(n.) A pimple; a small, usually conical, elevation of the cuticle, produced by congestion, accumulated secretion, or hypertrophy of tissue; a papule.
(n.) One of the numerous small hollow processes of the integument between the plates of starfishes.
Example Sentences:
(1) Skin manifestations in smallpox vaccination (hyperemia, infiltration, papula) were due to the multiplication of the virus proper, increased sensitivity of the surrounding tissues to the live vibrio, and specific immunological reconstruction.
(2) The majority of patients with pseudo-condyloma were symptomless but with harbor roe-like warty papulae distributed symmetrically on both labia minora.
(3) The diagnosis was established after finding characteristic polymorphic lesions in the form of papulae, necrotizing vesicles, ulcerations, desquamation of certain papulae typical of p. guttata, long-term persistence of the lesions and good general condition of the child.
(4) The diameter of the papula increased up to three times in heifers, while in bulls the results were no different than those from the non-infected group.
(5) Five types of vulvoscopic abnormalities are described: diffuse acidophilia (55% of abnormalities), acidophilic maculae (17%), micropapillae (20%), papulae (4%) and leucoparakeratosis (4%).
(6) The evolution has been progressive and eruptive, with the lesions, beginning as reddish papulae, acquiring later a verrucous appearance.
(7) An objective examination of the patient revealed the presence of multiple follicular comedones, black in colour, the size of a pinhead, and of yellowish follicular papulas, 2-5 mm in size, of solid consistency, on the top of which is a formation similar to comedone.
(8) These lesions, consisting of violet coloured maculae and papulae, contained elements from the three hemopoietic series.
(9) The ultrastructure of the dermal papulae of a starfish (Asterias rubens) is consistent with a respiratory function.
(10) The papulae consist of an outer ectodermal epithelium of sensory, support and gland cells and a small basiepithelial nerve plexus.
(11) The areas of the papulae were evaluated in crosses, according to the size of the histamine and using computerized papulometry, using the Kurta series one graphic tablet with one resolution of 200 points per inch.
(12) In fattening pigs this vaccination procedure is attractive because (i) less animal constraint is needed than would be for intramuscular injections, (ii) injection can be checked by the presence of a visible papula at the site of inoculation and, (iii) pigs can be vaccinated in the ham while they are feeding.
(13) Ten days after infection, the dermal lesions were characterized by syphilitic papula accompanied with central necrosis.
(14) Endoscopy of stomach and colon disclosed urticaria-like papulae either spontaneously or after topical provocation in all patients.
(15) Fertility rates for the groups are 1) 3.5 for the Kiunga area of Papula, New Guinea, 2) 4.2 for Northern Territory Australian aborigines, 3) 5.0 for Cayapo groups in Brazil, 4) 5.3 for Hiowe people of New Guinea, 5) 5.7 for 3 Xavante groups in Brazil, 6) 6.0 for West Alaskan Eskimos, 7) 6.9 for Nunamiut Eskimos of Alaska, 8) 7.6 for the Bisman-Asmat group of Indonesian New Guinea, and 9) 8.4 for the Winikina Warao of Venezuela.
(16) The animals' owners suffered from severe itching and redish papulae, particularly on those parts of the body which frequently got in contact with the cats.
(17) A system of canals that are not lined by cells occurs at the base of the papulae with the circular muscles.
(18) The coelomic cavity of the papulae is lined with ciliated endothelial cells, which overlie an irregular layer of circular muscles.
(19) The vulvoscopic images of subclinical vulvar HPV infection, but apart from papulae and, to a lesser extent, leucoparakeratosis, correlations between vulvoscopic and histological images were imprecise.
(20) The skin eruption was characterized by small purpuric maculae with tiny, palpable spots and papulae, mostly concentrated on the lower part of the legs, changing into bullae, pustules and crusts and tending to spontaneous regression after withdrawal from VC exposure.
(n.) Any small acuminated elevation of the cuticle, whether going on to suppuration or not.
(n.) Fig.: A swelling or protuberance like a pimple.
Example Sentences:
(1) "All the big German newspapers and news magazines are now increasingly trying to have one editorial team overlook all of its channels of output – it's better for the overall brand," said Roland Pimpl, a correspondent for the trade magazine Horizont.
(2) These pimples exhibit a unique and complex morphology.
(3) In the white form, budding cells appear similar to those of most other strains of C. albicans, but in the opaque form, budding cells are larger, are bean shaped, and possess pimples on the wall.
(4) Results showed that a significant (P less than .05) linear increase in pimple score, uterine ash, and serum calcium occurred as dietary levels of D3 increased.
(5) The possibility is suggested that the vacuole of opaque cells is the origin of membrane-bound vesicles which traverse the wall through specialized pimple structures and emerge from the pimple with an intact outer double membrane, a unique phenomenon in yeast cells.
(6) John Lopez, Vanity Fair Whether or not Sorkin "sexed" The Social Network up hardly even matters: in sexing it up, he merely cast an unpleasant spotlight on that nasty pimple resting on the tip of our nose, whose presence we try so hard to hide with makeup so that we can go out and face the working world with dignity.
(7) The opaque-cell-specific 14.5-kDa antigen either is in the pimple channel or is a component of the emerging vesicle.
(8) The antics of the past week are pimples pointing to a deeper infection within the Conservative organism – and, for that matter, the body politic.
(9) "The pitch was frozen solid but Lincoln had the new Adidas pimpled studs, and ours had long nylon studs," he recalled.
(10) The functions of the unique opaque-cell pimple and emerging vesicle are not known.
(11) The trouble with the government's proposals so far is that they are mere pimples on the surface."
(12) The typical features are, in the beginning, a pruritic insect-bite-like pimple, then a painless ulcer surrounded by serous-hemorrhagic, often rapidly confluent vesicles and non-pitting edema.
(13) Feed consumption, egg production, egg weight, egg specific gravity, and pimple score were determined at weekly or biweekly intervals for a 10-week period.
(14) Pimpled egg shells are one of the various types of egg shell problems in the industry today.
(15) A peculiar anatomoclinic form is described about the Balanoposthite chronique circonscrite bénigne à plasmocytes (Zoon): the pimpled, erosive, nodular and pseudoangiomatous form.
(16) It was concluded that egg shell pimpling is directly related to level of cholecalciferol (D3) in the diet.
(17) A 17-month-old baby boy was noted to have a pimple-like lesion at the corona of the glans penis.
(18) There's even one in which she appears to have a pimple .
(19) In the Vivida group, five patients developed transient, mild pimples during the first weeks of treatment, but no other adverse effects occurred.
(20) The hyphae formed by opaque cells were morphologically identical to hyphae formed by white cells (i.e., they were devoid of pimples or protrusions and exhibited the same shape and septal locations).