(1) Maternal alloimmunization against fetal platelets can cause fetal and neonatal thrombocytopenia (NAIT).
(2) Improvements in antenatal diagnosis and in utero therapy facilitate appropriate management of pregnancy at risk for NAIT.
(3) There is evidence that in certain cases antibodies against blood group antigens A or B may cause NAIT.
(4) Recent evidence that NAIT is more common than has previously been recognised, a better understanding of the molecular basis of platelet serology and advances in technology, which have made it possible to take blood samples from fetuses and transfuse them in utero, have all contributed to a growing interest in this condition.
(5) Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) is caused by platelet antigen incompatibility between the mother and fetus.
(6) Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) occurs when maternal alloantibodies to antigens present on fetal platelets cause their immune destruction resulting in thrombocytopenia in the newborn infant or fetus.
(7) Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) is due to fetomaternal incompatibility for platelet specific antigens, most frequently HPA-1a (PLA1) and HPA-5b (BRa).
(8) A 31 year old woman was assessed following delivery of her second child affected by neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT).
(9) An immune response to human platelet antigens (HPA), as in neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) and post-transfusion purpura (PTP), is the exception rather than the rule and evidence is accumulating for the importance of human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class II restriction in this situation.
(10) This report of an unaffected pregnancy in a woman with a history of previous pregnancies complicated by NAIT illustrates the role of paternal and fetal platelet phenotyping in managing existing pregnancies at risk of NAIT.
(11) The sera of 219 Zwa-positive mothers who gave birth to children with clinically suspected neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) were tested for platelet-reactive antibodies using the platelet adhesion immunofluorescence test and a glycoprotein-specific immunoassay (MAIPA).
(12) Because there is high risk that subsequent pregnancies might be also affected by NAIT, the mothers of a previously affected child should be managed similarly to the HPA-1b mothers (PIA2, Zwb).
(13) Platelet specific alloantibodies cause neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT), posttransfusion purpura (PTP) and may be found in patients who are refractory to HLA-matched platelet transfusion.
(14) In accordance with established criteria, the Sra antigen represents the first example of a "private" platelet alloantigen that bears significance in rare instances of NAIT.
(15) We report our experience with the serological diagnosis of 14 NAIT cases using new performing techniques such as western blotting (WB) and MAIPA (monoclonal antibody specific immobilization of platelet antigens).
(16) This is a report of 39 cases of NAIT involving the HPA-5b antigen.
(17) Bra antibodies were from mothers of children with neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT), and anti-Brb was found in the serum of a polytransfused patient.
(18) NAIT is mainly due to alloimmunization; the frequency varying among ethnic groups.
(19) Immunization against these alloantigens is implicated in NAIT and poly-transfused patients.
(20) In the serum of a mother who gave birth to a child with the typical clinical picture of NAIT we found an antibody directed against the new platelet antigen Sra.
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Example Sentences:
(1) The standard error of prediction for each equation is slightly less than that for predicting WAIS IQ from the NART.
(2) Inclusion of NART estimated IQs in the analyses resulted in significantly greater discrimination than was achieved by WAIS IQs alone.
(3) However, within the sample with schizophrenia, NART estimated pre-morbid IQ was significantly higher than currently measured intellectual abilities.
(4) This tape was then 'scored' for accuracy of pronunciation by 10 experienced clinical psychologists who use the NART in their routine clinical practice.
(5) The Vocabulary performance of the depressed group was significantly poorer than controls but there was no significant difference in NART performance.
(6) The danger in using the NART for this purpose is that it yields an invalid estimate if a client's performance on the test has suffered impairment.
(7) Although the NART has been shown to hold in dementia, depression and head injury, reports to date have inferred premorbid IQs with no actual data on premorbid functioning.
(8) Fifteen normal elderly control subjects were administered the WAIS and the NART.
(9) For most subjects in the community the NART was found acceptable as a measure of premorbid intelligence.
(10) The National Adult Reading Test (NART: Nelson, 1982) has become the standard means of estimating premorbid intelligence.
(11) This study undertook a double cross-validation of the NART on a neurologically normal sample (N = 104) and on a clinically relevant sample (49 aged subjects).
(12) NART was found to be strongly related to current level of cognitive function as measured by the Mini Mental State Examination and CAMCOG-the neuropsychological battery of the Cambridge Examination for Mental Disorders in the Elderly.
(13) Total NART scores predicted in this way were highly significantly correlated with the actual NART score for all groups.
(14) In addition to the NART, a battery of neuropsychological tests was administered to 18 AD and 20 elderly control subjects at yearly intervals over 3 years.
(15) When demographic variability between the groups was controlled for, there were no group differences in terms of NART performance.
(16) The validity of the NART in estimating premorbid ability in Alcoholic Korsakoff Syndrome (AKS) is examined in the present study.
(17) There was no significant difference in NART performance between control subjects and the alcoholic dementia, DAT, MID, and CHI groups.
(18) Associations between the NART and other cognitive measures yielded few significant results.
(19) NART scores were significantly correlated with dementia severity in AD subjects at final testing only, suggesting that the NART is sensitive to dementia severity only at the later stages of the disease.
(20) A highly significant correlation between the NART and VF was obtained indicating that premorbid ability should be taken into account when interpreting VF performance.