What's the difference between passive and unresistance?
(a.) Not active, but acted upon; suffering or receiving impressions or influences; as, they were passive spectators, not actors in the scene.
(a.) Receiving or enduring without either active sympathy or active resistance; without emotion or excitement; patient; not opposing; unresisting; as, passive obedience; passive submission.
(a.) Inactive; inert; not showing strong affinity; as, red phosphorus is comparatively passive.
(a.) Designating certain morbid conditions, as hemorrhage or dropsy, characterized by relaxation of the vessels and tissues, with deficient vitality and lack of reaction in the affected tissues.
Example Sentences:
(1) The HBV infection was tested by the reversed passive hemagglutination method for the HBsAg and by the passive hemagglutination method for the anti-HBs at the time of recruitment in 1984.
(2) If the method was taken into routine use in a diagnostic laboratory, the persistence of reverse passive haemagglutination reactions would enable grouping results to be checked for quality control purposes.
(3) In the stage 24 chick embryo, a paced increase in heart rate reduces stroke volume, presumably by rate-dependent decrease in passive filling.
(4) A 24-h test trial employing a dry target demonstrated a robust memory for the training manifested in passive avoidance behavior.
(5) Rats were injected subcutaneously with 10 ml of air into the dorsal skin to make an air-pouch and with 2 ml of antiserum at an appropriate dilution for passive sensitization, and then 5 ml of air was removed.
(6) None of these MAbs showed any virus-neutralizing activity in vitro; however, mice passively immunized with the purified MAbs were protected from lethal infection by the JHM strain of mouse hepatitis virus.
(7) 3) The magnitude of K+ release is the ratio of two opposing mechanisms, a passive efflux and an active reuptake.
(8) Clinical evaluation of passive range of motion, antero-posterior laxity and the appearance of the joint space showed little or no difference between the reconstruction methods.
(9) If this is what 70s stoners were laughing at, it feels like they’ve already become acquiescent, passive parts of media-relayed consumer society; precursors of the cathode-ray-frazzled pop-culture exegetists of Tarantino and Kevin Smith in the 90s.
(10) In the appetitive passive avoidance task, only the substantia nigra lesion group exhibited a deficiency.
(11) YOH shifted the healthy subjects' mood towards feeling panicked, elevated systolic blood pressure and plasma prolactin concentrations, reduced digit symbol substitution, and induced drowsiness and passiveness.
(12) Passive avoidance performance of HO-DIs was, indeed, influenced by the age of the subject at the time of testing; HO-DIs reentered the shock compartment sooner than HE at 35 days, but later than HE at 120 days.
(13) To explain some of these results a theoretical model is presented to demonstrate that while short circuiting can block the passive ionic movement, it will cause an increase in the energy consumption of the system and introduce certain important changes in the ionic barriers and e.m.fs.
(14) Brazil and Argentina unite in protest against culture of sexual violence Read more The symbolic power of so many women standing together proves that focusing on victims does not mean portraying women as passive.
(15) Simultaneous atrial imaging and pulsed Doppler velocity measurement showed that passive atrioventricular flow occurred late in atrial lengthening and active atrioventricular flow occurred during atrial contraction.
(16) The first was a passive avoidance task in which the chicks were allowed to peck at a green training stimulus (a small light-emitting diode, LED) coated in the bitter liquid, methylanthranilate, giving rise to a strong disgust response and consequent avoidance of the green stimulus.
(17) The findings of respiratory and sensitivity tests suggest: (i) that passive smoking may trigger asthma attacks in subjects who suffer from asthma and (ii) that the airways of such subjects show increased histamine reactivity four hours after the passive smoke exposure.
(18) Fifty-seven strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolated from humans and pigs and producing thermolabile (LT) enterotoxin were used to ascertain the efficiency of the Biken test compared to the passive immune haemolysis test (PIH), considered as very sensitive for detecting that enterotoxin.
(19) The evolution with time of cardio-respiratory variables, blood pressure and body temperature has been studied on six males, resting in semi-nude conditions during short (30 min) cold stress exposure (0 degree C) and during passive recovery (60 min) at 20 degrees C. Passive cold exposure does not induce a change in HR but increases VO2, VCO2, Ve and core temperature Tre, whereas peripheral temperature is significantly lowered.
(20) Particularly, the passive mechanism concept to explain obstructive sleep apnea during REM sleep advocated by Remmers and Guilleminault has substantially contributed to the recent development of research activities in this field.
(1) The patients were less able to activate the muscles of the impaired arm and, as a result, used a greater percentage of the maximum activity they could generate to complete the unresisted reaching task.
(2) No subject showed much simultaneous contraction of the two muscles in unresisted extension of the interphalangeal joints, but some showed marked simultaneous contraction during resisted extension.
(3) In 29 normal persons with complete dental arches, the muscular activity of the temporalis, masseter, medical pterygoid, anterior belly of the digastric, mylohyoid and geniohyoid muscles was studied electromyographically with bipolar fine wire electrodes during various mandibular movements--both resisted and unresisted.
(4) The functioning of the lumbrical and flexor digitorum profundus muscles during resisted and unresisted extension was studied.
(5) Although significant strength decrements were manifested for both isometric exercise (57%) and isotonic exercise (35%), no changes were shown in the unresisted fractionated RT components.
(6) Mosley went straight from Cimmie's side to Diana: Cimmie died, unresisting, of peritonitis.
(7) Peripheral deficiencies, suggestive of a decreased rate of tension development, were evidenced by a marked elongation of resisted motor times, and less vigorous and extensive unresisted responses.
(8) No responses were obtained from unresisted movements of the leg.
(9) Tendon forces up to 3.5 kgf were present during active unresisted finger motion.
(10) Recordings from both surface and fine-wire configurations showed similar onset times, relative amplitude changes, and cessation times of EMG activity during unresisted tongue protrusion and isometric tongue protrusion.
(11) The most common motive for necrophilia is possession of an unresisting and unrejecting partner.
(12) Foot responses under one condition were performed against a resistance which necessitated a moderate degree of muscular tension before movement could occur while a second condition required normal unresisted responses.
(13) Transfer of superficialis to finger extensors showed that antagonists acted to provide unresisted extension.
(14) Later, when they are about to first make love, she becomes "utterly unresisting, he could do what he like with her", and her body becomes "as yielding as water".
(15) Fractionated resisted and unresisted RT for a knee-extension task was assessed on 12 male subjects over a 10-day treatment period.