What's the difference between onset and peak?



  • (n.) A rushing or setting upon; an attack; an assault; a storming; especially, the assault of an army.
  • (n.) A setting about; a beginning.
  • (n.) Anything set on, or added, as an ornament or as a useful appendage.
  • (v. t.) To assault; to set upon.
  • (v. t.) To set about; to begin.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The rash presented either as a pityriasis rosea-like picture which appeared about three to six months after the onset of treatment in patients taking low doses, or alternatively, as lichenoid plaques which appeared three to six months after commencement of medication in patients taking high doses.
  • (2) One must be suspicious of any gingival lesion, particulary if there is a sudden onset of bleeding or hyperplasia.
  • (3) However, there was no correlation between the length of time PN was administered to onset of cholestasis and the gestational age or birth weight of the infants.
  • (4) The epidemiology of HIV infection among women and hence among children has progressively changed since the onset of the epidemic in Western countries.
  • (5) To estimate the age of onset of these differences, and to assess their relationship to abdominal and gluteal adipocyte size, we measured adiposity, adipocyte size, and glucose and insulin concentrations during a glucose tolerance test in lean (less than 20% body fat), prepubertal children from each race.
  • (6) The results show that in TMO-treated animals the time to the onset of convulsions, the time to the onset of NADH oxidation-reduction cycles, and the survival time were significantly longer than in the control group.
  • (7) The clinical aspects, the modality of onset and diffusion of the lymphoma, its macroscopic and histopathological features and the different therapeutic approaches are discussed.
  • (8) Seven patients had not been recognized as hypogammaglobulinemic before the onset of infection.
  • (9) In contrast, idiopathic GH deficient girls have an onset of puberty and PHV nearer to a normal chronological age and at an early bone age.
  • (10) Current status of prognosis in clinical, experimental and prophylactic medicine is delineated with formulation of the purposes and feasibility of therapeutic and preventive realization of the disease onset and run prediction.
  • (11) We found that, although controlled release delivery of ddC inhibited de novo FeLV-FAIDS replication and delayed onset of viremia when therapy was discontinued (after 3 weeks), an equivalent incidence and level of viremia were established rapidly in both ddC-treated and control cats.
  • (12) An experimental model was established in the ewe allowing one to predict with accuracy an antral follicle that coincidentally would either undergo ovulation (6-8 mm diameter) or atresia (3-4 mm diameter) following synchronization of luteal regression and the onset of the gonadotropin surge.
  • (13) Females were killed at various times after the onset of mating or artificial insemination, oviducts were fixed and sectioned serially, and spermatozoa were counted individually as to their location in the oviduct.
  • (14) For the second propositus, a woman presenting with abdominal and psychiatric manifestations, the age of onset was 38 years; the acute attack had no recognizable cause; she had mild skin lesions and initially was incorrectly diagnosed as intermittent acute porphyria; the diagnosis of variegate porphyria was only established at the age of 50 years.
  • (15) It was recently demonstrated that MRL-lpr lymphoid cells transferred into lethally irradiated MRL- +mice unexpectedly failed to induce the early onset of lupus syndrome and massive lymphadenopathy of the donor, instead they caused a severe wasting syndrome resembling graft-vs-host (GvH) disease.
  • (16) It is clear that before general release of a new living feline infectious enteritis vaccine, there must be satisfactory evidence that concurrent infection will not affect the safety of the modified antigen.In cats infected with feline infectious enteritis there appears to be a short period, coinciding with the onset of leucopaenia, during which they are highly infectious.
  • (17) Abnormal albuminuria at levels not reliably detected by the usual dipstick methods was commonly observed in Pima Indians with diabetes, even those with diabetes of recent onset.
  • (18) In all cases foetal administration of glucocorticoid led to the onset of labour, and lambing, and in all animals the hormonal changes preceding parturition were indistinguishable (either qualitatively or quantitatively) from the changes observed in animals carrying intact lambs.
  • (19) Increasing the pH of local anesthetics with sodium bicarbonate has been reported to hasten their onset of action.
  • (20) Evx-1 RNA is first detected shortly before the onset of gastrulation in a region of ectoderm containing cells that will soon be found in the primitive streak.



  • (n.) A point; the sharp end or top of anything that terminates in a point; as, the peak, or front, of a cap.
  • (n.) The top, or one of the tops, of a hill, mountain, or range, ending in a point; often, the whole hill or mountain, esp. when isolated; as, the Peak of Teneriffe.
  • (n.) The upper aftermost corner of a fore-and-aft sail; -- used in many combinations; as, peak-halyards, peak-brails, etc.
  • (n.) The narrow part of a vessel's bow, or the hold within it.
  • (n.) The extremity of an anchor fluke; the bill.
  • (v. i.) To rise or extend into a peak or point; to form, or appear as, a peak.
  • (v. i.) To acquire sharpness of figure or features; hence, to look thin or sicky.
  • (v. i.) To pry; to peep slyly.
  • (v. t.) To raise to a position perpendicular, or more nearly so; as, to peak oars, to hold them upright; to peak a gaff or yard, to set it nearer the perpendicular.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The coefficient of variation in the integrated area of a single peak is 16%.
  • (2) Here we show that this induction of AP-2 mRNA is at the level of transcription and is transient, reaching a peak 48-72 hr after the addition of RA and declining thereafter, even in the continuous presence of RA.
  • (3) Amino acid sequence analysis showed that both peaks had identical N-terminal sequences through the first 28 residues.
  • (4) These observations were confirmed by the killing curves in pooled serum obtained at peak and trough levels.
  • (5) The peak molecular weight never reached that of a complete 2:1 complex.
  • (6) Peak Expiratory Flow and Forced Expiratory Mean Flows in the ranges 0-25%, 25-50% and 50-75% of Forced Vital Capacity were significantly reduced in animals exposed to gasoline exhaust fumes, whereas the group exposed to ethanol exhaust fumes did not differ from the control group.
  • (7) We’re learning to store peak power in all kinds of ways: a California auction for new power supply was won by a company that uses extra solar energy to freeze ice, which then melts during the day to supply power.
  • (8) No significant correlations of peak VO2 were observed between the 3 tests.
  • (9) Peaks in the sperm index were preceded by 6 days with peaks in the serum testosterone concentration.
  • (10) Peak incidence is found among 40 to 49-year-old and 60 to 64-year-old women.
  • (11) The remainder of the radioactivity appeared chromatographically just prior to the bisantrene peak, indicating that compounds more polar than the parent were present as transformation products.
  • (12) The curve of mitoses peaked at the same time as that of TK activity but was only 68% as extensive.
  • (13) We conclude that the rat somatosympathetic reflex consists of an early excitatory component due to the early activation of RVL-spinal sympathoexcitatory neurons with rapidly conducting axons and a later peak that may arise from the late activation of these same neurons as well as the early activation of RVL vasomotor neurons with more slowly conducting spinal axons.
  • (14) The ACTH deficiency recovered spontaneously, with normal cortisol responses to depot Synacthen (greater than 1380 at 6 h) and hypoglycemia (peak, 590) 14 and 18 months postpartum, respectively.
  • (15) No relationship was found with the absolute value of either peak or area GH.
  • (16) GnRH infusion produced an immediate increase in plasma LH concentrations in the mares that ovulated during the infusion period and LH levels peaked at the time of ovulation.
  • (17) In guinea pig ventricular myocytes, the positive contractile staircase was associated with ascending staircases of both peak systolic and end diastolic [Ca2+]i because of a cumulative increase in diastolic [Ca2+]i.
  • (18) A considerably greater increase in the peak plasma OT concentration resulted when hungry foster litters of 6 pups were suckled after the mothers' own 6 pups had been suckled.
  • (19) The incidence was 0.31 per 1000 gynaecological admissions and the peak age incidence was in the age group 26 to 35 years.
  • (20) A relative net reduction of 47% in lactose malabsorption was produced by adding food, and the peak-rise in breath H2 was delayed by 2 hours.