What's the difference between oppose and repugnate?



  • (n.) To place in front of, or over against; to set opposite; to exhibit.
  • (n.) To put in opposition, with a view to counterbalance or countervail; to set against; to offer antagonistically.
  • (n.) To resist or antagonize by physical means, or by arguments, etc.; to contend against; to confront; to resist; to withstand; as, to oppose the king in battle; to oppose a bill in Congress.
  • (n.) To compete with; to strive against; as, to oppose a rival for a prize.
  • (v. i.) To be set opposite.
  • (v. i.) To act adversely or in opposition; -- with against or to; as, a servant opposed against the act.
  • (v. i.) To make objection or opposition in controversy.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A study revealed that the percentage of active sperm in semen 30 seconds after ejaculation was 10.3% when a nonoxynol 9 latex condom was used as opposed to 55.9% in a nonspermicidal condom.
  • (2) Biden will meet with representatives from six gun groups on Thursday, including the NRA and the Independent Firearms Owners Association, which are both publicly opposed to stricter gun-control laws.
  • (3) The results indicated that smoke, as opposed to sham puffs, significantly reduced reports of cigarette craving, and local anesthesia significantly blocked this immediate reduction in craving produced by smoke inhalation.
  • (4) 3) The magnitude of K+ release is the ratio of two opposing mechanisms, a passive efflux and an active reuptake.
  • (5) We are firmly opposed to that," an unidentified spokesman from the ministry of industry and information technology told the state news agency, Xinhua.
  • (6) Each axon had a characteristic head position which was maximally excitatory to it, and a diametrically opposed head position which was minimally excitatory.3.
  • (7) As opposed to the other tests for LPD, awareness of the usefulness of the biopsy has increased as we have learned more about CL physiology.
  • (8) Strict fundamentalists oppose music in any form as a sensual distraction - the Taliban, of course, banned music in Afghanistan.
  • (9) The interaction between PE and E-IgG involved the extension of micropseudopods toward adherent E-IgG, the formation of a linear uniform cap of roughly 200 A between opposing cell membranes, the ingestion of E-IgG by PE into a membrane-lined compartment, and the disintegration of the ingested ligand into membranous debris.
  • (10) It is contended that the latter is the main factor in its production as opposed to the more common external rotation variety.
  • (11) Loyalists are opposed to any restrictions and have blocked roads and rioted over the issue.
  • (12) But today, Americans increasingly no longer shy away from saying they oppose mosques on the grounds that Muslims are a threat or different.
  • (13) In contrast, large territories may reflect widespread motor-unit actions, advantageous in force development where fine movement control is less important, as in biting in the intercuspal position or opposing gravity.
  • (14) Burns has a successful track record of opposing fees.
  • (15) Protesting naked, as Femen's slogans insist, is liberté , a reappropriation of their own bodies as opposed to pornography or snatched photographs which are exploitation.
  • (16) And in terms of genuine defence needs (as opposed to state militarism), what greater known threat is there to human security than the prospect of runaway climate change?
  • (17) As opposed to nifedipine charybdotoxin shows no effect if added 18 h after the initiation of the activation process.
  • (18) RR spectra of fatty acyl-CoA and its complexes are consistent with the previous hypothesis that visible spectral shifts observed during formation of acetoacetyl-CoA and crotonyl-CoA complexes of fatty acyl-CoA dehydrogenase result from charge-transfer interactions in which the ground state is essentially nonbonding as opposed to interactions in which complete electron transfer occurs to form FAD semiquinone.
  • (19) The remarks are the most direct official response on the issue, although the government has previously said that it "resolutely opposes" hacking and criticised "baseless" claims.
  • (20) A lawyer advising one of the newspaper groups opposing the deal said: "All the regulator has to prove is that there is a potential for a reduction in plurality in the UK.



  • (v. t.) To oppose; to fight against.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Sir Philip Green has interesting tax arrangements but far from being labelled morally repugnant in a Mexico TV studio, he has got a government review to head up," she said.
  • (2) For example, the Basics Card is touted as an innovative policy when in fact it offers repugnant flashbacks to last century’s mission days when Aboriginal people had their bank accounts controlled by the state.
  • (3) George Galloway and moral repugnance in the same sentence: whoever would have thought it?
  • (4) He has previously sparked controversy by questioning the existence of "homophobia", suggesting that some people find same-sex relationships "distasteful if not viscerally repugnant" and arguing that there are "different degrees of culpability" in rape cases.
  • (5) She added: "Repugnant as it was that the aggressor should gain anything from his aggression, this seemed an acceptable price to pay.
  • (6) While the bathroom law is controversial in itself, many express concern that the loss of the right to sue in state court for transgender discrimination is equally repugnant.
  • (7) Still the Vatican turns a blind eye to this most repugnant and damaging of all sexual practices, the suffering little children whose priests come unto them.
  • (8) The party denounced Smith as "repugnant" after a book by the most recent incumbent as MP in Smith's Rochdale seat, Labour's Simon Danczuk, detailed repeated crimes by the late Liberal politician and drew similarities with serial sex offender Jimmy Savile.
  • (9) Ruling initially accepted by foreign secretary, Robin Cook, but a "feasibility study" ordered into the potential return June 2004 UK government tries to block return of islanders through two orders in council, royal decrees which declared no one had right of abode May 2006 The high court overruled the orders in council, describing their use to expel an entire population as repugnant 2007 Foreign office appeal rejected
  • (10) A fairly solid insistence that they did not followed from anonymous officials soon enough, but the effect was not what it would have been if a crisp, immediate and unambiguous denial had come straight from the lips of the chancellor, who has called tax avoidance “morally repugnant”.
  • (11) Cameron's problem is that the changes he has already introduced have been greeted with deep repugnance by many on his own side.
  • (12) A genuinely tolerant state will often be called to protect opinions which are both wrong and repugnant to the majority.
  • (13) If you’re going to be leader of the free world, you have to be able to accept criticism, and Mr Trump can’t.” Trump, who as a young man obtained deferments and did not serve in Vietnam , also faced criticism from the families of 17 Americans who died in war, who in an open letter asked him to apologize to the Khans and other families of fallen soldiers for comments they said were “repugnant, and personally offensive”.
  • (14) "What seems to me repugnant about what happened is that the prosecutors' duty was to seek justice and the truth.
  • (15) So I think when something is so morally repugnant to so many people, why should tax dollars go to this?” I think a lot of people, even a lot of pro-choice people, are upset by these videos Rand Paul The legislation up for a vote on Monday would bar federal aid to Planned Parenthood and shift the money to other healthcare providers.
  • (16) "Oddly, [Cameron] did not take the opportunity to condemn as morally repugnant the tax avoidance scheme used by Conservative supporter Gary Barlow, who has given a whole new meaning to the phrase Take That.
  • (17) The German chancellor, Angela Merkel, speaking before the suspect was released, condemned the attack as gruesome, saying it would be repugnant if the attacker turned out to be a person seeking asylum in Germany.
  • (18) To those like the Peruvian novelist Mario Vargas Llosa, it was proof that "to force comrades, with methods repugnant to human dignity, to accuse themselves of imagi nary betrayals and sign letters in which even the syntax seems to be that of the police, is the negation of everything that made me embrace, from the first day, the cause of the Cuban revolution: its decision to fight for justice without losing respect for individuals".
  • (19) There is nothing intrinsically repugnant to human rights in sex work if you exclude violence, deceit and the exploitation of children.
  • (20) But when we find the killer's motive as repugnant as his action, we put our fingers in our ears.

Words possibly related to "repugnate"