(a.) Of or pertaining to mythology or to myths; mythical; fabulous.
Example Sentences:
(1) This component of a more comprehensive study of Houdini focuses on the unusual reification of his family romance fantasies, their endurance well beyond the usual boundaries in time, their kinship with mythological themes, and their infusion with the ambivalence that is often addressed toward the true parents.
(2) The latter is something of a legend in Bowie mythology and rumoured to be the subject of his song Never Let Me Down .
(3) This mythology, embodied over those decades in the Horatio Alger stories consumed particularly by upwardly mobile young men and in the phrase "to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps", consistently held out that American promise by equating hard work (along with other good Puritan values such as delayed gratification, temperance, saving and self-reliance) with economic success.
(4) A sample of coitally experienced college females was utilized to explore the adequacy of several related beliefs that constitute the cultural mythology of female sexual initiation in American society and to identify possible correlates of the subjective experience of pain during women's first intercourse.
(5) Mythology, creativity, innovative planning, and systems theory are used to bring together two systems to form a new whole called M-I-D-D-L-E G-R-O-U-N-D.
(6) Eponymous syndrome nomenclature now includes the names of literary characters, patients' surnames, subjects of famous paintings, famous persons, geographic locations, institutions, biblical figures, and mythological characters.
(7) In her composition Land , the rock poet, who lived with Mapplethorpe at the Chelsea Hotel when they were in their 20s, creates a mythology that mirrors his leather fantasies.
(8) Paterson is steeped in the mythologies of the anti-environment movement.
(9) A brief review of the significance of the hand in the mythology, folklore, and religion of Ireland from ancient times is presented.
(10) The sexual abuse of women today is analyzed alongside the mythology of Ovid's Metamorphoses.
(11) In our past, we have both Venus and the crucifix, the Bible and Nordic mythology, which we remember with Christmas trees, or with the many festivals of St Lucy, St Nicolas and Santa Claus.
(12) Amazon may share its name with mythology's greatest female warriors, but the world's largest online retailer employs just 18 women among its 120 most senior managers, and none of them report directly to the boss.
(13) In the beginning, then, this mythology goes, the biologist was in the middle of the ocean, "surrounded by venomous sea serpents", preparing to meet his genome.
(14) She’s performed her poems in bookshops, theatres, prisons, universities, music festivals and schools, where teachers have used her work to introduce their students to Greek mythology.
(15) The paperwork was lost for ever when the town fell and, like so much else in Gbadolite, that moment in the sun is fading into mythology.
(16) It is used to marginalise and persecute independent voices, dumb down debate, and support the mythological notion of a Russia alone and besieged in a hostile world.
(17) For years the so-called White Walkers, a zombie race of wispy-haired, dead-horse-riding weirdos (think: Vince Cable 50 years dead and taller) were presumed mythological or extinct.
(18) Australia has been gripped by Anzac mythology since the late 1980s.
(19) "I do not like the ideological interpretations, this kind of Pope Francis mythology," he said.
(20) Not insignificantly, rejection of science over religious mythology is distinctly partisan: 48% of Republicans, versus 27% of Democrats, "just say no" to Darwin.
(n.) An Australian insectivorous singing bird (Pachycephala gutturalis). The male is conspicuously marked with black and yellow, and has a black crescent on the breast. Called also white-throated thickhead, orange-breasted thrust, black-crowned thrush, guttural thrush, and black-breasted flycatcher.
Example Sentences:
(1) In their distinctive Thunderbirds-style light-blue uniforms with red trim the Artane Boys Band are icons of Irish music.
(2) Almost ten years ago, we saw a crew of puppets setting out to save the world in the Thunderbirds-style comedy Team America: World Police .
(3) Preamble: What if Kim Jong-il has spent the last few decades in his fiendish lair devising not nuclear weapons, invisible pulse rifles and Thunderbird suits, but a fleet of crack footballers who only now are about to be unleashed on an unsuspecting world?
(4) Take Cranfield Professor Ian Poll, who gave an interview in 2008 propounding a nuclear powered airliner à la Thunderbirds.
(5) Background: Nicknamed Brains after the Thunderbird character by Alastair Campbell in reference to his geeky nature, Miliband was branded a strong Blairite following his seven years as policy chief for Tony Blair – both in opposition and after Blair became prime minister.
(6) I don't know what they're singing, but part of it sounds like the Thunderbirds theme tune.
(7) A transatlantic UAV flight within five years, according to researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology What the advocates say: "Still a long way from being the primary energy source for the propulsion of commercial aircraft", DLR (the German Aerospace Centre) GOING NUCLEAR Thunderbirds are Go?
(8) How it works: Small onboard nuclear reactor delivers power to engines State of play: Provocative suggestion as post-2050 solution for powering commercial airliners Latest action: Idea floated by Cranfield Professor Ian Poll in October 2008; previously researched by US and Soviet sides during the Cold War in the hope of keeping bombers airborne without refuelling, and featured on fictional nuclear airliner in the cult 1965 TV animation Thunderbirds Downsides: Practicality, image, radioactive shielding, accident risk, vulnerability to terrorism, nuclear proliferation Likeliest prospects: Idea that refuses to die The vision?
(9) Perhaps they were paying Conservative HQ back for airbrushing their own leader into a non-credible Thunderbird?
(10) The newly appointed secretary of state for culture, media and sport is a devotee of Star Trek and Thunderbirds and a heavy metal fan known to sing karaoke versions of Smoke on the Water and Bat out of Hell.
(11) This remark recalled the kind of messaging that turned the brilliant, warm Julia Gillard into a bogan Thunderbird.
(12) Also Thursday, the pilot of a US Air Force Thunderbird ejected safely into a Colorado field, crashing the fighter jet moments after flying over a crowd watching Barack Obama’s commencement address for Air Force cadets.
(13) Some might see her and Brooke as the Thelma and Louise of a coalition, driving over the cliff towards electoral defeat, she said, but this would not be the case "because unlike a 1966 Thunderbird, the coalition is right-hand drive".
(14) But this remark recalled the kind of loathed campaign messaging that turned the brilliant, funny and warm Julia Gillard into a bogan Thunderbird for nearly her entire time as prime minister.
(15) The Lib Dems have targeted airbrushing ( a topical theme as David Cameron was mocked for looking like a "non-credible Thunderbird" in a poster campaign) to "help protect children and young people from developing negative body images".
(16) If Gmail users could only send email to other Gmail users, and my Thunderbird desktop email software could only send to others using the same package, email would soon turn into a monopoly controlled by one company.