What's the difference between pampered and wanton?



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Pamper
  • (a.) Fed luxuriously; indulged to the full; hence, luxuriant.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) (3) A 2006 Bobcat movie in which the lead ... pampers her pooch.
  • (2) A small group of us, including a student recovering from exams, a woman with a broken heart and a pair that had stayed at Zamzam before and vowed to return, gathered for some pre-departure pampering.
  • (3) When it comes to tuition fees, do not believe the voices who tell us that the average Briton thinks students are a pampered lot who should get with the government's plans and count themselves lucky.
  • (4) There would be no capitulation, no surrender, no private jet into pampered exile.
  • (5) It seemed a fairytale romance, ideal fodder for the glossy fan magazines, as both were young, attractive, rich and pampered.
  • (6) Jeremy Corbyn is criticised in much of the media for questioning a system that engorges a tiny minority of wealthy executives while buying the acquiescence of millions through a pampered existence of material excess.
  • (7) Social maladjustment in the child was significantly related to maternal guilt (P less than 0.05) and pampering (P less than 0.02).
  • (8) The catch is that you have to fail, or rather pass, a breathalyser test to be allowed in – to make sure that you still have alcohol in your system, that you’re properly hung over and not a healthy type who just fancies some pampering.
  • (9) And all of it is completely wasted on the very people who can afford it; the ones who book into them not out of greed or even a tinge of hunger, but because they like the way the lighting flatters their complexion and the toiletries in the bogs make them smell like one of Dita Von Teese's freshly pampered armpits.
  • (10) The privately owned chain is still a relative minnow, controlling just 5.8% of all grocery sales in the UK, but only Pampers nappies are bigger sellers than its Mamia brand, and 8% of our fresh fruit and veg, and over a fifth of all premium steaks, are bought in Aldi stores.
  • (11) Decca went from being a pampered, uneducated aristocratic child to a fierce civil rights campaigner in the US; Diana remained unapologetically devoted to Mosley to the day he died; Nancy lived a somewhat lonely life in Paris, writing novels.
  • (12) But the arms race to provide ever greater pampering, cuisine and luxury threatens to endanger their renaissance.
  • (13) Yes, there are many reasons why the apex of society is such a stitch-up for the pampered and privileged, but the internship filter is certainly one of them.
  • (14) The pampered plutocracy Last year, the Institute for Fiscal Studies looked at an ever-worsening financial crisis, which will see the amount of public debt owed per person rise from its 2010 level of £15,000 to £23,000 in 2017.
  • (15) He, too, has a grown-up child – an arrogant and pampered one.
  • (16) So it's off to LA for a weekend of "luxury pampering" while Bullard sets about Emily's house with his team of long-suffering design lackeys.
  • (17) Perhaps it's because Allen is, these days, a pampered celebrity – "everything is done for you by minions," he says of the film-making process – that celebrity is the one subject on which To Rome With Love feels authentic and personal.
  • (18) But a systematic policy of pampering the wealthy, be they domestic or foreign, allied to a callous disregard of the interest of our own young, has led to the economic polarisation we see today.
  • (19) It was an enormous pleasure to be so pampered despite our age.
  • (20) Twitter has taken some heat for this, creating 1,600 millionaires since its IPO in November 2013, adding to the perception of a pampered tech elite detached from the soul of the city.



  • (v. t.) Untrained; undisciplined; unrestrained; hence, loose; free; luxuriant; roving; sportive.
  • (v. t.) Wandering from moral rectitude; perverse; dissolute.
  • (v. t.) Specifically: Deviating from the rules of chastity; lewd; lustful; lascivious; libidinous; lecherous.
  • (v. t.) Reckless; heedless; as, wanton mischief.
  • (n.) A roving, frolicsome thing; a trifler; -- used rarely as a term of endearment.
  • (n.) One brought up without restraint; a pampered pet.
  • (n.) A lewd person; a lascivious man or woman.
  • (v. i.) To rove and ramble without restraint, rule, or limit; to revel; to play loosely; to frolic.
  • (v. i.) To sport in lewdness; to play the wanton; to play lasciviously.
  • (v. t.) To cause to become wanton; also, to waste in wantonness.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) We simply do whatever nature needs and will work with anyone that wants to help wildlife.” His views might come as a surprise to some of the RSPB’s 1.1 million members, who would have been persuaded by its original pledge “to discourage the wanton destruction of birds”; they would equally have been a surprise to the RSPB’s detractors in the shooting world.
  • (2) He pointed out that the eighth amendment of the US constitution “prohibits the unnecessary and wanton infliction of pain through torture, barbarous methods, or methods resulting in a lingering death”.
  • (3) The real offense, for which no one has been charged, is the wanton disregard for human life that Manning exposed.
  • (4) We’re back to those flappers, with their jobs and their knee-length skirts and their dangerous opinions about politics, or the girls of the 1960s destroying the traditional family by wantonly taking the pill.
  • (5) Long said: "This is not an attack on an individual or on a party, but a wanton attack on the democratic process.
  • (6) In the 1930s the Spanish city of Guernica became a symbol of wanton murder and destruction.
  • (7) The wanton slaughter of two dozen civilians in Haditha, Iraq and the severe and even lethal torture of Afghan detainees generated, at worst, shockingly short jail time for the killers and, usually, little more than letters of reprimand.
  • (8) What distinguishes games from books, or films, is that the dodgy sexual politics and wanton violence of one is used as a stick to bash them all.
  • (9) "The president commiserates with all the families who lost loved ones in the heinous attacks and extends his heartfelt sympathies to all those who suffered injuries or lost their properties during the wanton assaults on Bauchi and Kaduna States," said a statement.
  • (10) But that doesn't mean that halting and reversing the wanton growth of shorthaul flights is an act of class war.
  • (11) Here in Bristol we could use the old railway lines that used to thread their way into the city, before Beeching and Marples ripped them up – another example of wanton government lack of foresight.
  • (12) To the contrary, they are the inevitable by-products of societies that recruit every institution in service of defending even the most wanton abuses by the state.
  • (13) Later at university, there were nice Protestant ladies and wanton atheists; taxpayer-funded Guinness and Spear of Destiny .
  • (14) Three hours of sexual and pharmacological excess, wanton debauchery, unfathomable avarice, gleeful misogyny, extreme narcotic brinksmanship, malfeasance and lawless behaviour is a lot to take, and some have complained of the film's relentlessness, which, if understood in formal terms, I think may be one of its main aims.
  • (15) Humankind must become accountable on a massive scale for the wanton destruction of our collective home.
  • (16) Young children were expected to carry out gruelling domestic chores and were wantonly punished, she says.
  • (17) An influential Communist party journal has compared online rumours to Cultural Revolution-style denunciations and warned of the need to curb "wanton defamation" of authority, as China intensifies its campaign to control social media.
  • (18) What we are seeing in London tonight, the wanton vandalism, smashing of windows, has nothing to do with peaceful protest."
  • (19) On the periphery of all the wanton lust and questionable puns stands Evie (Antonia Thomas), who’s pretty, sweet and has a camera; the holy trinity for chumps like Dylan.
  • (20) Following release of the Mosul video showing wanton destruction of antiquities, there has been a lot of email traffic between Libyans working in archaeology and Arab-world representatives on the major international heritage bodies,” said David Mattingly, a professor at the University of Leicester, who has spent years excavating Roman ruins in Libya.

Words possibly related to "pampered"