What's the difference between orchiditis and orchitis?



Example Sentences:

  • (1) The presence of flat feet and excessive laxity of the joints, associated with the characteristic facies, macro-orchidism, and behavior, justifies a referral for developmental and genetic evaluation.
  • (2) The discovery that drones of the Japanese honeybee (Apis cerana japonica) pollinate the oriental orchid (Cymbidium pumilum) is reported.
  • (3) Pat MacNamara, our host at the excellent Orchid House B&B, shows us the way.
  • (4) the mannose-specific lectins from the orchid species Cymbidium hybrid (CA), Epipactis helleborine (EHA) and Listera ovata (LOA) were highly inhibitory to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and type 2 (HIV-2) in MT-4, and showed a marked anti-human cytomegalovirus (CMV), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza A virus activity in HEL, HeLa and MDCK cells, respectively.
  • (5) A case of hypersensitivity pneumonitis is presented which was associated with exposure to Cryptostroma corticale from non-maple bark chips used to grow orchids.
  • (6) And if you believe her and Behan's rhetoric, it seems clear that the CQC would never again treat an Orchid View with such kid gloves.
  • (7) Severe testicular hypogonadism accompanied bilateral macro-orchidism, normal penis, and unilateral hydrocele.
  • (8) Here, the Liberty print of the orchid set is replaced by the cobra lily ( Darlingtonia californica ) , the CPS logo.
  • (9) I guess some jokes are like those rare orchids that appear only once in a generation, then disappear again.
  • (10) Every force had its own way of recording things, if a boy had gone missing a few times they wouldn’t even report it, and sometimes they would have a missing-person report and it was never followed up.” Stoodley said all the information from Operation Orchid should be within Scotland Yard.
  • (11) Protocorm pieces of the orchid Cymbidium were aseptically cultured either without phytohormones, or with one of the growth promoting substances, auxin cytokinin, and gibberellin.
  • (12) She was a formidable woman who liked orchids and postcards, her older sister, Jacqueline, told the newspaper.
  • (13) Photograph: Christian Sinibaldi for the Guardian On the wall of the Orchid project , a London charity dedicated to ending FGM, is a series of newspaper cuttings that reveal how the movement to stamp out the practice – which affects more than 130,000 women in England and Wales, according to new figures – has gained momentum.
  • (14) "A number of the concerns identified in the recent past with hospital services in the NHS have been echoed at Orchid View and it is right that the scrutiny and demands for improvement in the NHS are also expected from the independent sector."
  • (15) Collings said she welcomed a further criminal investigation into the running of Orchid View and called the inquest a "wake-up call" for the industry.
  • (16) The Guardian can reveal that intelligence linking a member of Cooke’s gang, Lennie Smith, to the Elm House guest house came into the Orchid inquiry, but was never followed up.
  • (17) Following the case, Judith Charatan, whose mother Doris Fielding died of natural causes, said: "I quickly realised that everything that had appealed to me about Orchid View being a safe place for my mum was just cosmetic.
  • (18) Vis has orchards of 1,000-year-old carob trees, rare orchids, plants and herbs that are dying out elsewhere in the Mediterranean, the most densely developed and visited tourist region in the world.
  • (19) The Guardian asked the Metropolitan police on Wednesday for the whereabouts of the Orchid files, but they refused to comment.
  • (20) Most of them are delicate orchids who won’t say anything.” He said British businesses would benefit from leaving the EU in the long run through increased democratic accountability.



  • (n.) Inflammation of the testicles.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In the group with a past history of mumps orchitis these parameters did not show any difference when compared with controls.
  • (2) Ultrasound was 100 per cent accurate in the evaluation of hydroceles, hematoceles, and paratesticular masses, but less informative in testicular abscesses (80%) and epididymo-orchitis (77%).
  • (3) Sperm chromatin heterogeneity has been evaluated in infertile males affected by different testicular diseases: 37 subjects had undergone orchidopexy in childhood (ex-cryptorchid), 50 were affected by idiopathic varicocele, 18 had a history of bilateral post-parotitis orchitis and 23 were "idiopathic infertiles".
  • (4) A 99MTc pertechnetate image demonstrated epididymo-orchitis and a hydrocele in a 15-year-old youth with painless scrotal swelling.
  • (5) A protocol was developed for reproducibly transferring experimental autoimmune orchitis (EAO) to naive recipient mice.
  • (6) This paper reports the results on 13 patients with mumps orchitis, with special consideration of 7 andrologically after-cared cases.
  • (7) One out of three male Hartley GPs immunized with 50 micrograms of the purified protein exhibited typical lesions of experimental allergic orchitis while none of a group of three animals developed lesions at a 5 micrograms dose.
  • (8) In bancroftian filariasis, the lymphatics of the male genitalia are frequently affected, leading to epididymo-orchitis and hydrocele.
  • (9) Experimental autoimmune orchitis (EAO) has been extensively studied in spite of which its pathogenic mechanisms are still poorly understood.
  • (10) The paper emphasized the role of mumps complicated by orchitis in the etiology of male subfertility with allowances for a possible development of testicular degeneration in the course of epidemic parotiditis alone, i.e.
  • (11) Guinea pigs and mice develop orchitis after immunization with killed streptococcus groups A (type 12) cells in complete adjuvant.
  • (12) The characteristic of this case is that the total deafness of right ear is associated with right parotitis and right orchitis.
  • (13) (4) Although the blood-testis barrier does sequester germ cells usually considered antigenic, immunoregulator factors other than the physical barrier seem to be involved in preventing autoimmune orchitis.
  • (14) Mononuclear cell infiltration of seminiferous tubules and rete testis was noted occasionally, supporting a diagnosis of autoimmune orchitis; although rare, this was an important observation as the sperm output became normal with adjuvant prednisolone therapy.
  • (15) The etiological differentiation between ischemic orchitis and testicular necrosis is based on the monitoring of testicular perfusion.
  • (16) In 69% the enlargement of the testicle was due to a tumor, in 4 patients due to acute orchitis and in 3 patients due to acute torsion.
  • (17) Infiltrations of inflammatory cells into the epididymal interstitium and lumen are part of the constellation of changes that occurs after immunization with testicular homogenates to produce experimental allergic orchitis.
  • (18) The prevalence of sexually transmitted infection was studied in 40 men presenting with acute epididymo-orchitis in Leeds.
  • (19) Hemocultures (sensitivity 0.73) and "specific" symptoms (prolonged fever, spondylitis, arthritis, orchitis and others) were the most useful data for diagnosis of relapse.
  • (20) We report the coexistence of otitis media and epididymo-orchitis owing to Hemophilus influenzae, type b in 2 children.

Words possibly related to "orchiditis"

Words possibly related to "orchitis"