(v. i.) The act or process of uniting or arranging in pairs or couples.
(v. i.) See To pair off, under Pair, v. i.
Example Sentences:
(1) The distance between the end of fic and the start of pabA was 31 base pairs.
(2) At the fepB operator, a 31 base-pair Fur-protected region was identified, corresponding to positions -19 to +12 with respect to the transcriptional start site.
(3) Mapping of the cross-link position between U2 and U6 RNAs is consistent with base-pairing between the 5' domain of U2 and the 3' end of U6 RNA.
(4) This value is about 30 times higher than the association constant for guanine-cytosine base pair formation under the same experimental conditions.
(5) For related pairs, both the primes (first pictures) and targets (second pictures) varied in rated "typicality" (Rosch, 1975), being either typical or relatively atypical members of their primary superordinate category.
(6) Plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone concentration were measured before and during submaximal exercise in 10 male monozygotic twin pairs who were discordant for smoking.
(7) Fifty-two pairs of canine femora were tested to failure in four-point bending.
(8) Other DNase I hypersensitive sites located adjacent to the S14 cap site at -65 to -265 base pairs (Hss-1) or upstream at -1.3 kb (Hss-2), -2.1 kb (Hss-3'), -5.3 kb (Hss-4), and -6.2 kb (Hss-5) remained unaffected by changes in S14 gene transcription.
(9) Delta roc, which extends from base pairs 41883 to 43825, overlaps the nin5 deletion, which extend from base pairs 40501 to 43306.
(10) In all cases, endocrine cells immunoreactive to only one of the paired antisera were detected except for anti-glucagon and anti-glucagon-like peptide 1, which always immunostained the same cells.
(11) Arterial-type flows produced a pair of vortex sinks downstream of the branching port.
(12) Benzaldehyde's in cherries and cherrystones and amaretto, so it's immediately a base to pair things with."
(13) The lengths and heights of the scalae tympani in ten pairs of serially sectioned temporal bones were measured by an adaptation of the serial section method of cochlear reconstruction.
(14) Paired tolbutamide and glucose infusions using a square wave technique demonstrated that although early phase insulin secretion is dimished in the fetus, this is not due to an absolute deficiency of stored insulin.
(15) The distribution of the amino acid pairs, i, i + 1 in alpha-helical configurations does not differ from the random pairing.
(16) Male Sprague Dawley rats either trained (T, N = 9) for 11 wk on a rodent treadmill, remained sedentary, and were fed ad libitum (S, N = 8) or remained sedentary and were food restricted (pair fed, PF, N = 8) so that final body weights were similar to T. After training, T had significantly higher red gastrocnemius muscle citrate synthase activity compared with S and PF.
(17) We propose that, for a GC base pair in B conformation, there are two amino proton exchangeable states--a cytosine amino proton exchangeable state and a guanine amino proton exchangeable state; both require the disruption of only the corresponding interbase H bond.
(18) Whole gastrocnemius muscles were incubated in Ringer's solution enriched with H2-17O; the paired contralateral gastrocnemius muscles were incubated in a similar solution enriched with deuterons, as well.
(19) The building block of cytokeratin IFs is a heterotypic tetramer, consisting of two type I and two type II polypeptides arranged in pairs of laterally aligned coiled coils.
(20) For example, stem pairing with a sequence other than wild-type resulted in normal protein binding in vitro but derepression of protein synthesis in vivo.
(pl. ) of Seed
(n.) A ripened ovule, consisting of an embryo with one or more integuments, or coverings; as, an apple seed; a currant seed. By germination it produces a new plant.
(n.) Any small seedlike fruit, though it may consist of a pericarp, or even a calyx, as well as the seed proper; as, parsnip seed; thistle seed.
(n.) The generative fluid of the male; semen; sperm; -- not used in the plural.
(n.) That from which anything springs; first principle; original; source; as, the seeds of virtue or vice.
(n.) The principle of production.
(n.) Progeny; offspring; children; descendants; as, the seed of Abraham; the seed of David.
(n.) Race; generation; birth.
(v. t.) To sprinkle with seed; to plant seeds in; to sow; as, to seed a field.
(v. t.) To cover thinly with something scattered; to ornament with seedlike decorations.
Example Sentences:
(1) Thus, a dietary 'no observable effect level' for subchronic ingestion of C. obtusifolia seed in rats was less than 0.15%.
(2) Cells (1 x 10(5)) were seeded in 12- x -75-mm tissue culture tubes and incubated with various doses of IL-1 beta, IL-1 alpha, TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma, alone or in specific combinations, for 15 min, two, 12, 24, and 72 h. PGE concentrations in the media were measured by radio-immunoassay.
(3) Cissus quadrangularis was mutagenic, while 'decoctions' of cumin seeds, aniseeds and ginger were not.
(4) The major protein component in seeds is storage protein.
(5) He fashioned alliances with France in the 1950s, and planted the seeds for Israel’s embryonic electronics and aircraft industries.
(6) Furthermore, the animals did not increase their intake of sunflower seeds, a preferred diet for hamsters.
(7) Although not yet characterized, glycinin-related genes could encode other glycinin subunit families whose members accumulate in minor amounts in seeds.
(8) A procedure for cultivation of the seed material for biosynthesis of eremomycin providing an increase in the antibiotic yield by 24 per cent was developed.
(9) At 10 weeks only the seeded grafts could be assessed because all of the control grafts had occluded.
(10) Cells dissociated from 6-day rat cerebellum were seeded on glass coverslips coated with polylysine on one half and hyaluronectin on the other.
(11) The observed signals from germinating seeds of Phaseolus aures and decaying leaves of Eucalyptus are presented to show that the signals have characteristic kinetics and intensity.
(12) The accumulation of the mRNA corresponding to a rice high pI alpha-amylase gene, OSamy-c, was stimulated 20-fold by exogenous GA3 in half-seeds lacking embryos.
(13) Previous work from this laboratory had shown that Leguminosa seed extracts contain lectin-bound proteins.
(14) We therefore surveyed patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) regarding early adult consumption of fruits and vegetables usually eaten raw, with seeds that are swallowed or scraped with the teeth.
(15) Y-79 cells, seeded into a Matrigel matrix, form round colonies over a 3-week period similar to those of control, weakly metastatic murine melanoma cells.
(16) During the procedure of coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG), the release of free oxygen radicals as a result of ischemia and reperfusion which plants the seeds of post-operative low cardiac output and arrhythmias has grave consequence on the reestablishment of cardiac function.
(17) Production of the vaccine basically consists in the multiplication of the working seed under standardized, well-defined conditions guaranteeing consistency of the vaccine lots.
(18) In cereals and legume seeds the activity of chymotrypsin inhibitors is generally lower than that of the trypsin inhibitors.
(19) The amino acid sequence of the smaller subunit of conglutin gamma, the simplest of the three globulins from the seeds of Lupinus angustifolius cv.
(20) Virus in the seed lot was not identified correctly, and the titer of homologous antiserum was mistakenly considered to be low as a result of neutralization tests conducted with the aggregated virus.