(adv.) In an occasional manner; on occasion; at times, as convenience requires or opportunity offers; not regularly.
Example Sentences:
(1) Histiocytes, lymphocytes, immunoblasts, and plasma cells were present in expanded paracortical regions which encroached on, and occasionally effaced, lymphoid follicles.
(2) While they may always be encumbered by censorship in a way that HBO is not, the success of darker storylines, antiheroes and the occasional snow zombie will not be lost in an entertainment industry desperate to maintain its share of the audience.
(3) Occasional vomits occur postoperatively in over half of patients but we are sceptical of the value of graded postoperative feeding regimens.
(4) The epithelium of Brunner's gland stained intensely with Ricinus communis agglutinin-I (RCA-I), succinylated-WGA (S-WGA) and wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA), moderately with Bandeirea simplicifolia agglutinin-I (BS-I), Concanavalia ensiformis agglutinin (Con A) peanut agglutinin (PNA) and Ulex europaeus agglutinin-I (UEA-I) and occasionally with Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA), Lens culinaris agglutinin (LCA) and soybean agglutinin (SBA).
(5) Our interest in the role of association brain structures during this behavior is not occasional.
(6) The region of the tentorium and straight sinus can occasionally give rise to a vermiform appearance (the "AVM artifact").
(7) It should also be realised that, in a very few hospitals, swabs which do not have an opaque marker may occasionally be used in theatre.
(8) He was often detained and occasionally beaten when he returned to Minsk for demonstrations, but “if he thought it was professional duty to uncover something, he did that no matter what threats were made,” Kalinkina said.
(9) Tissue sections, taken from foliate and circumvallate papillae, generally revealed taste buds in which all cells were immunoreactive; however, occasionally some taste buds were found to contain highly reactive individual cells adjacent to non-reactive cells.
(10) Her success has not been universally welcomed - anonymous colleagues are occasionally quoted in the media portraying her as "ambitious" and "bossy".
(11) Strains showing occasional antagonism at a particular proportion of concentrations of the test combination, were found to only be indifferent when the mean index of the fractional inhibition concentration of all checkerboard combinations was calculated.
(12) Occasionally, these aggregates coagulate and contract into a dense gel in the absence of MgATP or CaATP.
(13) The virus neutralizing (VN) titers were occasionally lower where the polyvalent vaccines were used when compared to those from chickens given the monovalent vaccines.
(14) Combining drugs may only occasionally be advisable to supplement a desired effect or to attenuate an unwanted one.
(15) Stimulation of this mechanism produced an average 58.9% reduction of the heart rate (calculated from 55 responsive points having more than 40% reduction) associated mostly with hypotension, or no change or occasionally a slight increase of the arterial blood pressure.
(16) In the progeny of the surviving males, neither translocations nor independent fragments are found; indirect evidence indicated the occasional presence of inversions.
(17) Occasionally symptomatic kinking of the internal carotid artery will require correction.
(18) At thoracic levels occasional neurons of the intermediolateral column cell group were NGF receptor positive.
(19) The PAF receptor antagonist SRI 63-072 in a dose of 0.6 mg, reversed by 70% the reduction of coronary flow within 2-4 min after its addition to the perfusate; ED50 was 0.4 mg. Bradycardia and arrhythmia were reduced; however, the normal electrical activity was only occasionally restored.
(20) Staphylococci were the predominant inhabitants of normal skin, whereas micrococci were found only occasionally in this environment.
Example Sentences:
(1) The distribution and configuration of the experimental ruptures were similar to those usually noted as complications of human myocardial infarction.
(2) Oculomotor paresis with cyclic spasms is a rare syndrome, usually noticeable at birth or developing during the first year of life.
(3) Histological studies showed that the resulting pancreatitis was usually mild to moderate, being severe only in association with sepsis.
(4) This treatment is usually well tolerated but not devoid of systemic effects.
(5) Findings on plain X-ray of the abdomen, using the usual parameters of psoas and kidney shadows in the Nigerian, indicate that the two communities studied are similar but urinary calculi and urinary tract distortion are significantly more prominent in the community with the higher endemicity of urinary schistosomiasis.
(6) As May delivered her statement in the chamber, police helicopters hovered overhead and a police cordon remained in place around Westminster, but MPs from across the political spectrum were determined to show that they were continuing with business as usual.
(7) Chloroquine induced large cytoplasmic vacuoles, whereas the other drugs (quinacrine, 4,4'-diethylaminoethoxyhexestrol, chlorphentermine, iprindole, 1-chloro-amitriptyline, clomipramine) caused formation of lamellated or crystalloid inclusions as usually seen in drug-induced lipidosis.
(8) Transformed mammalian cells express both the usual NADP-dependent trifunctional methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase-cyclohydrolase-synthetase as well as the bifunctional NAD-dependent methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase-cyclohydrolase.
(9) The main clinical symptom was pain, usually sciatica, while neurological symptoms were less common than they are in adults.
(10) The assumption was also corroborated using reagents from a family in which DR3 and DQw2 were not found in the usually described linkage.
(11) Responses to a monthly survey of 450-500 surveyors (usually 250-300 reply).
(12) Such complications as intracerebral haematoma or meningeal haemorrhage may occur during the usually benign course of the disease.
(13) Damage to this innervation is often initiated by childbirth, but appears to progress during a period of many years so that the functional disorder usually presents in middle life.
(14) The fall of a tyrant is usually the cause of popular rejoicing followed by public vengeance.
(15) The Pakistan government, led as usual by a general, was anxious to project the army's role as bringers of order to a country that was sliding quickly towards civil war.
(16) 16 tube (usually a Baker tube) was inserted by gastrostomy and advanced distally into the colon.
(17) The presenting feature was an anaemia unresponsive to usual therapy.
(18) Therefore, we examined the relationship between the usual number of drinks consumed per occasion and the incidence of fatal injuries in a cohort of US adults.
(19) I usually use them as a rag with which to clean the toilet but I didn’t have anything else to wear today because I’m so fat.” While this exchange will sound baffling to outsiders, to Brits it actually sounds like this: “You like my dress?
(20) Benign and malignant epithelial and soft tissue tumors of the skin were usually negatively stained with MoAb HMSA-2.