What's the difference between oav and ova?



Example Sentences:

  • (1) Lambs inoculated with OAV-6 or P haemolytica developed mild and moderate respiratory tract disease of 6 and 3 days' duration, respectively.
  • (2) Colostrum-deprived lambs (10 to 20 days old) were inoculated with either ovine adenovirus type 6 (OAV-6; n = 6), Pasteurella haemolytica type A1 (n = 6), or OAV-6 followed by P haemolytica 5 days later (n = 10).
  • (3) The OAV produced at this Institute significantly reduced the lung lesions at P less than 0.05 level compared with its control group when challenged with P. haemolytica alone.
  • (4) This further supports the probable association between HFM, GS, OAV, and M. Fusions were the most prevalent cervical spine malformation encountered.
  • (5) Virus RTS-151 was identified as OAV type 6, although the serologic crossing was largely one-sided.
  • (6) Serum samples collected from lambs at weaning, from lambs with signs of respiratory disease, and 3 weeks following the onset of clinical signs were tested for antibodies to ovine adenovirus (OAV), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and parainfluenza type-3 virus (PI-3).
  • (7) Our patients show that in some instances a definite diagnosis can be difficult within the wide clinical picture of the OAV complex.
  • (8) However, the clinical characteristics were clearly more severely expressed than generally found in patients with OAVS.
  • (9) Recognition of the pulmonary malformations associated with OAV may lead clinicians to consider a diagnostic measure such as flexible fiberoptic endoscopy in the evaluation of infants with craniofacial malformations and respiratory distress.
  • (10) The clinical features are compared to 15 published cases of OAVS and hydrocephalus.
  • (11) Antibody to OAV-6 was detected in virus-inoculated lambs as early as day 6 after inoculation.
  • (12) Oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia (OAV) is a heterogeneous field defect involving the first and second branchial arches and is characterized by microtia, mandibular hypoplasia, vertebral anomalies, and epibulbar dermoids.
  • (13) Two ovine adenovirus (OAV) strains (RTS-42 and RTS-151), isolated from lambs in the central United States, were compared using 2-way cross-neutralization tests with the 6 recognized OAV species, 9 bovine adenovirus species, and 4 porcine species.
  • (14) There is increasing evidence that hemifacial microsomia (HFM), Goldenhar syndrome (GS), and oculoauriculovertebral dysplasia (OAV) are part of a spectrum within a single entity.
  • (15) Virus RTS-42 was identified as OAV type 5, confirming previous results.
  • (16) Vertebral malformations are pathognomonic of OAV, but they have also been described in HFM and GS.
  • (17) In this investigation we studied the frequency and type of cervical spine malformations in HFM, GS, OAV, and M. Our findings show that the frequency of cervical spine malformations in HFM and M was greater than values for a normal population.
  • (18) We describe the phenotypic characteristics of 25 individuals with oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum (OAVS) and its variants, seen in Northern Ireland between 1969-1989, with special reference to cardiovascular defects.
  • (19) We report the type and prevalence of cardiovascular findings and also estimate the minimum prevalence rate of OAVS to be 1 in 45,000.
  • (20) This oil-adjuvant vaccine (OAV) was used in the field in thirty-one herds in which enterotoxicosis due to E. coli was a recurrent problem.



  • (n. pl.) See Ovum.
  • (pl. ) of Ovum

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Since 1987, it has become possible to obtain immature ova from the living animal and to let them mature, fertilize and develop into embryos capable of transplantation outside the body.
  • (2) We previously found that transfected TNP-specific B cells undergo both Ca2+ signaling and desensitization upon interaction with the thymus-dependent Ag TNP-OVA.
  • (3) These observations indicated that OVA-binding B cells in the peripheral blood are already committed to producing IgM antibody and probably are the precursors of antibody-forming cells of the IgG or IgE class.
  • (4) Synchronously transferred ova showed no such developmental precocity.
  • (5) Trinitrophenyl (TNP) [coupled to ovalbumin (OVA)] was used as an internal antigen in prenatally trinitrobenzenesulphonic acid (TNBS)-treated mice and as an external antigen in prenatally untreated mice.
  • (6) In another experiment, animals were sacrificed on estrus of the next cycle and the oviducts examined for the number of ova.
  • (7) Over 90% of the anti-OVA antibodies were of the IgGl isotype with both adjuvants; OVA in alum induced slightly more IgGl anti-OVA antibodies than cFA.
  • (8) When the hybridoma was stimulated with OVA-pulsed APC, EGTA extracts of the cells contained GIF having affinity for OVA.
  • (9) Both syngeneic and allogeneic thymic epithelium endowed nude mice with the capacity to mount IgG antibody and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses to the T-dependent antigen ovalbumin (OVA).
  • (10) There was no statistical difference in the estradiol response up to the day of laparoscopic ova recovery for the two regimes.
  • (11) A small membranous sheet of the perivitelline layer (PL) isolated from freshly ovulated ova was incubated with cock spermatozoa, and morphological changes of PL and percentage of spermatozoa lacking acrosomes were observed during incubation.
  • (12) The biochemical and hormonal changes 48 hours after ovulation imply a role for the sympathetic transmitter NE in causing a contractile state of the ampulloisthmic region ("tube locking") for retention of ova prior to nidation in the uterine cavity.
  • (13) Silver staining (Howell and Black, 1980) was used in light and electron microscopic studies for detecting the localization of argentophilic nuclear proteins in fertilized ova and cleaving mouse embryos.
  • (14) In addition, a Boyle-van't Hoff plot was derived from exposing ova to hypotonic and hypertonic solutions ranging from 0.1 to 2.8 osmol.
  • (15) Micromanipulation of sperm and ova has been suggested as a means to produce progeny of two sires instead of a sire and dam.
  • (16) Melengestrol acetate-treated animals had significantly (P less than 0.5) fewer fertilized ova at 3 days after mating (50%) as compared with control animals (100%).
  • (17) The suppressing cells in the Ova ISC were shown to be irradiation sensitive, depleted by anti-theta antiserum and complement treatment, and did not absorb to glass bead columns.
  • (18) The target lesions included 1) pyoderma caused by Staphylococcus aureus, 2) cryptococcal infection, 3) dermal sporotrichosis, 4) colon ulcer caused by amebic dysentery, 5) cutaneous leishmaniasis, and 6) chronic liver abscess containing ova of Ascaris lumbricoides.
  • (19) The ova were cultured, in the presence of colchicine, for 26 h and metaphase preparations made of the first cleavage division.
  • (20) Ova are observed in vitro to rotate counterclockwise immediately following sperm attachment.

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