What's the difference between parallel and sap?



  • (a.) Extended in the same direction, and in all parts equally distant; as, parallel lines; parallel planes.
  • (a.) Having the same direction or tendency; running side by side; being in accordance (with); tending to the same result; -- used with to and with.
  • (a.) Continuing a resemblance through many particulars; applicable in all essential parts; like; similar; as, a parallel case; a parallel passage.
  • (n.) A line which, throughout its whole extent, is equidistant from another line; a parallel line, a parallel plane, etc.
  • (n.) Direction conformable to that of another line,
  • (n.) Conformity continued through many particulars or in all essential points; resemblance; similarity.
  • (n.) A comparison made; elaborate tracing of similarity; as, Johnson's parallel between Dryden and Pope.
  • (n.) Anything equal to, or resembling, another in all essential particulars; a counterpart.
  • (n.) One of the imaginary circles on the surface of the earth, parallel to the equator, marking the latitude; also, the corresponding line on a globe or map.
  • (n.) One of a series of long trenches constructed before a besieged fortress, by the besieging force, as a cover for troops supporting the attacking batteries. They are roughly parallel to the line of outer defenses of the fortress.
  • (n.) A character consisting of two parallel vertical lines (thus, ) used in the text to direct attention to a similarly marked note in the margin or at the foot of a page.
  • (v. t.) To place or set so as to be parallel; to place so as to be parallel to, or to conform in direction with, something else.
  • (v. t.) Fig.: To make to conform to something else in character, motive, aim, or the like.
  • (v. t.) To equal; to match; to correspond to.
  • (v. t.) To produce or adduce as a parallel.
  • (v. i.) To be parallel; to correspond; to be like.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) When the data correlating DHT with protein synthesis using both labelling techniques were combined, the curves were parallel and a strong correlation was noted between DHT and protein synthesis over a wide range of values (P less than 0.001).
  • (2) The time-course and dose-response for this modification of pp60c-src paralleled PDGF-induced increases in phosphorylation of pp36, a major cellular substrate for several tyrosine-specific protein kinases.
  • (3) We present a mathematical model that is suitable to reconcile this apparent contradiction in the interpretation of the epidemiological data: the observed parallel time series for the spread of AIDS in groups with different risk of infection can be realized by computer simulation, if one assumes that the outbreak of full-blown AIDS only occurs if HIV and a certain infectious coagent (cofactor) CO are present.
  • (4) There was no correlation between serum LH and chronological or bone age in this age group, which suggests that the correlation found is not due to age-related parallel phenomena.
  • (5) The cyclical nature of pyromania has parallels in cycles of reform in standards of civil commitment (Livermore, Malmquist & Meehl, 1958; Dershowitz, 1974), in the use of physical therapies and medications (Tourney, 1967; Mora, 1974), in treatment of the chronically mentally ill (Deutsch, 1949; Morrissey & Goldman, 1984), and in institutional practices (Treffert, 1967; Morrissey, Goldman & Klerman (1980).
  • (6) Stimulation of parallel fibers or iontophoresis of acetylcholine excited P cells.
  • (7) Label was found widely distributed among all the organs except the nervous system and its rate of disappearance from the tissues paralleled its disappearance from the circulation.
  • (8) The bundles may lie parallel to the plasma membrane and to the long axis of the cell.
  • (9) Alterations in DNA synthesis induced by a single dose of cyclophosphamide in normal and tumorous tissues in vivo paralleled in many respects the changes seen when the more time-consuming techniques of the LI or granulocyte colony formation were employed.
  • (10) Dose distributions were evaluated under thin sheet lead used as surface bolus for 4- and 10-MV photons and 6- and 9-MeV electrons using a parallel-plate ion chamber and film.
  • (11) The influences of the inhibitor(s) for both tumours and in both culture systems were parallel.
  • (12) Parallel studies in vivo were carried out to determine the contribution of the phosphatidylserine decarboxylase pathway, relative to pathways utilizing ethanolamine directly, to the synthesis of brain ethanolamine glycerophospholipids.
  • (13) Plasma renin activities (PRA) and aldosterone concentrations increased in parallel over a wide range of plasma volume deficits produced in unanesthetized rats by extravascular administration of polyethylene glycol (PEG) solution.
  • (14) Combined study of lungs of 85 foetuses and newborns of various gestational age and 8 newborns dying during the first month of life showed the lung surfactant (LS) system to develop in parallel with formation of respiratory parts and lung capillary network.
  • (15) Ordering of these filaments into a parallel array is the basis of birefringence in the A region, and loss of birefringence is therefore a measure of decreased order.
  • (16) Comparing the regression lines of HR-QT and HR-QS2 separately for both groups, we found that both intervals decreased in parallel and the mean QT remained shorter than QS2 in both groups during exercise.
  • (17) Parallel changes in free T4 and the free T4 index indicate adequacy of the index in representing pineal-induced changes in free T4.
  • (18) In the course of its history, psychiatry has grown richer parallel to the development of its spatiotemporal system of the reference.
  • (19) Furthermore, the changes in both interstitial fluid and testicular venous blood levels of testosterone do not always parallel those in peripheral venous blood, suggesting that changes in testicular blood flow and peripheral clearance rates of testosterone may also be important in the control of circulating testosterone concentrations.
  • (20) On the basis of these data, the computer, upon the basis of a program specially developed for this purpose, automatically calculates the corresponding amount of negative-points, which parallels the severity of the joint changes, i.e.



  • (n.) The juice of plants of any kind, especially the ascending and descending juices or circulating fluid essential to nutrition.
  • (n.) The sapwood, or alburnum, of a tree.
  • (n.) A simpleton; a saphead; a milksop.
  • (v. t.) To subvert by digging or wearing away; to mine; to undermine; to destroy the foundation of.
  • (v. t.) To pierce with saps.
  • (v. t.) To make unstable or infirm; to unsettle; to weaken.
  • (v. i.) To proceed by mining, or by secretly undermining; to execute saps.
  • (n.) A narrow ditch or trench made from the foremost parallel toward the glacis or covert way of a besieged place by digging under cover of gabions, etc.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) By contrast, SAP-35, the major surfactant-associated glycoprotein of molecular weight = 35,000, and other higher molecular weight proteins were not detected in significant quantities in the CLSE or surfactant-TA replacement surfactants, either by highly sensitive silver stain analysis or by immunoblot using monospecific antisera generated against bovine SAP-35.
  • (2) In normovolemia, the hepatic arterial flow (HAF) increased as the systemic arterial pressure (SAP) rose up to 140 mmHg, and then decreased as SAP rose further.
  • (3) Rat type II pneumocytes expressed vitamin K-dependent carboxylase activity that incorporated 14CO2 into microsomal protein precursors of molecular weights similar to those of surfactant-associated proteins (SAP).
  • (4) At this SAP a constant amount of SNP and 500 ml Dextran 60 were infused.
  • (5) The in vitro transcript probes could detect 1 ng of purified virus and as little as 1 microliter of sap extracts prepared from infected oat shoots.
  • (6) Combined propranolol-atropine blockade increased heart rate at rest in the SAP state, and significantly attenuated the tachycardia accompanying treadmill exercise.
  • (7) It is concluded that the cell sap from rat liver contains the complete set of enzymes for the synthesis from delta-aminolaevulinate of haem c and its linkage to a small pool of free apoprotein c present in soluble form.
  • (8) As shown earlier, at zero turgor pressure the intracellular freezing point of the parenchyma cells matches closely the negative pressure in the xylem sap.
  • (9) Whole blood components did not interfere with the efficacy of OKT1-SAP, as in vitro treatment of fresh whole blood resulted in effective elimination of clonable peripheral blood T-lymphocytes assessed by a limiting dilution assay.
  • (10) According to the theory of osmoelastic coupling, also large additives, such as the proteins of the cell sap, are able to cause an osmotic stress equivalent to that caused by polyethylene glycol.
  • (11) SAP did not bind to the macrophage cell line RAW264.7 nor did it enhance IL-1 secretion by this line.
  • (12) The cell sap in the absence of ribosomes was also able to incorporate radioactivity into purified cytochrome c, and the addition of ribosomes significantly enhanced the activity.
  • (13) The C4BP.SAP complex was also detected in normal serum and the results suggested that there was virtually no free SAP or uncomplexed C4BP in normal serum.
  • (14) An additional category, SAP "flare", was also identified (SAP increment greater than 15% at 1 month, with subsequent fall at 2 months).
  • (15) The biophysical activity of synthetic phospholipid-apoprotein combinants was assessed by measurements of adsorption facility and dynamic surface tension lowering ability at 37 degrees C. The SM-SAP-6 combinants had adsorption facility equivalent to natural lung surfactant, and to the surfactant extract preparations CLSE and surfactant-TA used in exogenous surfactant replacement therapy for the neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS).
  • (16) Histone phosphorylation is sharply inhibited after addition of DNA, the protein kinases of nuclear sap phosphorylating less effectively the histones complexed with DNA than the non-histone proteins.
  • (17) Specific SAP-35 RNA increased during organ culture and both SAP-35 content and SAP-35 RNA increased in the absence of exogenous hormones in 2% carbon-stripped fetal calf serum.
  • (18) The beta2-microglobulin in the cell-sap fraction was present in the unbound state.
  • (19) No patients at risk for developing heterotopic bone after THA could be identified from the preoperative level of SAP.
  • (20) The mass of SAP in these was determined from the extinction coefficient of SAP at 280 nm measured here precisely for the first time by spectrophotometry and cryogenic drying.