What's the difference between old and queer?



  • (n.) Open country.
  • (superl.) Not young; advanced far in years or life; having lived till toward the end of the ordinary term of living; as, an old man; an old age; an old horse; an old tree.
  • (superl.) Not new or fresh; not recently made or produced; having existed for a long time; as, old wine; an old friendship.
  • (superl.) Formerly existing; ancient; not modern; preceding; original; as, an old law; an old custom; an old promise.
  • (superl.) Continued in life; advanced in the course of existence; having (a certain) length of existence; -- designating the age of a person or thing; as, an infant a few hours old; a cathedral centuries old.
  • (superl.) Long practiced; hence, skilled; experienced; cunning; as, an old offender; old in vice.
  • (superl.) Long cultivated; as, an old farm; old land, as opposed to new land, that is, to land lately cleared.
  • (superl.) Worn out; weakened or exhausted by use; past usefulness; as, old shoes; old clothes.
  • (superl.) More than enough; abundant.
  • (superl.) Aged; antiquated; hence, wanting in the mental vigor or other qualities belonging to youth; -- used disparagingly as a term of reproach.
  • (superl.) Old-fashioned; wonted; customary; as of old; as, the good old times; hence, colloquially, gay; jolly.
  • (superl.) Used colloquially as a term of cordiality and familiarity.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A 2.5-month-old child with cyanotic heart disease who required long-term PGE1 infusions; developed widespread periosteal reactions during the course of therapy.
  • (2) Yet the Tory promise of fiscal rectitude prevailed in England Alexander had been in charge of Labour’s election strategy, but he could not strategise a victory over a 20-year-old Scottish nationalist who has not yet taken her finals.
  • (3) A 61-year-old man experienced four bouts of pancreatitis in 1 year.
  • (4) A total of 104 evaluable patients 20-90 years old treated by direct vision internal urethrotomy a.m. Sachse for urethral strictures reported retrospectively via a questionnaire their sexual potency before and after internal urethrotomy.
  • (5) A 66-year-old woman with acute idiopathic polyneuritis (Landry-Guillain-Barré [LGB] syndrome) had normal extraocular movements, but her pupils did not react to light or accommodation.
  • (6) Scatchard analyses of binding data obtained with synaptosomal preparations from 17-day-old embryos revealed two T3 binding sites.
  • (7) A remarkable deterioration of prognosis with increasing age rises the question whether treatment with cytotoxic drugs should be tried in patients more than 60 years old.
  • (8) A specimen of a very early ovum, 4 to 6 days old, shown in the luminal form of imbedding before any hemorrhage has taken place, confirms that the luminal form of imbedding does occur.
  • (9) Data collection at the old hospital for comparison, however, was not always reliable.
  • (10) A leg ulcer in a 52-year-old renal transplant patient yielded foamy histiocytes containing acid-fast bacilli subsequently identified as a Runyon group III Mycobacterium.
  • (11) The 36-year-old teacher at an inner-city London primary school earns £40,000 a year and contributes £216 a month to her pension.
  • (12) Eight-week-old virgin untreated female mice were induced to ovulate using equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and were then caged with males overnight.
  • (13) The authors report an ocular luxation of a four-year-old girl after a bicycle accident.
  • (14) Peak incidence is found among 40 to 49-year-old and 60 to 64-year-old women.
  • (15) The capillary-adipocyte distances were shorter and the vascularization density was higher in old rats.
  • (16) Brilliant, old-fashioned speech, from the days before teleprompters became all-dominant.
  • (17) Though the 54-year-old designer made brief returns to the limelight after his fall from grace, designing a one-off collection for Oscar de la Renta last year , his appointment at Margiela marks a more permanent comeback.
  • (18) He also deals with the incidence, conservative and surgical treatment of osteo-arthrosis in old age and with the possibilities of its prevention.
  • (19) Sterile, pruritic papules and papulopustules that formed annular rings developed on the back of a 58-year-old woman.
  • (20) The first patient, an 82-year-old woman, developed a WPW syndrome suggesting posterior right ventricular preexcitation, a pattern which persisted for four months until her death.



  • (a.) At variance with what is usual or normal; differing in some odd way from what is ordinary; odd; singular; strange; whimsical; as, a queer story or act.
  • (a.) Mysterious; suspicious; questionable; as, a queer transaction.
  • (n.) Counterfeit money.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A few people might have wasted time trying to define Conchita's identity or worrying if she is one of "us", but the majority saw her for what she is: an ambassador for diversity, and a beacon of light – no doubt – to our queer cousins on the continent.
  • (2) A radical reworking of Douglas Sirk with Julianne Moore's 1950s housewife married to repressed homosexual Dennis Quaid, the film earned Haynes an Oscar nomination and confirmed him as a major talent, and one who'd outgrown the role of poster boy for New Queer Cinema.
  • (3) The interview when William F Buckley called Vidal 'queer'.
  • (4) Too straight, white and corporate: why some queer people are skipping SF Pride Read more Both had lost partners: Povilat to liver disease, Persinger to a heart attack.
  • (5) "It represents senseless acts of violence against trans and queer bodies beyond the historical lens," says Cassils.
  • (6) Lee, a member of the LGBT advocacy group in Northern Ireland Queer Space, wanted a cake featuring Sesame Street puppets Bert and Ernie with the slogan: support gay marriage.
  • (7) It has served as a truly welcoming queer space for gay people, straight people, trans people and just about everyone else since it opened in 2009.
  • (8) Lee had been here before – on queer street against John Jackson and Matt Korobov, each time pulling out a spectacular winning burst for stunning victories.
  • (9) We can only assume the MPAA considers the lives of queer old people as a threat to young, impressionable minds.
  • (10) Even though I desperately wanted to go, and I’ve known I was queer since I was a child, I matriculated at a Christian college at my mother’s request.
  • (11) I shot a queer forestry camp recently and it was one of the best days of my life.” LGBT: San Francisco is published by Reel Art Press (£40).
  • (12) Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep.” It’s not a sentiment reflected in ACL press releases, less concerned with warning the rich than fighting the queers.
  • (13) François Bikoro, the editor of the popular (and populist) Cameroonian weekly L'Anecdote – which, like a number of publications across the continent, has published lists of people it accuses of being gay, accompanied by headlines like "The Queers Are Among Us" – reckons circulation has increased from 5,000 to "more than 20,000" since "we began dealing with homosexuality".
  • (14) Dramatists as successful as John Osborne and Simon Gray would regularly complain that you had to be queer if you wanted to get on in the English theatre.
  • (15) It harks back to a time before gay went mainstream, before Will and Grace, before Queer As Folk, before the age of gay romcoms like Adam and Steve.
  • (16) Fellow artist Callie L is working on an essay that views One Direction’s performance of Where Do Broken Hearts Go on The X Factor with Ronnie Wood through the queer theory of the late American LGBT activist Vito Russo.
  • (17) Later, they shoot a queer-basher, which provoked angry outcries at some gay festival screenings and loud cheers at others.
  • (18) Its first production was the multi-award-winning Queer as Folk, which Guardian critics named the 13th best drama series of all time.
  • (19) Pride really should be for queer folks,” said Amy Sueyoshi, a lifelong San Francisco resident, who identifies as genderqueer.
  • (20) Photograph: Paul Grace When it comes to spaces for queer girls, Pitch Slap!