What's the difference between outborn and outburn?



  • (a.) Foreign; not native.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In a retrospective study we compared 11 postponed neonatal deaths (PND) with survivors matched for birth weight, gestational age, gender, race, inborn or outborn status, and year of birth in an attempt to identify possible differentiating factors early in the clinical course.
  • (2) We evaluated the use of Bayesian forecasting for gentamicin therapy in outborn infants weighing 1000 g or less irrespective of postnatal age.
  • (3) Both preterm groups were regarded as high risk groups with respect to number of outborns, distribution of gestational age and perinatal risk factors.
  • (4) Respiratory distress syndrome and outborn were the two major determinants affecting the severity and occurrence of intraventricular hemorrhage significantly.
  • (5) Survivors differed from non-survivors (P less than .05) by birth weight (greater than 2 kg), gestational age (greater than 37 weeks), entry diagnosis (MAS, PPHN, HMD, sepsis v CDH), inborn versus outborn, pre-ECMO pH, and ECMO duration.
  • (6) of cases of LH documented at necropsy per 1000 livebirths for inborn patients, and per 1000 referrals for outborn patients) between 1971 and 1985.
  • (7) Mortality was not different for inborn vs outborn babies.
  • (8) In a prospective study of 44 neonates (33 outborn and 11 inborn) with pneumonia, the bacteriology of pneumonia was determined by blood culture and serum counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIEP).
  • (9) brain damage, retinopathy and chronic lung disease) of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants (less than 1500 g) are by approximately 50% lower in inborns compared with outborns.
  • (10) The hypoglycemic manifestations differed between the inborn and outborn infants as well as from those previously described for transient symptomatic hypoglycemia.
  • (11) Both preterm groups were regarded as high risk with respect to number of outborns, distribution of gestational age and perinatal risk factors.
  • (12) Differences in survival among subpopulations (BPDPO2 greater than 100 or less than 100, antenatal diagnosis, inborn v outborn) also are not significant.
  • (13) The effectiveness could be accurately calculated in terms of survival rate being 84% and 98% of outborns and inborns respectively, and in terms of survivors without neurodevelopmental handicaps at 3 years of age being 90% and 97%, respectively.
  • (14) For infants of lower or higher birth weight (that is, less than 1001 or greater than 2000 grams), the studies are inconsistent: some favour inborn status while others favour outborn status.
  • (15) There were 156 convulsing neonates managed at the Mater Mothers Hospital (110 inborn, 46 outborn).
  • (16) Among outborn babies it accounted for 6.1% of total pediatric admissions and 43.7% of sick neonates referred from outside.
  • (17) Ninety-four percent of 248 LBW neonates born in the Munich perinatal centers, 87.5% of 736 infants and 84.4% of 681 LBW infants from the Munich area and Southern Bavaria respectively survived the first week of life although the morbidity risks of inborn infants were higher than those of the outborn.
  • (18) Forty-six (92%) outborn and four (8%) inborn term or near-term neonates were admitted for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) treatment to a neonatal intensive care unit between July 1, 1985, and November 1, 1987.
  • (19) Blood culture was positive among 32% of outborn and 34% of inborn babies.
  • (20) Neonatal sepsis was studied among one hundred neonates (50 hospital born and 50 outborn babies) over one year period.



  • (v. t. & i.) To exceed in burning.
  • (v. t. & i.) To burn entirely; to be consumed.

Example Sentences:

Words possibly related to "outborn"

Words possibly related to "outburn"