What's the difference between nativist and nativistic?



  • (n.) An advocate of nativism.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Nativist xenophobia was intense, even if most immigration had come to a halt with legislation passed in the previous decade.
  • (2) If Dempsey was coming I would of been spilled the beans #foodforthought August 2, 2013 However, a cold look at the facts shows that the truth lies in between the world of nativists and eurosnobs.
  • (3) Denmark has a more restrictive and "nativist" approach to immigration.
  • (4) By 1849, when the xenophobic “Order of the Star Spangled Banner” society was formed in New York to back nativist candidates, anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant tensions were running high and, over the next few years, the Know Nothings coalesced, winning numerous local and state elections.
  • (5) That phrase has long been off-limits in US discourse, because it was the name of the movement – packed with nativists and antisemites, and personified by the celebrity aviator Charles Lindbergh – that sought to keep the US out of the war against Nazi Germany and to make an accommodation with Hitler.
  • (6) Brexit Britain, like Trump’s America, is being held up by those far-right leaders as a beacon to light their countries’ way to the nativist (white), protectionist and illiberal future they have long aspired to.
  • (7) The opportunity for nativists such as Golden Dawn to further exacerbate social and economic tensions for political gain is alarmingly significant,” Sitilides said, referring to the neo-fascist party that is Greece’s third biggest political force.
  • (8) Recent challenges from a variety of fields suggest a re-examination of the nativist position and its implications for child language and communication research and theory.
  • (9) After Britain’s EU referendum and the election of Donald Trump in the US (read more on the connections between the two here and here ), a PVV victory could be seen as fitting a developing narrative of nativist, anti-establishment movements on the rise.
  • (10) Thinking Conservative sceptics are not adopting the careless nativist nationalism of the ultra Europhobes and Ukip.
  • (11) Inevitably, the nativist concludes that the move will work out best for both MLS and the player.
  • (12) Under Cameron, the Conservatives, who had lost two prime ministers to the question of Europe, were able to abandon the most nativist elements of their base in order to pursue votes in the centre, rebranding themselves as the sensible party of British modernity.
  • (13) Those forces, for which Euroscepticism is a wholly inadequate word, range from crude racism and nativist dislike of immigrants, to humble patriotism and yearning for a maybe imaginary lost age.
  • (14) Everywhere, European politicians fear nativist backlashes or build their careers by inciting backlashes of their own.
  • (15) Nativists could respond: "If that's so, then why did Dempsey leave it?"
  • (16) In Mumbai, nativists have ensured that almost every new building is named after the 17th-century warrior-king Shivaji, and as I read about the splendours of the new terminal at Chhatrapati Shivaji, I couldn't help thinking about another Chhatrapati Shivaji terminus across town – a hyperkinetic railway station that used to be known as the Victoria terminus.
  • (17) With his National Rifle Association hat and rakish gait, he looks like a nativist from central casting, but he's a genial 70-year-old with a good sense of humour.
  • (18) That is why nativist parties always play best during times of recession, when resources are scarce and people are looking for someone to blame.
  • (19) This was not a vote that neatly pitted globalists against nativists or “the populists” against “the establishment”.
  • (20) As shown in a recent report by the Chicago-based Center for New Community, as well as our latest report , the Trump administration is full of people with links to the “nativist” movement who are either part of or have extensive links with America’s organised anti-Muslim movement.



  • (a.) Relating to nativism.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Nativist xenophobia was intense, even if most immigration had come to a halt with legislation passed in the previous decade.
  • (2) If Dempsey was coming I would of been spilled the beans #foodforthought August 2, 2013 However, a cold look at the facts shows that the truth lies in between the world of nativists and eurosnobs.
  • (3) Denmark has a more restrictive and "nativist" approach to immigration.
  • (4) By 1849, when the xenophobic “Order of the Star Spangled Banner” society was formed in New York to back nativist candidates, anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant tensions were running high and, over the next few years, the Know Nothings coalesced, winning numerous local and state elections.
  • (5) That phrase has long been off-limits in US discourse, because it was the name of the movement – packed with nativists and antisemites, and personified by the celebrity aviator Charles Lindbergh – that sought to keep the US out of the war against Nazi Germany and to make an accommodation with Hitler.
  • (6) Brexit Britain, like Trump’s America, is being held up by those far-right leaders as a beacon to light their countries’ way to the nativist (white), protectionist and illiberal future they have long aspired to.
  • (7) The opportunity for nativists such as Golden Dawn to further exacerbate social and economic tensions for political gain is alarmingly significant,” Sitilides said, referring to the neo-fascist party that is Greece’s third biggest political force.
  • (8) Recent challenges from a variety of fields suggest a re-examination of the nativist position and its implications for child language and communication research and theory.
  • (9) After Britain’s EU referendum and the election of Donald Trump in the US (read more on the connections between the two here and here ), a PVV victory could be seen as fitting a developing narrative of nativist, anti-establishment movements on the rise.
  • (10) Thinking Conservative sceptics are not adopting the careless nativist nationalism of the ultra Europhobes and Ukip.
  • (11) Inevitably, the nativist concludes that the move will work out best for both MLS and the player.
  • (12) Under Cameron, the Conservatives, who had lost two prime ministers to the question of Europe, were able to abandon the most nativist elements of their base in order to pursue votes in the centre, rebranding themselves as the sensible party of British modernity.
  • (13) Those forces, for which Euroscepticism is a wholly inadequate word, range from crude racism and nativist dislike of immigrants, to humble patriotism and yearning for a maybe imaginary lost age.
  • (14) Everywhere, European politicians fear nativist backlashes or build their careers by inciting backlashes of their own.
  • (15) Nativists could respond: "If that's so, then why did Dempsey leave it?"
  • (16) In Mumbai, nativists have ensured that almost every new building is named after the 17th-century warrior-king Shivaji, and as I read about the splendours of the new terminal at Chhatrapati Shivaji, I couldn't help thinking about another Chhatrapati Shivaji terminus across town – a hyperkinetic railway station that used to be known as the Victoria terminus.
  • (17) With his National Rifle Association hat and rakish gait, he looks like a nativist from central casting, but he's a genial 70-year-old with a good sense of humour.
  • (18) That is why nativist parties always play best during times of recession, when resources are scarce and people are looking for someone to blame.
  • (19) This was not a vote that neatly pitted globalists against nativists or “the populists” against “the establishment”.
  • (20) As shown in a recent report by the Chicago-based Center for New Community, as well as our latest report , the Trump administration is full of people with links to the “nativist” movement who are either part of or have extensive links with America’s organised anti-Muslim movement.

Words possibly related to "nativist"

Words possibly related to "nativistic"