What's the difference between odontoblast and osteoblast?



  • (n.) One of the more or less columnar cells on the outer surface of the pulp of a tooth; an odontoplast. They are supposed to be connected with the formation of dentine.
  • (n.) One of the cells which secrete the chitinous teeth of Mollusca.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This heterogeneity of the osteoblast and odontoblast population suggests that the composition of the matrix produced by these cells also differs.
  • (2) The involution of crown odontoblasts after primary dentinogenesis in teeth of limited eruption is discussed.
  • (3) Following the decrease of alpha-tubulin reaction in ameloblasts and odontoblasts, their shapes and polarities changed dramatically.
  • (4) The localization of alkaline phosphatases in dentinogenically active rat incisor odontoblasts was studied by means of subcellular fractionation and electron microscopical histochemistry.
  • (5) While exposure of root surface dentin alone (negative control) produced no alterations, grinding the surface (positive control) caused noticeable changes in dentin, odontoblasts, and pulp.
  • (6) This layer had lysyl-oxidase (EC activity, 4-11 times higher than either the sub-odontoblast layer or central pulp tissue, and similar to that in chick aorta, one of the tissues richest in such activity.
  • (7) Cell migration and replication associated with odontoblast replacement occurring soon after pulp exposure in primate teeth were studied.
  • (8) However, when root resorption neared completion, inflammatory cells started to gradually infiltrate into the pulp, and odontoblasts began to degenerate.
  • (9) Immunohistochemical localization of various matrix molecules showed that the matrix glycoproteins fibronectin and tenascin are accumulated in the dental basement membrane at the time of odontoblast differentiation.
  • (10) HRP injected into the vascular system of normal animals 28 days of age and older was localized histochemically (from 5 to 90 min after injection) throughout the extracellular spaces of the maxillary dental pulps; however, the tracer did not penetrate beyond the tight junctions at the apical region of the odontoblast cell layer, and was absent from the predentin and dentin.
  • (11) To determine the size of the unprocessed form of DPP, Xenopus laevis oocytes were incubated in [32P]-phosphate-containing medium after microinjection of poly(A)+ mRNA extracted from the bovine odontoblasts.
  • (12) Three days after cavity preparation, newly differentiating odontoblasts took the place of the degenerated odontoblasts.
  • (13) By comparing the number and size of the odontoblasts responsible for dentinogenesis in 18 months old adult Xenopus laevis with the odontoblasts in the larval specimens, the conclusion was drawn that, despite the larger size of the adult teeth, the time involved in their development and replacement may well be of similar duration to the smaller larval teeth.
  • (14) Observations on denervated pulps as well as pulps in which nerve regeneration had taken place did not reveal any changes in the pattern of laminin-immunoreactivity in basement membranes or odontoblasts.
  • (15) The intense expression of pro-alpha 2(I) mRNA in odontoblasts of adult teeth suggests that even after the completion of primary dentin formation, they continue to synthesize heterotrimeric type I collagen molecules.
  • (16) Since the most characteristic protein synthesized by odontoblasts is the dentin phosphoprotein which is thought to regulate hydroxyapatite growth, its cellular and extracellular distribution was also studied.
  • (17) It is suggested that the lead line results from a direct effect of lead on the odontoblasts and other hard tissue-forming cells producing a rapid loss of intracellular calcium temporarily displaced by lead ions and a subsequent disturbance of local calcium metabolism.
  • (18) The higher oxygen tension improved the matrix formative function of odontoblasts.
  • (19) Early odontogenic induction induces the transformation of fibroblasts into cells with enzymatic activities similar to those of odontoblasts and the calcification of collagen fibers seen in one of our cases would express an early mineralization.
  • (20) The impression technique can result in reduction of the odontoblastic layer caused by drying of the dentin.



  • (n.) One of the protoplasmic cells which occur in the osteogenetic layer of the periosteum, and from or around which the matrix of the bone is developed; an osteoplast.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Blocking the heparin-binding domains of fibronectin inhibited osteoblast attachment by 40-45%, which is complementary to inhibition results previously obtained with the RGDS tetrapeptide.
  • (2) Human GH did not alter basal cyclic AMP levels in mouse osteoblasts.
  • (3) The detailed sequence of the expression of osteoblastic genes in situ has not been fully characterized.
  • (4) The present data indicate the osteoblast as a direct and specific target for ipriflavone and suggest that this compound may share intracellular transducing mechanisms with other antiosteoporotic hormones such as estrogen and calcitonin.
  • (5) The data suggest that after spaceflight there is a strong and rapid recovery mechanism for osteoblast differentiation that is not suppressed by physiological stress.
  • (6) The presence of alkaline phosphatase-positive cells forming woven bone in giant cell granulomas suggests that osteoblasts are present in the lesion.
  • (7) Marked declines in stainable bone-surface aluminum were associated with increases in bone formation rate and osteoblastic osteoid following deferoxamine.
  • (8) They were formed by budding off from the cytoplasmic projections of the osteoblastic tumor cells.
  • (9) In order to determine the specific action of cadmium on bone metabolism, the effect of cadmium on alkaline phosphatase activity, a marker enzyme of osteoblasts, was compared with that of other divalent heavy metal ions, i.e., zinc, manganese, lead, copper, nickel and mercury (10 microM each), using cloned osteoblast-like cells, MC3T3-E1.
  • (10) Osteoblast-like rat calvaria cells release specific insulin-like growth factor (IGF) carrier proteins (CPs).
  • (11) The osseous component consisted of immature woven bone trabeculae lined by abnormal osteoblasts with a fibroblastlike appearance.
  • (12) This heterogeneity of the osteoblast and odontoblast population suggests that the composition of the matrix produced by these cells also differs.
  • (13) ALP activity in PLF was stimulated but that of osteoblasts was inhibited under the hypoxic condition.
  • (14) WCM stimulated adenylate cyclase in osteoblast like cells, the dose-response curve paralleling that of hPTHrP(1-34).
  • (15) Sections of mitochondria from prenatal osteoblasts showed an average number of 10 granuales per mitochondrial section, whereas sections of mitochondria of postnatal osteoblasts showed only occasionally 1-2 granules per mitochondrial section.
  • (16) Zn was found in bone matrix, osteoblasts, osteocytes and hypertrophied chondrocytes.
  • (17) Gold(III) (Au(III)) up to 0.25 microM increased parathyroid hormone- and prostaglandin E2-sensitive chick osteoblast adenylate cyclase activity without affecting 5'-guanylylimidodiphosphate-stimulated enzyme activity.
  • (18) Biosynthesis of calcitroic acid has been demonstrated in two target cells of vitamin D, in the kidney and the osteoblastic cell line UMR-106.
  • (19) Cd-treated cells were well differentiated into osteoblasts morphologically, but the mineralization degree was lower than that of the controls.
  • (20) A monoclonal antibody (MBP 322), raised against a denatured form of a small collagenous bone protein, reacted strongly with osteoblastic cells but more moderately with alveolar bone.

Words possibly related to "odontoblast"

Words possibly related to "osteoblast"