(n.) That which obligates or constrains; the binding power of a promise, contract, oath, or vow, or of law; that which constitutes legal or moral duty.
(n.) Any act by which a person becomes bound to do something to or for anouther, or to forbear something; external duties imposed by law, promise, or contract, by the relations of society, or by courtesy, kindness, etc.
(n.) The state of being obligated or bound; the state of being indebted for an act of favor or kindness; as, to place others under obligations to one.
(n.) A bond with a condition annexed, and a penalty for nonfulfillment. In a larger sense, it is an acknowledgment of a duty to pay a certain sum or do a certain things.
Example Sentences:
(1) However, he has also insisted that North Korea live up to its own commitments, adhere to its international obligations and deal peacefully with its neighbours.
(2) Shorten said any arrangement needed to be consistent with international obligations, with asylum seekers afforded due process and their claims properly assessed.
(3) And this has opened up a loophole for businesses to be morally bankrupt, ignoring the obligations to its workforce because no legal conduct has been established.” Whatever the outcome of the pending lawsuits, it’s unlikely that just one model will work for everybody.
(4) If we’re waiting around for the Democratic version to sail through here, or the Republican version to sail through here, all those victims who are waiting for us to do something will wait for days, months, years, forever and we won’t get anything done.” Senator Bill Nelson, whose home state of Florida is still reeling from the Orlando shooting, said he felt morally obligated to return to his constituents with results.
(5) 45Calcium has been used to compare the kinetics for the transport and bioaccumulation of this regulatory cation in keratinocyte cultures of a kindred with HPS (i.e., one HPS homozygote, one HPS obligate heterozygote, one normal family member, and healthy adult controls).
(6) The department will consider the judgment to see whether it is obliged to rerun the consultation process.
(7) Physicians have an obligation to ensure that parents make a well-considered decision, and to provide them with counsel and support.
(8) As he told us: 'Individual faults and frailties are no excuse to give in and no exemption from the common obligation to give of ourselves.'
(9) Organisms of the genus Bacteroides represent the major group of obligate anaerobes involved in human infections.
(10) Considerations of different ways of obtaining informed consent, determining ways of minimizing harm, and justifications for violating the therapeutic obligation are discussed but found unsatisfactory in many respects.
(11) As commander in chief, I believe that taking care of our veterans and their families is a sacred obligation.
(12) A 20% discount will save the average first-time buyer £43,000 on a £218,000 home (the average cost paid by such buyers), which would leave a revenue shortfall of £8bn from income if current regulatory obligations had been retained on the 200,000 homes.
(13) Justice Hiley later suggested the conduct required by a doctor outside of his profession, as Chapman was describing it, was perhaps a “broad generality” and not specific enough “to create an ethical obligation.” “It’s no broader than the Hippocratic oath,” Chapman said in her reply.
(14) Asked by Marr if he knew if Ashcroft paid tax in this country, Hague said:" I'm sure he fulfils the obligations that were imposed on him at the time he became …" Marr: "Have you asked him?"
(15) These species are all obligately anaerobic, asaccharolytic, and generally nonreactive, and they grow poorly and slowly on media commonly used to isolate anaerobic bacteria.
(16) According to Swedish law, couples who are planning to marry are obliged to publish their address.
(17) In the present report we summarize our data on 144 obligate female carriers.
(18) But whether it arose from religious belief, from a noblesse oblige or from a sense of solidarity, duty in Britain has been, to most people, the foundation of rights rather than their consequence.
(19) No serious side effects were reported and none of the patients was obliged to terminate treatment because of side effects.
(20) This paper argues that although this is true of some types of obligation, including the ones discussed by Professor Kluge, it is by no means true of all.
(n.) Particularity.
(n.) A particular or peculiar case.
(n.) A contract or obligation under seal; a contract by deed; a writing, under seal, given as security for a debt particularly specified.
(n.) That for which a person is distinguished, in which he is specially versed, or which he makes an object of special attention; a speciality.
Example Sentences:
(1) Other articles in the series will look at particular legal problems in the dental specialties.
(2) Neuroradiology, originally developed through invasive techniques arising out of cooperation between radiology and neurosurgery, has today become a specialty which, thanks to its new non-invasive methods, can provide much information about diseases of the nervous system.
(3) The indices are based on patient-level data so they can be aggregated at any level (hospital, specialty, physician), are easy to use and interpret by hospitals, and provide an inexpensive method for evaluating hospital performance using existing databases.
(4) The panel stressed that students be taught strategies for obtaining the training necessary for postgraduate entry into a specialty area such as early intervention.
(5) The authors constructed personality profiles for the students who had chosen each of these seven specialty groupings, on the basis of t-tests and discriminant function analyses, and discuss these profiles and their associations with the students' specialty choices in the context of earlier research.
(6) An adequate mechanism to implement recertification can emerge only from the profession itself, working through the American Board of Medical Specialties and specialty boards.
(7) The authors discuss the appropriateness of teaching clinical pharmacology (CP) to fourth-year students, lectures in CP to fourth-, fifth- and sixth-year students in accordance with the study of the main clinical specialties (therapy, surgery, pediatrics, etc.
(8) The HMO and fee-for-service plans had similar prevalence of psychiatric disorder and similar access to specialty mental health care.
(9) The author argues that the expertise available from the specialty is of increasing importance to psychiatry as a whole, as more and more legal issues become relevant to the practice of general psychiatry, and should be actively encouraged and legitimized rather than ostracized.
(10) This paper examines the types of coping strategies used by two groups of persistent pain sufferers: one from a family practice clinic and the other from a specialty pain clinic.
(11) Because emergency medicine is a broad-based specialty, there is much leeway in the structure of resident education.
(12) A theoretical basis and an organizing framework are needed in this specialty field in order to assure that we are providing comprehensive and holistic care.
(13) For the decision involving adjuvant chemotherapy, specialty, hospital size, and presence of radiotherapy equipment on site were important predictors.
(14) To empower these nurses to respond effectively, it is imperative that the profession be reclarified as a specialty with a distinct philosophy and mission.
(15) The majority of nurses entering the specialty of rehabilitation have little or no previous rehabilitation experience.
(16) Results of questionnaire survey of 275 physicians of major clinical specialties are provided in regard to 26 aspects of medical expertise.
(17) Since the first use of lasers in ophthalmology in the early 1960s, applications for the medical laser have been found in many medical specialties.
(18) The parents should not be expected to be the "brokers" for various specialty services.
(19) Two services were identified, in which an increased LOS represented a difference in the practice patterns of physicians in these specialties, in comparison with those of other physicians in this area.
(20) Urologists were found to work short hours relative to other surgical specialties, and their operative work load ranked sixth among the ten surgical specialties.