived as a refugee for the 67 years since the creation of Israel in 1948.
(14) During the war years, his snappy, escapist films brought joy to audiences on the home front, while he was the only Hope (puns on his surname have always been de rigueur ) for thousands of troops overseas whom he entertained on his various tours from 1941.
(15) Second, the yuck factor: isn't it just beyond tasteful (no pun intended) for a woman to put her nipple into another woman's baby's mouth?
(16) The report tackles a number of issues which, excuse the pun, have been ‘bubbling’ up over the last year.
(17) Sorry and all that, but the pun was too good to use: Genre?
(18) Was The Wine Show supposed to be a deliberately awful pun on The One Show?
(19) The comedian Rob Auton, 30, has seen off competition from acclaimed pun-slingers including Tim Vine and Gary Delaney to pick up TV channel Dave's annual award for one-liners at the fringe.
(20) An experiment was conducted with 36 crossbred finishing pigs (18 male castrates and 18 females) to evaluate the effect of bromocriptine implants on growth, feed intake, feed efficiency, plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) and carcass characteristics.