(1) That led the company’s chief executive, Dick Costolo, to admit that the service wasn’t easy enough for newbies to get their head around.
(2) Lord Newby of Rothwell, the Lib Dem chief whip in the Lords, said Strathclyde was "extremely helpful and supportive" when he took up his post.
(3) He said he would also back a suggestion by his Lib Dem colleague Lord Newby that the tax relief on pensions for higher rate tax payers be ended.
(4) Newbies are unceremoniously sat down in front of their machines and given their assignments.
(5) Through Connolly, he met George Orwell and Arthur Koestler , who became regular contributors; in later years, he appointed Eric Newby as the travel editor, persuaded Alan Ross to write on cricket and employed Gavin Young and the brilliant but deeply troubled John Gale, whose Clean Young Englishman is one of the finest English autobiographies.
(6) beta-Adrenergic stimulation of rat parotid acinar cells markedly increases [3H]mannose incorporation into N-linked glycoproteins [Kousvelari, Grant, Banerjee, Newby & Baum (1984) Biochem.
(7) Lord Newby, a Lib Dem peer, is one of the commissioners.
(8) Lord Newby, the party's chief whip in the Lords, said the "bleak reality" was that any reform would not get through the Lords and would have to be forced through under the Parliament Act.
(9) Coyle is a parliamentary newbie elected only in May, so we might cordially warn him and all those Labour and Conservative MPs who have shrieked about “bullying” that they spent this week in presentational danger of reducing a bombing campaign to what Alfred Hitchcock called a MacGuffin – “a plot device that motivates the characters and advances the story”, but which is often unimportant in itself.
(10) 3 Top Dogs love a tit massage It's pretty much guaranteed that a newbie will lose all their valuables to Top Dog, like Yvonne from Bad Girls.
(11) Handing a newbie the keys to 28 Barbary Lane is one of life's simplest joys – like Mrs Madrigal taping a joint to Mary Ann's door on her first night.
(12) Newby said he believed that it would be near to impossible to trigger article 50 on 9 March, but it would be possible by the following week.
(13) The enzyme purified from rat liver exhibits a molecular mass of 73 kDa in agreement with published data [Bailyes, E.M., Soos, M., Jackson, P., Newby, A. C., Siddle, K. & Luzio, J.P. (1984) Biochem.
(14) However, Newby said he believed Labour peers were more independently minded and many could even be persuaded to back a Lib Dem amendment on a second referendum, given the timing of the Lords vote after the crucial Stoke and Copeland byelections .
(15) Newby said he expected around 230 Labour and Lib Dem peers to back an amendment on EU citizens, as well as most of the crossbenchers and at least two Tory peers.
(16) Lord Newby of Rothwell said Strathclyde was "extremely helpful and supportive" when he took up his post as Lib Dem leader in the upper house.
(17) Threats that the government would reform the Lords if it did not pass the bill quickly were empty, Newby said.
(18) These people are not newbie grads who don’t have a clue’ You might have private healthcare insurance already and think this doesn’t apply to you.
(19) Since 1969, when PH Newby was named the first winner, the Booker has been open only to citizens of the Commonwealth and Ireland but next year it will be open to anyone writing fiction in English.
(20) These people are not newbie grads who don’t have a clue.
Example Sentences:
(1) Made by Neal Street Productions, the indie Harris founded almost a decade ago with her childhood friend Sam Mendes and former Donmar Warehouse executive producer Caro Newling, the films have attracted widespread praise for their ambition and quality .
(2) Then I bumped into producer Caro Newling at a party.