What's the difference between overlay and overlie?



  • (v. t.) To lay, or spread, something over or across; hence, to cover; to overwhelm; to press excessively upon.
  • (v. t.) To smother with a close covering, or by lying upon.
  • (v. t.) To put an overlay on.
  • (n.) A covering.
  • (n.) A piece of paper pasted upon the tympan sheet to improve the impression by making it stronger at a particular place.
  • (imp.) of Overlie

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Plaque size, appearance, and number were influenced by diluent, incubation temperature after nutrient overlay, centrifugation of inoculated tissue cultures, and number of host cells planted initially in each flask.
  • (2) The adherence of the human respiratory pathogen, Bordetella pertussis, to purified glycosphingolipids was investigated using thin layer chromatography overlay assays.
  • (3) In vitro effect of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), Intraglobin F, on serum opsonic activity against Staphylococcus aureus was studied in 26 full term normal healthy neonates and 18 intrauterine growth retarded (IUGR) neonates by the polymorphonuclear leucocyte overlay method (requiring only a few drops of blood).
  • (4) Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) added to agar overlays during plaque assays of simian virus 40 (SV40) in CV1 monkey cells increases the plaque size and number and enables plaques to be read several days earlier than usual.
  • (5) The overlaying of earlier photos onto the present fundus also makes objective diagnosis of tumors, vessels, and other pathologically significant areas possible.
  • (6) Neutral red concentration in the agar overlay medium affected the number of plaques.
  • (7) Second, a domain of Drosophila alpha spectrin that includes two EF hand calcium-binding sequences bound 45Ca in blot overlay assays.
  • (8) These proteins were characterized with a virus overlay protein blot assay.
  • (9) By using an enzyme-linked assay, M8 and M18 were shown not to bind to MFGM glycolipid, whereas M3 and M24 did, and this was confirmed by overlaying thin layer chromatograms of MFGM lipids with these antibodies.
  • (10) Several bands were detected in each tissues using a 32P-RII overlay method.
  • (11) Overlaying the image are a few brusque swipes across the canvas, a gauzy smear of thin white paint, as if something had passed between us and the painting.
  • (12) No difference could be found between the numbers of mutans streptococci in plaque overlaying cavities and that from adjacent sound enamel.
  • (13) Inoculation of blood-agar by the push-block method and by use of concentrated mycoplasma cell suspensions was compared with the agar-overlay technique.
  • (14) Climbing fiber ablation by intraperitoneal injections of 3-acetylpyridine resulted in a selective depression of cerebellar CaM-PDE expression using Western immunoblot procedures; neither calcineurin (calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase) nor other calmodulin binding proteins, detected by biotinylated calmodulin overlays, were affected.
  • (15) In addition, on the basis of gel overlay techniques, it appears that the hypersensitive site is also the site at which calmodulin binds to the alpha-subunit in a calcium-dependent manner.
  • (16) A considerable intensification of the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex staining system (ABC) was obtained by sequentially overlaying the sections to be immunostained with an avidin-rich and a biotin-rich complex.
  • (17) To identify the molecule responsible for binding the virus to target cells, virus overlay protein blot assays were used to examine the molecular weights of cell surface molecules which bind purified virus.
  • (18) Preliminary results in the gel overlay assay show that other members of the intermediate filament family, nuclear lamins A-C, all bind the synthetic oligonucleotide containing the telomere repeat sequence of Oxytricha.
  • (19) The efficacy of the overlay technique for the direct detection of haemolytic colonies of Listeria from raw milk samples was related to agar selectivity.
  • (20) An isoelectric focusing-antigen overlay (IEF-O) technique showed that the target of one of the four cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal bands was herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 glycoprotein B, indicating a specific anti-HSV immunoresponse restricted to the CNS.



  • (v. t.) To lie over or upon; specifically, to suffocate by lying upon; as, to overlie an infant.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Sites of chemical synaptic interaction between the sensory cells and L7 are located at varicosities along sensory cell processes that overlie the main axons of L7, since these structures have been shown ultrastructurally to contain active zones.
  • (2) Some of the stomata overlie a deep pit; others overlie a shallower pit in which the surface of another cell can be seen beneath the opening.
  • (3) Laterally, the primordial piriform cortex and the prepiriform region overlie the relatively large primordial amygdaloid complex, which includes an anterior anygdaloid nucleus, a primordial corticomedial amygdaloid nucleus and a primordial basolateral amygdaloid nucleus.
  • (4) Endothelial cells are relatively large, with thinly spread cytoplasm, and they overlie macrophages, granulocytes, and other less differentiated developing hemopoietic cells.
  • (5) Sepal primordia then arise (stage 3) and grow to overlie the primordium (stage 4).
  • (6) No virus was recovered from agarose which did not overlie a focus of viral replication.
  • (7) In humans and sheep, this band contains puncta that overlie cell bodies.
  • (8) Under most conditions the two methyl resonances overlie each other to a large degree.
  • (9) Lesions may overlie overt or occult embryologic malformations.
  • (10) Section of the right internal spermatic artery and vein where they overlie the ureter in Wistar-related male rats suggests that the right hydronephrosis found in these animals is not a consequence of simple obstruction by the blood vessels.
  • (11) Results indicate that the centers of rectus insertions, especially the lateral rectus, approximately overlie the ora, with the edges of the insertions more posterior and variable.
  • (12) No commissural fibers terminate within the aggregations of layer IV cells themselves but the more superficial terminal ramifications may come to overlie these aggregations.
  • (13) This label localizes to sites on the membrane that overlie the intramembranous particles.
  • (14) These "footprints" overlie a highly conserved 8-base-pair motif, CCTGATAATA.
  • (15) These CyPs seemed gradually to overlie and underlie the adjacent acinar cells and resulted in progressive degeneration and loss of acinar cells, which subsequently were replaced by altered centroacinar cells.
  • (16) It is concluded that where focal slow-wave EEG abnormalities overlie oedematous brain the EEG abnormalities are not primarily related to the brain oedema but arise from either local biomechanical or other pathophysiological mechanisms.
  • (17) However, the nerve may overlie the anterior iliac wing or pass between two slips of the inguinal ligament and may also be compressed if it passes deep to or through the sartorius muscle.
  • (18) The vertical chains of silver grains overlie neuronal processes identifiable as both dendrites and myelinated axons, but unmyelinated axons may also be included.
  • (19) Among these are 6 longitudinal glial cells on each side of each segment that overlie the longitudinal axon tracts.
  • (20) Since penile spines overlie dermal tactile receptors, they may play a role in copulatory behaviour.

Words possibly related to "overlie"