What's the difference between ostiole and syconium?



  • (n.) The exterior opening of a stomate. See Stomate.
  • (n.) Any small orifice.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The isolate resembles M. cannonballus in the type of ostiole developed but M. eutypoides in having mainly two-spored asci.
  • (2) The cyst was typical of the genus, but differed from those of other species by its smaller size and the presence of numerous ostioles.
  • (3) Cells comprising the ostiolate neck may arise as modifications of spindle-shaped cells of the inner zone of the perithecial envelope.
  • (4) The two layers are normally separated by a space except where they form opercula in the center of ostioles (exits for excysting amebae).
  • (5) It differs from M. eutypoides in having a reduced ostiole but this may be a response to growth in culture as this species has only previously been reported from infected tissues.
  • (6) At irregular intervals in the cyst wall ostioles occupied by opercula are present.
  • (7) Two ascospores were photographed during emergence from an ostiole, but ostioles were found more frequently closed than open.
  • (8) Tissue contained septale filaments of two types, conidia, ostiolate perithecia containing ascospores corresponding to Microascus cinereus which was identified by culture.
  • (9) At high magnification, (using a scanning electron microscope), the crater-form punctuations adorning the sporangium were seen to result from openings (ostioles) of the network of small canals that traverse the external wall.
  • (10) nov. is described as a heterothallic, thermophilic fungus with spherical, black, non-ostiolate cleistothecia; elliposidal evanescent asci which contain eight one-celled ellipsoidal ascospores, darkening to deep brown to black, with one germ pore.



  • (n.) Alt. of Syconus

Example Sentences:

Words possibly related to "syconium"