What's the difference between outcome and retractor?
(n.) That which comes out of, or follows from, something else; issue; result; consequence; upshot.
Example Sentences:
(1) Indicators for evaluation and monitoring and outcome measures are described within the context of health service management to describe control measure output in terms of community effectiveness.
(2) Recent data collected by the Games Outcomes Project and shared on the website Gamasutra backs up the view that crunch compounds these problems rather than solving them.
(3) It was concluded that the significant factors affecting outcome are tumor cell type and presence or absence or mitoses.
(4) Evidence of fetal alcohol effects may be found for each outcome category.
(5) However, this predictive value disappeared when five baseline parameters found to predict the outcome (neopterin, beta 2-microglobulin, p24 antigen, anti-p18 antibody and immunoglobulin A) were adjusted.
(6) However, each of the studies had numerous methodological flaws which biased their results against finding a relationship: either their outcome measures had questionable validity, their research designs were inappropriate, or the statistical analyses were poorly conceived.
(7) Its articulation with content and process, the teaching strategies and learning outcomes for both students and faculty are discussed.
(8) Several dimensions of the outcome of 86 schizophrenic patients were recorded 1 year after discharge from inpatient index-treatment to complete a prospective study concerning the course of illness (rehospitalization, symptoms, employment and social contacts).
(9) Although chronologic age may not be a good predictor of pregnancy outcome, adolescents remain a high-risk group due to factors which are more common among them such as biologic immaturity, inadequate prenatal care, poverty, minority status, and low prepregnancy weight, and because factors associated with an early adolescent pregnancy, such as low gynecologic age, may continue to influence the outcome of subsequent pregnancies.
(10) But this is to look at the outcomes in the wrong way.
(11) Both demographically and clinically assessed behavioral variables were related to a number of outcome measures, including days in the community, clinical ratings, and family assessment.
(12) In spite of antimalaria treatment, with cortisone and then with immuno-depressants, the outcome was fatal with a picture of acute reticulosis and neurological disorders.
(13) Adverse outcomes were reported more frequently by consultant physicians, by those who 'titrated' the intravenous sedative, and by those who used an additional intravenous agent, but were reported equally frequently by endoscopists using midazolam and endoscopists using diazepam.
(14) Analysis of risk factors and use of criteria for categorizing severity of disease can be helpful in designing new treatments, identifying potential recipients of such agents, and evaluating outcome of therapy.
(15) Accumulating evidence indicates that for most tumors, the switch to the angiogenic phenotype depends upon the outcome of a balance between angiogenic stimulators and angiogenic inhibitors, both of which may be produced by tumor cells and perhaps by certain host cells.
(16) Patients were divided into two groups: poor outcome, defined by the death or a post-operative Karnofsky index less than or equal to 70 (n = 36), and good outcome defined by a Karnofsky index of 80 or more (n = 60).
(17) The calcium entry blocker nimodipine was administered to cats following resuscitation from 18 min of cardiac arrest to evaluate its effect on neurologic and neuropathologic outcome in a clinically relevant model of complete cerebral ischemia.
(18) However, no evidence could be discerned to support its validity as a measure of a patient's treatment outcome.
(19) Additionally, the "early warning" capability of SaO2 monitoring was analyzed by recording the severity and outcome of hypoxemic events during treatment.
(20) And this has opened up a loophole for businesses to be morally bankrupt, ignoring the obligations to its workforce because no legal conduct has been established.” Whatever the outcome of the pending lawsuits, it’s unlikely that just one model will work for everybody.
(n.) A bandage to protect the soft parts from injury by the saw during amputation.
(n.) One who, or that which, retracts.
(n.) In breech-loading firearms, a device for withdrawing a cartridge shell from the barrel.
(n.) An instrument for holding apart the edges of a wound during amputation.
(n.) A muscle serving to draw in any organ or part. See Illust. under Phylactolaemata.
Example Sentences:
(1) Tension and intracellular free calcium concentration [( Ca2+]i) were measured simultaneously in single smooth muscle cells isolated from the anterior byssus retractor muscle (ABRM) of Mytilus edulis that were loaded with the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator fura-2.
(2) We present a computer-aided videodensitometric method for the determination of oxygen saturation in red blood cells flowing through capillaries of the hamster cheek pouch retractor muscle.
(3) New structures reported are mesoboscis retractor muscles, the formation of 3 ligament strands from the proboscis retractor muscles, a teloboscis inflator muscle, and conduit through the protrusor muscle sheath.
(4) We developed a new micro-iris retractor to achieve temporary intraoperative pupillary mydriasis in selected eyes undergoing pars plana vitreous surgery.
(5) These experiments demonstrated that accessory abducens is a primary controller of eye retraction through its axons to retractor bulbi.
(6) Inhibitory factor (IF), an extract of the bovine retractor penis muscle, when treated with acid, becomes a vasodilator with properties similar to endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF).
(7) In our opinion, brachial plexus lesions following median sternotomy in cardiac surgery depend on the extent of sternal spread and the height of placement of the retractor in dependence of the rigidity of the rib cage.
(8) Weintraub and Aronson's (1962) formal measures of defensive language were used: nonpersonal references, negators, qualifiers, retractors, explaining expressions of feeling, and evaluators.
(9) Intracellular and extracellular electrodes were used to study spontaneous and impulse-linked release of transmitter at locust retractor unguis nerve-muscle synapses.2.
(10) 5: 423-429, 1973), appears to restrict blood flow by placing unnatural tension on the retractor muscle and by requiring an incision in the tip of the pouch.
(11) During each scratch cycle, the monoarticular knee extensor muscle is active when the limb rubs against the stimulated site, and there is rhythmic alternation between hip protractor and hip retractor muscle activity (Robertson et al., 1985).
(12) The pharyngeal retractor muscle of Helix lucorum is innervated by two symmetrical nerves which contain axons of two types forming myoneural junctions with the muscle cells.
(13) Interneurons are demonstrated in which membrane potential oscillations mirror the leg position or show correlation with the motoneuronal activity of the protractor and retractor coxae muscles during walking.
(14) The basis for this migration is postulated to be the anatomical relationships of the tarsus, postorbicular fascia, and lower eyelid retractors.
(15) Characteristics of the surgical techniques include 1) taking a transsylvian route; 2) retracting the M1 portion of the middle cerebral artery (occasionally the C1 portion of the internal carotid) medially with tapered brain retractors; and 3) approaching the aneurysm through and between perforators arising from the posterior cerebral artery in cases of high-placed basilar bifurcation.
(16) By quantitative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, paramyosin:myosin heavy chain molecular ratios were calculated for three molluscan muscles:Aequipecten striated adductor, Mercenaria opaque adductor, and Mytilus anterior byssus retractor; and four arthropodan muscles:Limulus telson, Homarus slow claw.
(17) The stress that generated a remaining strain of 1 mm was about 80% of the maximum stress of the fixed flexible arm, and was a suitable indicator of the ability of a retractor under load.
(18) Medial entropion in this setting often coexists with lower eyelid retraction, and if a "spacer" of sclera or ear cartilage is to be inserted into the lower eyelid, it should be carried into the medialmost portion of the eyelid to recess the posterior lamellae, including the medial retractors, and allow the eyelid margin to return to its normal anatomic position.
(19) Effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and forskolin on intracellular free calcium concentration [( Ca2+]i) were studied in suspensions of fura-2 loaded smooth-muscle cells from the anterior byssus retractor 'catch' muscle of Mytilus edulis.
(20) The relaxing effect of SKF 38393 on the catch contraction in the anterior byssus retractor muscle (ABRM) of Mytilus and the effect of SKF 38393 on the cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels in the ABRM were investigated.