What's the difference between omen and presage?



  • (n.) An occurrence supposed to portend, or show the character of, some future event; any indication or action regarded as a foreshowing; a foreboding; a presage; an augury.
  • (v. t.) To divine or to foreshow by signs or portents; to have omens or premonitions regarding; to predict; to augur; as, to omen ill of an enterprise.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) 7-OMEN was the major fluorescent biliary species, but, by 24 h, N-demethyl menogaril accounted for approximately 40% of biliary drug fluorescence.
  • (2) In this study defibrotide produced a significantly lower pressure inside the circuit compared to the control group and gave a protective effect against those pathological changes which appeared during extracorporeal circulation and that may be considered omens of a state of shock.
  • (3) In the swinging 1960s, Peck's sober style seemed a little out of place, though he appeared in a couple of flashy Hitchcockian thrillers, Mirage (1965) and Arabesque (1966), and adapted to the new Hollywood as best he could, looking rather bothered as the father of a demon in The Omen (1976).
  • (4) Myth is seen as an external representation of man's inner life; omens and the gods are viewed in this context.
  • (5) Maybe it was a bad omen for Los Angeles to hand out white towels to the fans in the stands.
  • (6) Neil Gaiman, with whom he wrote Good Omens (1991), agrees: "He's got better and better over the years – he now follows the story, not the jokes, while I think the early books followed the jokes … He makes it look easy.
  • (7) The opposition would be making a mistake if it refused to engage and they have got to hear what the regime has to say,” he said “The talks have to go ahead even if the omens are not good and it is unlikely there will be much progress.
  • (8) Some see the disintegrating Ceta deal as a bad omen for the UK, which wants to negotiate a post-Brexit free trade agreement with the EU.
  • (9) Multiple, sometimes bilateral FB are frequent and FB of a vegetable nature are of serious omen.
  • (10) It’s Godzilla versus King Kong, and the omens aren’t heartening.
  • (11) The Omen-syndrome is not a disease on its own, but a complication of congenital SCID.
  • (12) Statistical data have shown that both shock and coma are bad prognostic omens and patients presenting with these signs have less than a 50% chance leaving the hospital alive and well, even if they receive optimum emergency management.
  • (13) Kick off very shortly... 1.04am GMT More omens More omens - and they aren't good for NYRB: the Red Bulls haven't won any of the five games that Olave missed this season.
  • (14) Type I trauma includes full, detailed memories, "omens," and misperceptions.
  • (15) 7-OMEN and metabolites were measured by high performance liquid chromatography.
  • (16) 7-OMEN was the predominant fluorescent compound in urine, but four metabolites were also seen.
  • (17) Omen: You may or may not be aware that Uruguayan national team often refer to themselves as "Los Charruas", who were an indigenous people in South America.
  • (18) A good omen for the SNP's #indyref #WhitePaper launch?
  • (19) But the omens are not good: Britain has a grim history of divisiveness in education.
  • (20) It's my terrible dirty secret, a disclosure that almost always prompts an "ah, that makes sense", a stigma that brings with it a sense that somehow I am bad, a little Damien from The Omen , because I was the only one.



  • (v. t.) Something which foreshows or portends a future event; a prognostic; an omen; an augury.
  • (v. t.) Power to look the future, or the exercise of that power; foreknowledge; presentiment.
  • (v. t.) To have a presentiment of; to feel beforehand; to foreknow.
  • (v. t.) To foretell; to predict; to foreshow; to indicate.
  • (v. i.) To form or utter a prediction; -- sometimes used with of.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Accumulation of mesenchyme basally presages the formation of the nasal septum.
  • (2) At the weekend Clegg presaged some of the proposals in the Liberal Democrat package saying he wanted reform of the laws on public interest defence.
  • (3) Like all good Shakespearean tragedies, the Trump presidency is presaging its own collapse at the height of its glory.
  • (4) Reagan, after whom buildings, streets and even airports are widely named, would thus become America's Marcus Aurelius, the philosoper emperor of Rome whose death in AD 180 presaged its long, slow decline.
  • (5) The results suggest that manifesting once traditional sex-role characteristics for both adolescent boys and girls presages early onset and heavier adult cigarette smoking.
  • (6) Meanwhile, the sax parped sleazily and the monotone chug of the guitar presaged punk.
  • (7) Fairbairn expressed alarm after the prime minister’s conference speech appeared to presage a hardline approach to Brexit and the home secretary, Amber Rudd, appeared to criticise firms employing a large proportion of foreign workers.
  • (8) drug abuse in Argentina, these results presage a significant increase in the delta agent's prevalence in the immediate future.
  • (9) The two cases are interpreted as presaging a divergence in the paths being taken by the various Scandinavian welfare states.
  • (10) The intervention, tacitly backed by the US, presaged severe, ongoing human rights abuses.
  • (11) They presage a bad prognosis and a rapid demise; the patients survive an average of four months.
  • (12) Both men will now be hoping that the relatively small fall in GDP of 0.2% does not presage a further fall in the first quarter of this year, which would denote the official return of recession and represent a blow in itself to economic confidence.
  • (13) Impaired glucose tolerance often presages the development of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
  • (14) The election results were awful, but not so apocalyptic as to presage extinction.
  • (15) Osborne's statements in Manchester caused anger, said the source, but more for exaggerating the impact of green policies on energy bills than any presaging of policy reversals.
  • (16) STAI following THC presaged a poor analgesic response in this group.
  • (17) A study of the various characteristic features of the heart defect before operation, and of the operative findings, has allowed us to determine a certain number of factors which presage good immediate and long-term results.
  • (18) Recent studies have emphasized that none of the accepted intraoral landmarks used in the conventional mandibular block technique is completely reliable, nor can they presage those instances in which the lingula presents an obstruction to the needle pathway.
  • (19) It has been suggested that a low percentage of epithelial podocyte effacement (EPE) and a high degree of epithelial cell vacuolization (ECV) in nonsclerotic glomeruli presage FSGS, and that extensive epithelial cell vacuolization in biopsies clearly showing FSGS predicts a poor clinical outcome.
  • (20) The hypothesis that blockade of excitatory amino acid receptors will prevent neuronal death presages a new era in acute stroke treatment.