(v. t.) To anticipate; to prevent by interception; to remove from the way or path; to make unnecessary; as, to obviate the necessity of going.
Example Sentences:
(1) The phenylalanine model allows the rapid assessment of whole body and muscle protein turnover from plasma samples alone, obviating the need for measurement of expired air CO2 production or enrichment.
(2) In this series, the association between the anomalous ductal insertion and biliary tract disease cannot be established, since the method of patient selection obviates any epidemiologic consideration.
(3) The intracellular localization of tachyzoites facilitated diagnosis by obviating potential confusion of extracellular tachyzoites with cellular debris or platelets.
(4) Still, there are some aspects of Palin’s channel to recommend it to the devoted movement conservative that isn’t necessarily already a fan of hers – especially its obviating the need to resort to Palinology.
(5) Thorough monitoring during surgery, careful selection of patients, and close communication between the surgeon and anesthesiologist permit safe anesthesia, can decrease operating time, and usually obviate the need for transfusions.
(6) Cotrel-Dubousset instrumentation (CDI) has been gaining popularity in scoliosis surgery because of their improved rigidity which can obviate the need for a brace in most cases.
(7) Postoperative radiotherapy appeared to be effective in obviating local recurrence in patients with adenoid cystic carcinoma of the trachea.
(8) Dosage adjustments usually obviate unwanted effects except for paradoxical reactions such as hostility.
(9) Using nuclear runoff transcription assays we demonstrated that alpha interferon-mediated induction of transcription of four mRNAs in HeLa monolayer cells needed ongoing protein synthesis and that such a need could be obviated by pretreating the cells with gamma interferon which, by itself, did not induce transcription of these mRNAs.
(10) It obviates the need for excision in patients who fulfill the aforementioned criteria.
(11) In summary, endoscopic dilatation for postgastroplasty strictures is a useful and effective technique, obviating the need for operative revision in the majority of patients; however, when the stenosis is associated with channel angulation, dilatation is almost uniformly unsuccessful.
(12) To obviate this problem, we have covalently attached deferoxamine to high molecular weight carbohydrates such as dextran and hydroxyethyl starch.
(13) Serum components inhibit DNA polymerase, thereby obviating direct detection of serum viral DNA sequences by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
(14) Sources say Elisabeth, who turned 44 on Wednesday, has no desire to leave Britain and believes her father can carry on for at least another 10 years, obviating any need for a succession decision.
(15) Gastric resection may still be unavoidable as a diagnostic procedure in a minority of cases and may represent the primary therapeutic procedure in clinically assessed early-stage and low-risk patients, but it cannot be considered mandatory whenever possible merely for debulking purposes or to obviate possible perforation or hemorrhage.
(16) The use of a malleable curved disposable suction cautery for the control of any persistent bleeding at the conclusion of adenoidectomy in over 1000 cases has prevented any primary postoperative hemorrhages from the nasopharynx, and obviated the need for post-nasal packing.
(17) These responses can be obviated by intravascular volume expansion.
(18) In older patients the finding could be misinterpreted as evidence of extracranial cerebrovascular disease, but clinical considerations should obviate unnecessary neuroradiological diagnostic procedures.
(19) Elective caesarean section at 38 weeks' gestation may obviate the problem, since it prevents trauma during vaginal delivery but it will not eliminate neurological sequelae in those infants who have already suffered antenatal intracranial bleeding, an entity now well described in these fetuses.
(20) Timely intervention by other diagnostic modalities may obviate the consideration of chemotherapy in cases where there are no liver metastases.
Example Sentences:
(1) The results of the evaluation confirm that most problems seen by first level medical personnel in developing countries are simple, repetitive, and treatable at home or by a paramedical worker with a few safe, essential drugs, thus avoiding unnecessary visits to a doctor.
(2) There is no evidence that health-maintenance organizations reduce admissions in discretionary or "unnecessary" categories; instead, the data suggest lower admission rates across the board.
(3) This may result in the unnecessary implementation of antidotal therapy.
(4) Thus, the enzyme-immunoassay shows specificity and sensitivity comparable to radioimmunoassay making use of radioactive tracer unnecessary.
(5) It is important to be aware of the histological characteristics of this essentially benign condition so that unnecessary radical therapies can be avoided.
(6) However, patients can be taught how to retard the onset of wrinkles by avoiding unprotected sun exposure, unnecessary facial movements, and certain sleeping positions.
(7) It is unnecessary to make any special more complicated incision designed to avoid lymphatics.
(8) In these cases, a thyroid scintiscan may avoid an unnecessary surgical intervention.
(9) The differentiation between the various modes of involvement is essential as some of them may be confused with recurrence and the clinician might resort to unnecessary drastic measures like enucleation.
(10) Check out the latest bill from Russia's parliament, the Duma: its aim is to ban the "unnecessary" usage of foreign words (in cases where there is a pre-existing Russian counterpart).
(11) Standard additions are unnecessary; Pt concentrations are read from a calibration chart of peak heights, which is linear up to 1.6 mg per liter.
(12) We encountered terrorists who wanted to kill us and we did everything we could to prevent unnecessary injury."
(13) Thus, modification in the dosage regimen of digoxin may be unnecessary in the case of coadministration with captopril.
(14) Only CT-guided or direct parasternal biopsy including immunhistochemistry can yield a reliable preoperative diagnosis and prevent unnecessary operation of lymphomas.
(15) The sonographic method, with a 97.7% specificity and a negative predictive value of 89.5%, proved to be specific enough to eliminate the necessity of routine catheterization for measuring residual bladder volumes of greater than or equal to 150 cm3, thus decreasing the incidence of some major postoperative complications that can occur due to unnecessary catheterization.
(16) With these scores we expect to facilitate the diagnostic screening, to indicate the way of therapy and to avoid unnecessary surgery for urinary incontinence in cases of motor-urge-incontinence (detrusor instability, unstable bladder), as long as a urodynamic examination is not feasible on every incontinent women.
(17) In some cases this has led to the misdiagnosis of mediastinal pathology and an unnecessary thoracotomy.
(18) No abdominal injuries were present in the group in whom the lavage results were negative, while no unnecessary laparotomies were performed in the group with a 4+ or 5+ positive DPL (calorimetric method).
(19) It would thus appear that repetition of the hCG injection at intervals of less than 4 days is unnecessary, and that a total stimulation period of 2-3 weeks is sufficient.
(20) The importance of ECG studies in these cases is stressed in order to establish the differential diagnosis and avoid unnecessary delays in the application of the proper therapy.