What's the difference between original and precise?



  • (a.) Pertaining to the origin or beginning; preceding all others; first in order; primitive; primary; pristine; as, the original state of man; the original laws of a country; the original inventor of a process.
  • (a.) Not copied, imitated, or translated; new; fresh; genuine; as, an original thought; an original process; the original text of Scripture.
  • (a.) Having the power to suggest new thoughts or combinations of thought; inventive; as, an original genius.
  • (a.) Before unused or unknown; new; as, a book full of original matter.
  • (n.) Origin; commencement; source.
  • (n.) That which precedes all others of its class; archetype; first copy; hence, an original work of art, manuscript, text, and the like, as distinguished from a copy, translation, etc.
  • (n.) An original thinker or writer; an originator.
  • (n.) A person of marked eccentricity.
  • (n.) The natural or wild species from which a domesticated or cultivated variety has been derived; as, the wolf is thought by some to be the original of the dog, the blackthorn the original of the plum.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Our results suggest that the peripheral sensitivity to hypoxia declined more than that to CO2, implying a peripheral chemoreceptor origin for hypoxic ventilatory decline.
  • (2) These immunocytochemical studies clearly demonstrated that cells encountered within the fibrous intimal thickening in the vein graft were inevitably smooth muscle cell in origin.
  • (3) The nuclear origin of the Ha antigen was confirmed by the speckled nuclear immunofluorescence staining pattern given by purified antibody to Ha obtained from a specific immune precipitate.
  • (4) The origin of the aorta and pulmonary artery from the right ventricle is a complicated and little studied congenital cardiac malformation.
  • (5) The origins of aging of higher forms of life, particularly humans, is presented as the consequence of an evolved balance between 4 specific kinds of dysfunction-producing events and 4 kinds of evolved counteracting effects in long-lived forms.
  • (6) These cells contained organelles characteristic of the maturation stage ameloblast and often extended to the enamel surface, suggesting a possible origin from the ameloblast layer.
  • (7) We conclude that chloramphenicol resistance encoded by Tn1696 is due to a permeability barrier and hypothesize that the gene from P. aeruginosa may share a common ancestral origin with these genes from other gram-negative organisms.
  • (8) Typological and archaeological investigations indicate that the church building represents originally the hospital facility for the lay brothers of the monastery, which according to the chronicle of the monastery was built in the beginning of the 14th century.
  • (9) Plasma NPY correlated better with plasma norepinephrine than with epinephrine, indicating its origin from sympathetic nerve terminals.
  • (10) Interadjudicator agreement was stronger on 'originality' than on 'aesthetic pleasingness'.
  • (11) One rare case of blind-ending branch originating in the upper third of the ureter are described.
  • (12) It is my desperate hope that we close out of town.” In the book, God publishes his own 'It Getteth Better' video and clarifies his original writings on homosexuality: I remember dictating these lines to Moses; and afterward looking up to find him staring at me in wide-eyed astonishment, and saying, "Thou do knowest that when the Israelites read this, they're going to lose their fucking shit, right?"
  • (13) As the requirements to store and display these images increase, the following questions become important: (a) What methods can be used to ensure that information given to the physician represents the originally acquired data?
  • (14) The condition is compared to extrahepatic and intrahepatic biliary atresia of man and evidence is presented for regarding this case to be one of extrahepatic origin.
  • (15) The position of the cyst supports the theory that branchial cysts are congenital in origin.
  • (16) heterografts of GW-39, a CEA-producing colonic tumor of human origin, was demonstrated in radioimmunoassay using radioiodinated CEA purified from GW-39.
  • (17) The committee reviewed the history, original intent, current purpose, and effectiveness of meetings held on the unit; when problems were identified, suggestions for change were formulated.
  • (18) The relative strength of the progressions varies with excitation wavelength and this, together with the absence of a common origin, indicates the existence of two independent emitting states with 0-0' levels separated by either 300 or 1000 cm-1.
  • (19) Sickle and normal discocytes both showed membrane elasticity with reversion to original cell shape following release of the cell from its aspirated position at the pipette tip.
  • (20) With respect to family environment, a history of sexual abuse was associated with perceptions that families of origin had less cohesion, more conflict, less emphasis on moral-religious matters, less emphasis on achievement, and less of an orientation towards intellectual, cultural, and recreational pursuits.



  • (a.) Having determinate limitations; exactly or sharply defined or stated; definite; exact; nice; not vague or equivocal; as, precise rules of morality.
  • (a.) Strictly adhering or conforming to rule; very nice or exact; punctilious in conduct or ceremony; formal; ceremonious.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A progressively more precise approach to identifying affected individuals involves measuring body weight and height, then energy intake (or expenditure) and finally the basal metabolic rate (BMR).
  • (2) They more precisely delineate the hazard identification process and the factors important in supporting risk decisions for developmental toxicants than does any other document.
  • (3) The determination of basic levels of TSH is more sensitive and more precise.
  • (4) The greatest advantages of spinal QCT for noninvasive bone mineral measurement lie in the high precision of the technique, the high sensitivity of the vertebral trabecular measurement site, and the potential for widespread application.
  • (5) It now seems clear that greater precision can be achieved through modification of the original technique.
  • (6) Validation studies, to show that the method is precise, accurate and rectilinear, have been carried out on four linctus formulations and two pastille formulations.
  • (7) Precise excision of the masses was thus accomplished and functional and aesthetic reconstruction aided by the conservation of normal anatomical structures.
  • (8) Compared to the SRK II-equation the results of the new programme are much more precise.
  • (9) However, while the precise nature of the city’s dietary problems is hard to pin down, the picture regarding physical activity is much clearer.
  • (10) Labelling of the albumin with 99mTc ensured an accuracy of measurements only limited by the precision of the weighing.
  • (11) This noninvasive but precise imaging modality demonstrates the potential value of using MRI to evaluate the diameter of small vessels, including the postoperative monitoring of arterial bypass graft patency in peripheral regions.
  • (12) These results strongly suggest that urinary GAGs determination is a precise method for ovulation detection.
  • (13) While the precise function of the MIRP is not known, the availability of this protein in pure and biologically relevant quantities will allow further studies to elucidate its pathobiologic function.
  • (14) This procedure yields excellent precision and accuracy, as demonstrated by the analysis of a known amino acid mixture and of neonatal plasma.
  • (15) This gene was previously shown to have a DNase I- and S1-sensitive site for which the boundaries varied with the cell cycle, and we have now precisely mapped these modifications.
  • (16) The Radio-PAGE and immunoblot typing methods both gave precise identification of Helicobacter pylori strains, but Radio-PAGE was found to give higher resolution and represents a standardised universally applicable fingerprinting method for Helicobacter pylori.
  • (17) Strict precautions are necessary to prevent the catastrophic events resulting from inadvertent gentamicin injection; such precautions should include precise labeling of all injectable solutions on the surgical field, waiting to draw up injectable antibiotics until the time they are needed, and drawing up injectable antibiotics under direct physician observation.
  • (18) The great clinical value of the procedure is shown by the following findings:X-ray-negative lesions--including 2 cases of carcinoma--were found in 35 percent of the cases, radiologically demonstrated lesions could be defined more precisely in 18 percent, and the presence of colonic lesions could be ruled out in 11 percent in spite of equivocal X-ray findings.
  • (19) The precision of measurement using the cancellation technique was found to be high.
  • (20) The precision obtained with the different methods is similar.