What's the difference between objectivity and reality?



  • (n.) The state, quality, or relation of being objective; character of the object or of the objective.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) We maximize an objective function that includes both total production rate and product concentration.
  • (2) Theoretical objections have been raised to the use of He-O2 as treatment regimen.
  • (3) The stepped approach is cost-effective and provides an objective basis for decisions and priority setting.
  • (4) The methodology, in algorithm form, should assist health planners in developing objectives and actions related to the occurrence of selected health status indicators and should be amenable to health care interventions.
  • (5) Further improvement of results will be possible by early operation, a desirable objective.
  • (6) It is proposed that microoscillations of the eye increase the threshold for detection of retinal target displacements, leading to less efficient lateral sway stabilization than expected, and that the threshold for detection of self motion in the A-P direction is lower than the threshold for object motion detection used in the calculations, leading to more efficient stabilization of A-P sway.
  • (7) The law would let people find out if partners had a history of domestic violence but is likely to face objections from civil liberties groups.
  • (8) The objective remission rate was 67%, and a subjective response was observed in 75% of all cases.
  • (9) The objective of this study was to examine the effects of different culture media used for maturation of bovine oocytes on in vitro embryo development following in vitro fertilization.
  • (10) Reversible male contraception is another objective that remains beyond our reach at present.
  • (11) Among the major symptoms were gastrointestinal disorders such as subjective and objective anorexia, nausea and vomiting.
  • (12) To alleviate these problems we developed an object-oriented user interface for the pipeline programs.
  • (13) The objective of this work was to determine the efficacy of an endoscopic approach coupled to a Nd:YAG laser fiber in performing arytenoidectomy.
  • (14) Since the employment of microwave energy for defrosting biological tissues and for microwave-aided diagnosis in cryosurgery is very promising, the problem of ensuring the match between the contact antennas (applicators) and the frozen biological object has become a pressing one.
  • (15) Technically speaking, this modality of brief psychotherapy is based on the nonuse of transferential interpretations, on impeding the regression od the patient, on facilitating a cognitice-affective development of his conflicts and thus obtain an internal object mutation which allows the transformation of the "past" into true history, and the "present" into vital perspectives.
  • (16) In this way complex interpretations can be made objective, so that they may be adequately tested.
  • (17) This paper provides an overview of the theory, indicating its contributions--such as a basis for individual psychotherapy of severe disorders and a more effective understanding of countertransference--and its shortcomings--such as lack of an explanation for the effects of physical and cognitive factors on object relatedness.
  • (18) Somewhat more children of both Head Start and the nursery school showed semantic mastery based on both heard and spoken identification for positions based on body-object relations (in, on, and under) than for those based on object-object relations (in fromt of, between, and in back of).
  • (19) The visual processes revealed in these experiments are considered in terms of inferred illumination and surface reflectances of objects in natural scenes.
  • (20) Among 71 evaluable patients 25% showed objective tumor response (three complete, 15 partial), at all three dose levels and irrespective of the major tumor site.



  • (n.) The state or quality of being real; actual being or existence of anything, in distinction from mere appearance; fact.
  • (n.) That which is real; an actual existence; that which is not imagination, fiction, or pretense; that which has objective existence, and is not merely an idea.
  • (n.) Loyalty; devotion.
  • (n.) See 2d Realty, 2.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The stages of mourning involve cognitive learning of the reality of the loss; behaviours associated with mourning, such as searching, embody unlearning by extinction; finally, physiological concomitants of grief may influence unlearning by direct effects on neurotransmitters or neurohormones, such as cortisol, ACTH, or norepinephrine.
  • (2) It helped pay the bills and caused me to ponder on the disconnection between theory and reality.
  • (3) But Howard added that it may take a while and he is not confident the political reality will change.
  • (4) Such a science puts men in a couple of scientific laws and suppresses the moment of active doing (accepting or refusing) as a sufficient preassumption of reality.
  • (5) Here is the reality of social mobility in modern Britain.
  • (6) Ukip and the Greens are beneficiaries of this new political reality – as, arguably, is the SNP as it prepares to invade Labour’s heartland in Scotland next May.
  • (7) The headteacher of the school featured in the reality television series Educating Essex has described using his own money to buy a winter coat for a boy whose parents could not afford one, in a symptom of an escalating economic crisis that has seen the number of pupils in the area taking home food parcels triple in a year.
  • (8) Reality set in once you got home to your parents and the regular neighborhood kids, and your thoughts turned to new notebooks for the school year and whether you got prettier while you were away and whether your crushes were going to notice.
  • (9) Historical reality suggests the concept of socially necessary risk determined through the dialectic process in democracy.
  • (10) By sharing insights and best practice expertise through [the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Sustainability Action Plan] esap and other platforms, Wrap believes business models such as trade-in services will be a reality in the next three to five years.” The actions of the 51 signatories to esap include: implementing new business models such as take-back and resale; extending product durability; and gaining greater value from reuse and recycling.
  • (11) In reality, one of those things – Mr Renzi’s fall – has come to pass; but the other – a Hofer win in Austria – has not.
  • (12) Dawson argued that the health profession has a history of thinking that social care can be "subsumed by medical decisions" when in reality they are two different cultures.
  • (13) The first problem facing Calderdale is sheep-rustling Happy Valley – filmed around Hebden Bridge, with its beautiful stone houses straight off the pages of the Guardian’s Lets Move To – may be filled with rolling hills and verdant pastures, but the reality of rural issues are harsh.
  • (14) The combination of cost control with universal, comprehensive coverage has surprised some American observers, who have questioned its reality, its sustainability, or both.
  • (15) The reality is I like football so much, I miss football, and when I have the chance to be back I will come back.” Mourinho, who was joined by his agent Jorge Mendes to speak to children at the NorthLight school as part of the Valencia chairman Peter Lim’s Olympic scholarship, added: “It’s quite a funny career.
  • (16) "The rise in those who are self-employed is good news, but the reality is that those who have turned to freelance work in order to pull themselves out of unemployment and those who have decided to work for themselves face a challenging tax maze that could land them in hot water should they get it wrong," says Chas Roy-Chowdhury, head of taxation at the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants.
  • (17) "It would be ridiculous to encourage shale gas when in reality its greenhouse gas footprint could be as bad as or worse than coal.
  • (18) Much criticism, though, is based on genuine misunderstanding or a wild misrepresentation of reality – even in the pages of prestigious newspapers.
  • (19) Saudi Arabia As one might imagine, Saudi television rather wants for the bounty we enjoy here - reality shows in which footballers' mistresses administer handjobs to barnyard animals, and all those other things which make living in the godless west such a pleasure.
  • (20) "I am the first to admit the difficult reality that many families face," he told supporters in a campaign speech last weekend.