What's the difference between outlaw and prohibitionist?



  • (n.) A person excluded from the benefit of the law, or deprived of its protection.
  • (v. t.) To deprive of the benefit and protection of law; to declare to be an outlaw; to proscribe.
  • (v. t.) To remove from legal jurisdiction or enforcement; as, to outlaw a debt or claim; to deprive of legal force.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The first state to outlaw alcohol entirely was, not surprisingly, a Protestant stronghold, the New England state of Maine, which introduced Prohibition in 1851.
  • (2) Uruguay is trying to bring the cannabis market under state control by undercutting and outlawing the traffickers.
  • (3) Instead of dealing with a political problem, China has sought confrontation and control – threatening new national security laws that outlaw treason .
  • (4) In an overpopulated future Los Angeles that never sees the sunlight, Deckard is tasked with taking out a gang of replicants (android outlaws) who have escaped to Earth from an off-world colony.
  • (5) The picture was clouded by job losses at the other end of the age range, after employers exploited a final chance to impose mandatory retirements which were outlawed this month .
  • (6) Players were warned before this year's tournament that officials would be rigorously enforcing its rules on "almost entirely white" clothing – meaning that the bright underwear, coloured soles and conspicuously contrasting trim spotted in previous years would be outlawed.
  • (7) The laws seek to outlaw undercover surveillance by animal rights activists inside factory farms, under threat of harsh punishment.
  • (8) The sanctity of voting in private may be one of the pillars of democracy, but in an age of byzantine disenfranchisement rules and empowering social-media platforms, outlawing a picture of your candidate selection is a missed opportunity and a failure of imagination.
  • (9) The legislative assembly approved, in its first reading, a bill which outlawed the promotion of homosexuality, transsexuality and paedophilia to minors.
  • (10) Later he meets the wife of a notorious outlaw who offers to teach him to shoot.
  • (11) If tax avoidance were outlawed, tens of billions of pounds would be liberated which could then be invested in public services.
  • (12) Delhi has long accused Islamabad of using Pakistan-based militant groups such as the outlawed Lashkar-e-Taiba against its forces in Kashmir – a claim that Islamabad denies.
  • (13) Pelek was fired from her job two months ago, the latest in a series of sackings at the newspaper after the publication in 2013 of the minutes of a secret meeting held in Oslo between Turkish intelligence agents and representatives of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ party (PKK).
  • (14) But everyone knows that the scars of their 3-0 loss to the Americans in the 1930 World Cup are still fresh, so expect the Belgians to scamper around like puppies in a pile of bones play like men with the weight of the world on their shoulders tonight, and for the American Outlaws to be making pointed references to Uruguay 30 from the stands throughout.
  • (15) Unless those at the bottom of the heap can represent themselves, and the inarticulate will not know how to woo judges, they will be outlaws.
  • (16) Federal law continues to outlaw possession, sale, cultivation and transport of cannabis, but laws in Alaska, Colorado, the District of Colombia, Oregon, and Washington state have effectively legalised the drug.
  • (17) Signed by Uganda's veteran president, Yoweri Museveni, in February, the law calls for homosexuals to be jailed for life, outlaws the promotion of homosexuality and obliges Ugandans to denounce gay people to the authorities.
  • (18) There are innumerable examples around the world where content that is declared illegal under the laws of one country, would be deemed legal in others: Thailand criminalises some speech that is critical of its King, Turkey criminalises some speech that is critical of Ataturk, and Russia outlaws some speech that is deemed to be ‘gay propaganda’.
  • (19) The UK’s Cameron suggested earlier in the week he wants to outlaw certain forms of encryption, which could potentially lead to some of the world’s most popular messaging apps (like iMessage and WhatsApp) being banned in the UK.
  • (20) He said the firm had also paid bribes to delay Indonesia outlawing one of its poisonous products prolonging "damage to the people of Indonesia and the environment".



  • (n.) One who favors prohibitory duties on foreign goods in commerce; a protectionist.
  • (n.) One who favors the prohibition of the sale (or of the sale and manufacture) of alcoholic liquors as beverages.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It serves prohibition and prohibition serves repression and repression serves abuses of human rights and negative impacts on human health.” Some Latin American countries, frustrated by what will be perceived as lack of progress at this month’s special session, may choose to issue their own minority report as a counter to the prohibitionist arguments advanced by the UN.
  • (2) Nutt himself has tried "a bit of cannabis, and speed once or twice", but the only drug he consumes now is alcohol, making him neither, as he keeps pointing out, a prohibitionist nor a hedonist.
  • (3) It opened with the salvo: "Prohibitionist policies based on eradication, interdiction and criminalisation of consumption simply haven't worked … The revision of US-inspired drug policies is urgent in the light of the rising levels of violence and corruption associated with narcotics."
  • (4) This announcement marks the first steps in a sensible return to realign funding, focus and efforts into moving away from a largely prohibitionist approach to the much more effective approach of harm minimisation.” The justice minister, Michael Keenan, said local police were working with intelligence and policy agencies in Mexico, Iran, China and other countries to stop the drug from entering the country and to arrest drug kingpins.
  • (5) In this particular controversy, 'prohibitionists' who wish to ban all such self-referral focus on the dangers that patients and payers may receive or be billed for unnecessary or poor-quality care.
  • (6) If the aim is to convince conservative prohibitionists that nitrous oxide is a legitimate leisure activity, this will not succeed.
  • (7) In both the earlier challenges to the status quo and the current attack on the criminalization of drug use, critics have stressed the counterproductive consequences of the prohibitionist ethos.
  • (8) Since pointing out this week that alcohol is more harmful than any other drug , I have been painted as an alcohol prohibitionist or, conversely, as someone who wants to legalise all drugs.
  • (9) She argues that trafficking is a “minuscule” part of the picture, and claims that concern about rising numbers of women trafficked into the country to work as prostitutes, is whipped up by “prohibitionist campaigners” who “conflate migrant sex workers with trafficking victims, to create a moral panic, and to justify their funding”.
  • (10) Then are the objections from the guardians of the prohibitionist status quo, the US and the UN drug agencies.
  • (11) National statutes, UN protocols and who knows how many luckless souls bolted up in cells round the world affirm that the old prohibitionist order has not collapsed.
  • (12) At the session the Colombian president, Juan Manuel Santos, will propose a more “human solution” to the drugs problem that aims to fight the root causes of the problem in all its stages rather than just focusing on enforcement and prohibitionist policies.
  • (13) Neither federal laws nor UN conventions of the old prohibitionist order can stand in logic any longer.
  • (14) Colombian president: prohibitionist drug policies have been a 'failure' Read more Philpott, speaking on Wednesday at a special session of the UN general assembly in New York on drug problems around the world , said the Canadian law will ensure marijuana is kept away from children and will keep criminals from profiting from its sale.
  • (15) "In doing so, Uruguay will be bravely taking a leading role in establishing and testing a compelling alternative to the prohibitionist paradigm."
  • (16) Looking to 2016, when the UN is due to hold a meeting to discuss potential reform of its prohibitionist drug conventions, Clegg states: "The UN drug conventions badly need revising.
  • (17) UN backs prohibitionist drug policies despite call for more 'humane solution' Read more Speaking after a United Nations policy summit voted to maintain its support for prohibitionist drug policies , Santos told the Guardian: “Let me be clear with them: the prohibitionist approach has been a failure.” “It’s time to leave ideologies behind and embrace the evidence.
  • (18) In the end, the summit declaration called for greater cooperation between nations, but maintained the prohibitionist framework which criminalises all drug use that is not for medical or scientific purposes, and included no criticism of the death penalty for drug crimes.

Words possibly related to "prohibitionist"