What's the difference between overloading and overriding?



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Overload

Example Sentences:

  • (1) By means of rapid planar Hill type antimony-bismuth thermophiles the initial heat liberated by papillary muscles was measured synchronously with developed tension for control (C), pressure-overload (GOP), and hypothyrotic (PTU) rat myocardium (chronic experiments) and after application of 10(-6) M isoproterenol or 200 10(-6) M UDCG-115.
  • (2) In iron-overloaded patients with primary haemochromatosis, there was inappropriately high uptake of iron by the biopsy specimens.
  • (3) The patient presented urgently for Caesarean section, with fluid overload and worsening thrombocytopaenia.
  • (4) Al hepatocytes overload appeared only in nuclei and not in nuclei and not in lysosomes, contrarily to chronic intoxications.
  • (5) Fluid overload, which could have been caused by the hyperosmolar properties of dextran, worsened progressively as fluids were drawn from the interstitial space and urine output was reduced.
  • (6) There were no significant differences between the mean levels of peak blood pressures (systolic, diastolic and mean), degree of fluid overload, and fractional sodium excretion in the 2 groups.
  • (7) Persisting diastolic dysfunction with a substantial rise in left ventricular filling pressure can be observed during dynamic exercise in postoperative patients with preoperative severe pressure overload hypertrophy.
  • (8) The 8 men and 3 women were clinically stable, were known to be compliant, and had no clinical evidence of aluminum overload; they were not receiving vitamin D supplements; and they had been on dialysis for an average of 65.6 months (range: 13-188 months).
  • (9) Wilson disease is due to a genetically determined impairment of copper excretion from liver into bile resulting in copper overload of the organism.
  • (10) There was no change in the sarcolemmal Mg2+ -ATPase of the left or right ventricle for the whole duration (3 to 9 months) of left ventricular pressure overload.
  • (11) These experimental results demonstrate that aluminium interferes with iron absorption and iron transfer, and suggest that these mechanisms may be responsible for maintaining and even increasing the anaemia observed in aluminium overload.
  • (12) When a high dose of the complex was administered, an overloading with hemosiderin of macrophages and hepatocytes was noticed.
  • (13) The subsequent accumulation of Na+ in the cell Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange, which can ultimately result in intracellular Ca2+ overload, contractile dysfunction and damage.
  • (14) If overloaded, these areas are subject to "cervical cratering," a common prelude to implant failure.
  • (15) The rationale for the inclusion of Mg in cardioplegic solutions therefore lies not in its cardioplegic properties, but in its ability to influence other cellular events such as the loss of Mg and K and perhaps to counter the detrimental effects of ischemia by antagonizing calcium (Ca) overload.
  • (16) Cardiac hypertrophy due to a chronic hemodynamic overload is accompanied by isoformic changes of two proteins of the thick filament of the sarcomere, myosin, and creatine phosphokinase.
  • (17) Age, gender and laboratory markers of iron overload did not differentiate patients with cardiac dysfunction (group 1) from those without cardiac dysfunction (group 2).
  • (18) Severe overloading can increase microdamage alarmingly, its repair by BMUs too, and can cause woven bone formation, anarchic resorption and a regional acceleratory phenomenon.
  • (19) Thus, it appears that the increased expression of the regulatory MLC2 gene in SHR atrial cells is a predetermined event, which, most likely, participates in functional adaptation of the myocardium in response to pressure overload and subsequent hypertrophy.
  • (20) To help resolve the issue of contractile function in volume overload hypertrophy, we examined ventricular function in a recently described model of severe chronic experimental mitral regurgitation.



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Override

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Because haptenated cells can induce immunity if injected subcutaneously or into cyclophosphamide-pretreated recipients (thereby avoiding the induction of suppressor cells), we suggest that the activation of contrasuppressor cells by antigen-antibody complexes overrides suppressive influences in the host, allowing immunity to become dominant.
  • (2) Although B12 supplementation results in a 10-fold repression of metE-lacZ expression, homocysteine addition to the growth medium overrides the B12-mediated repression.
  • (3) Morrison and Operation Sovereign Borders commander Lieutenant General Angus Campbell continued to insist that their refusal to answer questions about “on water matters” was essential to meet the overriding goal of stopping asylum seeker boats, and said from now on such briefings on the policy would be held when needed, rather than every week because the “establishment phase” had finished.
  • (4) As a result, more and more people are beginning to look towards Irish reunification as being a real possibility.” The overriding issue, however, in this most marginal constituency in Northern Ireland is the old binary, sectarian one: the zero-sum game of orange versus green.
  • (5) For now, the overriding feeling is helplessness, tinged with shame for the last year of passivity.
  • (6) The negative feedback inhibition of physiological concentrations of IGF-I on GH, therefore, appears to override the potent stimulation of GH by these intracellular messengers.
  • (7) Glycosylation failed to completely override the transport block, but allowed some uncleaved hGH-DAF to pass through the secretory pathway and acquire endoglycosidase H resistance.
  • (8) Throughout, our correspondent establishes his overriding desire simply to be useful, even when he fears he might not be; to Charles Clarke, secretary of state for education – “If you can bear to receive a report on this year’s Education Summer School from someone with such old-fashioned views (!)
  • (9) Under some conditions, visual information can override auditory information to the extent that identification judgments of a visually influenced syllable can be as consistent as for an analogous audiovisually compatible syllable.
  • (10) A direction from the family court that an asylum seeker should have access to a child in Australia does not override the department’s obligation to remove the asylum seeker.
  • (11) These results demonstrate that ET-1 and possibly other vasoactive substances of endothelial origin, override the compensatory mechanism of normal pregnancy with respect to the blunted responsiveness to AII and VP.
  • (12) The overriding common features of these ailments are the gender of their sufferers and the behavioral symptoms they exhibit.
  • (13) It could be used: (1) to assure that only patients actually ingesting medication are used to evaluate new drugs, (2) to study the factors that influence compliance and strategies to improve compliance, (3) to prevent escalation to more toxic drugs or expensive diagnostic procedures when failure to respond is due to poor compliance, (4) to supervise compliance when society has an overriding interest in therapeutic success, and (5) to monitor the effects of air pollution.
  • (14) Possible explanations for this lack of effect include (1) interactions with NMDA receptor channels are pressure dependent; (2) other actions of these antagonists override their effects on the NMDA receptor channel.
  • (15) There is certainly no chance of the sort of "democratic override" that Pinto-Duschinsky himself favours.
  • (16) Now the vote is in, the overriding sense is of surprise and uncertainty.
  • (17) The diagnosis of overriding mitral valve should be suspected in any patient with significant conotruncal anomalies and underdeveloped left ventricle, especially the patient with double outlet right ventricle, and in the patient with endocardial cushion defect, hypoplasia of the left ventricle, and obstructive anomalies of the aortic arch.
  • (18) Filtering and randomization of stimulus timing may attenuate the effects of these overriding potentials.
  • (19) The difference in kinetics for reversal between these two treatments suggests that myo-inositol addition overrides a biochemical pathway while Ca2+ addition supplants a phosphoinositide-mediated rise in the cation that may be necessary for anaphase onset.
  • (20) A conclusion is offered that the quality of residential care is dependent on the interaction of variables rather than on the presence of any single overridingly powerful factor.

Words possibly related to "overloading"

Words possibly related to "overriding"