What's the difference between palaeontologist and paleontologist?



Example Sentences:



  • (n.) One versed in paleontology.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It’s the biggest dinosaur that has ever been found with wings,” said Steve Brusatte , a paleontologist at Edinburgh University.
  • (2) The placement of fossils would help to further interpret the sequence of morphological events and innovations associated with the origin of tetrapods but appears to be problematic because the quality of fossils is not always high enough, and differences among paleontologists in the interpretation of the fossils have stood in the way of a consensus opinion for the branching order among lobefinned fishes.
  • (3) Zhou came from a long line of landowners and scholars; his father, a renowned paleontologist, had spent time in America and Taiwan.
  • (4) Philosopher, anatomist, paleontologist, botanist, educator, and natural scientist in the purest sense of the work, Leidy's interest in the humanities and in all aspects of nature lent itself to his exact descriptions of new species and unchartered anatomic realms.
  • (5) On what turned out to be the last morning of his life, Ben told me, quite out of the blue, " I still want to be an architect, Mama, but I also want to be a paleontologist, because that's what Nate is going to be and I want to do everything Nate does."
  • (6) Now the paper has followed up their story by saying they have discovered the skull was provided to auctioneers IM Chait by Eric Prokopi, a "commercial paleontologist" who recently pleaded guilty to conspiring to import illegally obtained fossils from Mongolia .
  • (7) Problems regarding the homologies of different entotympanics, largely ignored by paleontologists and systematists, reduce or negate their taxonomic valency for all but closely related groups.
  • (8) Since the discovery of the coelacanth, Latimeria chalumnae, more than 50 years ago, paleontologists and comparative morphologists have debated whether coelacanths or lungfishes, two groups of lobe-finned fishes, are the closest living relatives of land vertebrates (Tetrapoda).

Words possibly related to "palaeontologist"

Words possibly related to "paleontologist"