(n.) A piece of cloth, or other suitable material, sewed or otherwise fixed upon a garment to repair or strengthen it, esp. upon an old garment to cover a hole.
(n.) A small piece of anything used to repair a breach; as, a patch on a kettle, a roof, etc.
(n.) A small piece of black silk stuck on the face, or neck, to hide a defect, or to heighten beauty.
(n.) A piece of greased cloth or leather used as wrapping for a rifle ball, to make it fit the bore.
(n.) Fig.: Anything regarded as a patch; a small piece of ground; a tract; a plot; as, scattered patches of trees or growing corn.
(n.) A block on the muzzle of a gun, to do away with the effect of dispart, in sighting.
(n.) A paltry fellow; a rogue; a ninny; a fool.
(v. t.) To mend by sewing on a piece or pieces of cloth, leather, or the like; as, to patch a coat.
(v. t.) To mend with pieces; to repair with pieces festened on; to repair clumsily; as, to patch the roof of a house.
(v. t.) To adorn, as the face, with a patch or patches.
(v. t.) To make of pieces or patches; to repair as with patches; to arrange in a hasty or clumsy manner; -- generally with up; as, to patch up a truce.
Example Sentences:
(1) Graft life is even more prolonged with patch angioplasty at venous outflow stenoses or by adding a new segment of PTFE to bypass areas of venous stenosis.
(2) The surface phenotypes of bovine intestinal leukocytes isolated from the intraepithelium (IEL), lamina propria (LPL) and Peyer's patches (PPL) of the small intestinal mucosa of normal adult cows were determined using monoclonal antibodies (mAb) specific to adult bovine peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL).
(3) We retrospectively studied the incidence and course of epoxy resin contact dermatitis in 2265 patients in whom contact dermatitis was confirmed by patch testing.
(4) A marked analgesic effect was found after application of morphine hydrochloride patch containing Azone and N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone.
(5) The internal carotid diameters increased 20% to 30% for both the vein and synthetic patched arteries.
(6) The authors propose three regular procedures with which they are experienced: repair with a large retromuscular nonabsorbable synthetic tulle prosthesis for extensive epigastric eventrations, fillup aponeuroplasty using the sheath of the rectus abdominis associated with a premuscular patch in case of diastasis or of multiple superimposed orifices and suture associated with a small retromuscular auxiliary patch to treat small incisional hernias.
(7) The appointment of the mayor of London's brother, who formally becomes a Cabinet Office minister, is one of a series of moves designed to strengthen the political operation in Downing Street and to patch up the prime minister's frayed links with the Conservative party.
(8) Patch and photopatch tests with fibric acid derivatives and ketoprofen were performed in the patients, in 12 normal volunteers, and in 7 patients with photopatch-proven photocontact dermatitis to ketoprofen.
(9) Here we report that the increase in the probability of S-channel opening with FMRFamide is mimicked by application of 12-HPETE to cell-free membrane patches that lack ATP and GTP.
(10) The effects of alanine, glucose and tolbutamide on insulin-secreting cells (RINm5F) have been investigated using patch-clamp and single cell intracellular Ca2+ measurements.
(11) Trichophytosis (T. equinum) is characterized as typical numerous small and round patches, covered by small, bran-like, asbestos-coloured scales.
(12) The distributions of the probabilities of seeing N channels open in multichannel patch records were not not always well fitted by the binomial distribution: it is suggested that adjacent channels could have different probabilities of being open.
(13) We observed a significant content of ELCF in three of seven patients with eczema prior to patch testing.
(14) Primary closure without a patch was associated with the least platelet uptake of all (PTFE versus vein patch, P less than 0.01; PTFE versus no patch, P less than 0.01; vein patch versus no patch, P less than 0.05).
(15) The channels usually ceased conducting within a few minutes after seal formation with the patch pipette and could not be re-activated with depolarizing voltage steps.
(16) Rupture of an attached patch was followed by a rapid (approximately 10 s), approximately 10-fold increase in outer-segment membrane current, all of which was light-sensitive.
(17) Five different surgical procedures were done: internal urethrotomy, Johanson-Leadbetter, patch-graft, Turner-Warwich, and dismembered technics.
(18) This retrospective study of forty-six patients with stasis dermatitis found a 60.9 percent incidence of at least one significantly positive patch test reaction.
(19) However, safe management of large duodenal defects may require the use of other methods, such as a serosal patch or creation of a duodenojejunostomy.
(20) Furthermore, clonidine can abolish, in reversible fashion, the acetylcholine-activated inward current determined with patch-clamp.
(n.) Any flat, thin piece of metal, clay, ivory, or the like, used for ornament, or for painting pictures upon, as a slab, plate, dish, or the like, hung upon a wall; also, a smaller decoration worn on the person, as a brooch.
Example Sentences:
(1) The rash presented either as a pityriasis rosea-like picture which appeared about three to six months after the onset of treatment in patients taking low doses, or alternatively, as lichenoid plaques which appeared three to six months after commencement of medication in patients taking high doses.
(2) Escherichia enterotoxigenic strains, Yersinia enterocolitica and Salmonella typhimurium virulent strains, Campylobacter jejuni clinical isolates possess more pronounced capacity for adhesion to enteric cells of Peyer's plaques than to other types of epithelial cells, which may be of importance in the pathogenesis of these infections.
(3) Synapse loss was accentuated, however, within immature and mature plaques.
(4) Plaque size, appearance, and number were influenced by diluent, incubation temperature after nutrient overlay, centrifugation of inoculated tissue cultures, and number of host cells planted initially in each flask.
(5) Both antibiotics decreased plaque, and erythromycin also decreased gingivitis.
(6) However, in GF rats and in rats monoassociated with viable P. acnes, parenteral injection of killed P. acnes antigen inhibited the plaque-forming cell response to sheep erythrocytes.
(7) Cultures of Streptococcus mutans HS-6, OMZ-176, Ingbritt C, 6715-wt13, and pooled human plaque were grown in trypticase soy media with or without 1% sucrose.
(8) Prior incubation of these antigens with test spleen cells in the agar gel effictively inhibited development of the vibriolytic plaques, regardless of antibody class.
(9) Subgingival plaque was sampled and the presence or absence of the above mentioned bacteria assessed with BANA reagent cards (Perio Scan).
(10) Sorbitol, by itself or in combination with mannitol is slowly converted to acids by the plaque microorganisms.
(11) A plaque hybridization assay was adapted to rotavirus.
(12) Phage lysates of wild-type cells are capable of transducing auxotrophs of strain 78 to prototrophy at frequencies ranging from 0.3 x 10(-7) to 34 x 10(-7) per plaque-forming unit adsorbed.
(13) The addition of sodium bicarbonate to gum containing sorbitol markedly enhanced its capacity to cause and maintain an elevation of interproximal plaque pH previously lowered by exposure to fermentable carbohydrate.
(14) Arteriosclerotic plaques were found in the aorta and arteries of rabbits given homocysteine thiolactone, methionine or homocysteic acid, both parenterally and in a synthetic diet.
(15) The aim of the trial was to determine the effectiveness of aspirin in preventing cardiovascular problems in people with asymptomatic atherosclerosis – the undetected build-up of waxy plaque deposits on the inside of blood vessels.
(16) Repeated transient ischemic attacks in the same territory with minimal lesions on arteriography and non-homogeneous plaque on duplex scan; 2.
(17) The ACI rats produced both IgM and IgG plaque-forming cells (PFC) following immunization with either form of antigen.
(18) The hypothesis was tested that plaque, as a complex soil comprising microorganisms, cell debris, salivary deposits and other ill-defined organic and inorganic components, would be susceptible to removal by a rinse with high detersive action.
(19) Injection of T-dependent antigens into the subarachnoid space and brain parenchyma induced a marked antibody production in the spleen, as detected by plaque-forming cells (PFC).
(20) Utilizing the bilateral comparison technique in 30 hospitalized patients with chronic stable plaque-type psoriasis vulgaris, we closely monitored the clinical responses to ultraviolet radiation (Westinghouse fluorescent FS40 bulbs, 290--400 nm) and a variety of tar preparations and lubricant vehicles in combination and separately.