What's the difference between navel and remain?



  • (n.) A mark or depression in the middle of the abdomen; the umbilicus. See Umbilicus.
  • (n.) The central part or point of anything; the middle.
  • (n.) An eye on the under side of a carronade for securing it to a carriage.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The cryptoxanthin esters varied from 5 to 10% of the total carotenoids in Valencia orange juice concentrates and from 10 to 15% of the total carotenoids in Navel orange juice concentrates.
  • (2) The sniping followed an article by Cameron in the Sunday Times , in which he called on the coalition to provide a "strong, decisive and united government" in the wake of acrimonious splits over Lords reform, warning that the public will not stand for "division and navel-gazing" at a time of social and economic insecurity.
  • (3) The cut of the skin makes two flaps suppressing the navel which is generally salient.
  • (4) Similarly, devices used in the cutting of the umbilical cord and placenta were not properly sterilized and potentially dangerous substances were applied at the navel after cutting the umbilical cord or placenta.
  • (5) A place to study your navel, if you can still locate it.
  • (6) The simian and human Navel strains comprised a single serogroup, distinct from the established Mycoplasma and Acholeplasma species of the class Mollicutes.
  • (7) Retropneumooperitoneum following the increasingly popular method of intermittent respiration by above atmospheric pressure respiration of the newborn is now more frequently observed, as is necrosis of the wall of the bladder by instillation of medication and catheters in the arteries of the navel.
  • (8) Revealed: how developers exploit flawed planning system to minimise affordable housing Read more The furore over the opening of the cafe in late 2014 exemplified the problem with hipster-hating: that it is often little more than middle-class navel-gazing.
  • (9) Incidentally, I'm aware this is Olympic-level navel gazing, but you're a human being with free will who can stop reading any time.
  • (10) An increased incidence of lesions of the navel, hocks, and nares was observed, but regression analyses showed them to be relatively unimportant in the determination of body weights.
  • (11) His torso was cut open, gashed deep to the navel, and the index finger of his right hand torn off.
  • (12) The authors describe an umbilical anomaly marked by confluent erythematous and crusted plaques, spreading beyond the navel limits and histologically regarded as a choristia that is to say a displacement of intestinal tissue within the epidermis.
  • (13) During the course of observation, navel-like lesions developed in one of the other 27 eyes with other abnormalities and in 4 of the 17 eyes without any abnormality.
  • (14) A 16-month-old girl was referred to our clinic with a complaint of a cystic mass in the region of the navel.
  • (15) We will not take the Senate for granted in 2015, as perhaps sometimes we were tempted to do in 2014, but the important thing is not to navel gaze, it’s not to focus on ourselves; the important thing it to get on with the job of being a better government today than we were yesterday, being a better government tomorrow than we are today.” The defence minister, Kevin Andrews, dismissed suggestions Abbott should step down.
  • (16) In a 1969 European title defence at the Palazzo dello Sport in Rome, against another Italian, Piero Tomasoni, Cooper suffered the lowest blow of his career – a dent seven inches below his navel in the aluminium cup covering his genitals.
  • (17) In spite of isopropanol being reported as a more efficient skin disinfectant than ethanol in several experimental models, no significant differences were seen in the frequency of navel colonization or in infection rates between the two treatment groups.
  • (18) People-watching, navel-gazing, and gentle meandering are all that are really required of you, and doing so little actually allows you to find yourself too.
  • (19) Yet this is rarely what mainstream politics is now about.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Jon Glasby ‘It’s not about ivory towers or navel gazing, it’s about high quality research making a dfference to people’s lives’ Jon Glasby, professor and head of school designate, school of social policy, University of Birmingham, says: “With so much emphasis on Stem, social sciences can sometimes appear to take a back seat.
  • (20) Interestingly, in the conical incisor teeth, the enamel navel, septum and knot are absent, and Hox-8 has a symmetrical expression pattern.



  • (v. i.) To stay behind while others withdraw; to be left after others have been removed or destroyed; to be left after a number or quantity has been subtracted or cut off; to be left as not included or comprised.
  • (v. i.) To continue unchanged in place, form, or condition, or undiminished in quantity; to abide; to stay; to endure; to last.
  • (v. t.) To await; to be left to.
  • (n.) State of remaining; stay.
  • (n.) That which is left; relic; remainder; -- chiefly in the plural.
  • (n.) That which is left of a human being after the life is gone; relics; a dead body.
  • (n.) The posthumous works or productions, esp. literary works, of one who is dead; as, Cecil's

Example Sentences:

  • (1) However, as other patients who lived at the periphery of the Valserine valley do not appear to be related to any patients living in the valley, and because there has been considerable immigration into the valley, a number of hypotheses to explain the distribution of the disease in the region remain possible.
  • (2) These studies led to the following conclusions: (a) all the prominent NHP which remain bound to DNA are also present in somewhat similar proportions in the saline-EDTA, Tris, and 0.35 M NaCl washes of nuclei; (b) a protein comigrating with actin is prominent in the first saline-EDTA wash of nuclei, but present as only a minor band in the subsequent washes and on washed chromatin; (c) the presence of nuclear matrix proteins in all the nuclear washes and cytosol indicates that these proteins are distributed throughout the cell; (d) a histone-binding protein (J2) analogous to the HMG1 protein of K. V. Shooter, G.H.
  • (3) "As the investigation remains live and in order to preserve the integrity of that investigation, it would not be appropriate to offer further comment."
  • (4) Snooker, which became and remains a fixture in the BBC2 schedules, was chosen for showing because it is the sport in which different shades are most significant.
  • (5) The constitution of chromosomes in the two plasmacytomas remained remarkably stable in their homogeneous modal population.
  • (6) The purpose of the present study was to report on remaining teeth and periodontal conditions in a population of 200 adolescent and adult Vietnamese refugees.
  • (7) Fifteen sera ICA-IgG and ICA-protein A positive with high titres remained positive thereafter.
  • (8) By 24 hr, rough endoplasmic reticulum in thecal cells increased from 4.2 to 7% of cell volume, while the amount in granulosa cells increased from less than 3.5% to more than 10%; the quantity remained relatively constant in the theca but declined to prestimulation values in the granulosa layer.
  • (9) The present findings indicate that the deafferented [or isolated] hypothalamus remains neuronally isolated from the environment if the operation is carried out later than the end of the first week of life.
  • (10) In conclusion, abdominal Marlex-mesh rectopexy can be recommended as safe and effective treatment for rectal prolapse, despite some patients developing constipation and some remaining incontinent.
  • (11) The remaining case had a calibre persistent submucosal artery within the caecum that was found incidentally in a resection specimen.
  • (12) Other haematological parameters remained normal, with the exception of the absolute number of lymphocytes, which initially fell sharply but soon returned to, and even exceeded, control levels.
  • (13) Minimal levels were evident 16 weeks after irradiation; Hct then increased, but remained below preirradiation values.
  • (14) The norepinephrine values remained constant on the three days.
  • (15) Medication remained effective during the average observation time of 22 months.
  • (16) As players, we want what's right, and we feel like no one in his family should be able to own the team.” The NBA has also said that Shelly Sterling should not remain as owner.
  • (17) Because of the small number of patients reported in the world literature and lack of controlled studies, the treatment of small cell carcinoma of the larynx remains controversial; this retrospective analysis suggests that combination chemotherapy plus radiation offers the best chance for cure.
  • (18) Of course the job is not done and we will continue to remain vigilant to all risks, particularly when the global economic situation is so uncertain,” the chancellor said in a statement.
  • (19) As May delivered her statement in the chamber, police helicopters hovered overhead and a police cordon remained in place around Westminster, but MPs from across the political spectrum were determined to show that they were continuing with business as usual.
  • (20) Maximal aberration yields were observed for 2,4-diaminotoluene, 2,6-diaminotoluene and cytosine beta-D-arabinofuranoside from 17 to 21 h, eugenol from 15 to 21 h, cadmium sulfate from 15 to 24 h and 2-aminobiphenyl, from 17 to 24 h. For adriamycin at 1 microM, the % aberrant cells remained elevated throughout the period from 9 to 29 h, while small increases at 0.1 microM ADR were found only at 13 and at 25 h. For most chemicals the maximal aberration yield occurred at a different time for each concentration tested.