(v. i.) To go the rounds along a chain of sentinels; to traverse a police district or beat.
(v.) t To go the rounds of, as a sentry, guard, or policeman; as, to patrol a frontier; to patrol a beat.
(v. i.) A going of the rounds along the chain of sentinels and between the posts, by a guard, usually consisting of three or four men, to insure greater security from attacks on the outposts.
(v. i.) A movement, by a small body of troops beyond the line of outposts, to explore the country and gain intelligence of the enemy's whereabouts.
(v. i.) The guard or men who go the rounds for observation; a detachment whose duty it is to patrol.
(v. i.) Any perambulation of a particular line or district to guard it; also, the men thus guarding; as, a customs patrol; a fire patrol.
Example Sentences:
(1) In Essex, police are putting on extra patrols during and after England's first match and placing domestic violence intelligence teams in police control rooms.
(2) What happened in the past was that if smugglers are sure that European boats are patrolling very close to the Libyan coast, then traffickers use this opportunity to advertise, and say to potential irregular migrants: ‘You will be sure to reach the European coast.
(3) Across a dusty lot sits a heap of scrap metal, patrolled by a couple of emaciated dogs, while a toddler squats in the street, examining the sole of a discarded shoe.
(4) When it comes to patrols, operations and so forth, we are first."
(5) However, a homemade pipe bomb thrown at a police patrol in north Belfast earlier this year was described as of a new, sophisticated variety that the PSNI had not seen before.
(6) Maybe this will be increasing the frequency of patrols, or going to places that the Obama administration has been hesitant to go – such as actually undertaking a non-innocent passage military patrols within 12 miles of an artificial island.
(7) Ronald Johnson, the Missouri highway patrol captain drafted by the governor to take over security in the town and calm the situation down, blamed “premeditated criminal acts”.
(8) An investigation is under way to find out what caused the explosion that wrecked the Warrior vehicle as it patrolled the border of Helmand and Kandahar in southern Afghanistan on Tuesday.
(9) In a summit in Paris last week, the west African nations of Cameroon, Chad and Niger agreed to each contribute a battalion to form a border patrol troop based around the arid Sahelian belt, large swaths of which have fallen under the control of Islamist terrorists in recent years.
(10) Hollington was named an hour after the MoD announced the death of another marine, killed in an explosion in Sangin yesterday while on a "reassurance patrol".
(11) China's air force spokesman Shen Jinke says several fighter jets and an early warning aircraft were sent on normal air patrols in the zone on Thursday.
(12) Marouane Fellaini was moved further forwards with Rooney shifting to the right and Rashford patrolling the left.
(13) It is patrolled for around six months of the year by a 35-year-old ocean-going tug which takes two days to cross the protected area.
(14) The company was alleged to have provided the Nigerian army with vehicles, patrol boats and ammunition, and to have helped plan raids and terror campaigns against villages.
(15) There’s a real concern that a lot of that will come from Border Patrol,” Huffman said.
(16) Watching Sergeant Wright's patrol in Lashkar Gah was Ghulam Rasul, who has lost count of how old he is.
(17) The US navy regularly patrols the Asia-Pacific region, conducting joint exercises with its allies and training in the strategic region.
(18) They tried first to enter it in their patrol car from the south side, the side where Alex’s parents lived, then turned around and drove in from the north side, going around the barrier that keeps vehicles out and heading up the road that is often full of runners, walkers and dogs at that time of day.
(19) However, commenting on the resurgence of police clashes with protesters, Captain Ron Johnson, of the Missouri highway patrol, which was handed responsibility for policing the protests on Thursday, admitted he was worried that the release of the information would cause renewed tensions.
(20) The Ministry of Defence extracted a statement from Isaf forces that Gurganus approved the current level of patrols, implying there is no change in the British approach.
(v. t.) To oversee for direction; to superintend; to inspect with authority; as, to supervise the construction of a steam engine, or the printing of a book.
(v. t.) To look over so as to read; to peruse.
(n.) Supervision; inspection.
Example Sentences:
(1) In the fall of 1975, 1,915 children in grades K through eight began a school-based program of supervised weekly rinsing with 0.2 percent aqueous solution of sodium fluoride in an unfluoridated community in the Finger Lakes area of upstate New York.
(2) The effects of supervised mild aerobic exercise at the work load of the blood lactate threshold for 10 weeks on serum lipids and apolipoproteins were studied in 24 patients with essential hypertension.
(3) It added that the crisis had highlighted significant weaknesses in financial regulation, with further measures needed to strengthen supervision.
(4) This paper employs a rhetorical form designed to clarify and sharpen the focus of the very special stance required--which must be painstakingly learned under careful supervision--in order to effectively tune in to communications coming from the unconscious of the patient.
(5) At discharge, 58% were living with their families, 23% were living in group homes, 12% were in supervised apartments and 5% were in an alternative rehabilitation centre.
(6) It was designed to ensure that the institute remained the leading international centre in its field, officials said, and would not affect the provision of core services or student supervision.
(7) The identifiable causes of child drowning are absence of a safety barrier or fence around the water hazard, non-supervision of a child, a parental "vulnerable period", an inadequate safety barrier, and tempting objects in or on the water.
(8) The aim in postoperative pain therapy is a time-contingent dosing after careful intravenous titration of the compound in the lower dose range during continuous supervision.
(9) The animals were sold only to smaller farms (less than 500 sows for breeding) with concentional keeping patterns which were kept under constant diagnostic supervision.
(10) These errors involved supervision, limited experience, and errors in judgment.
(11) It is also believed that senior Taliban inmates in Pakistan have been placed under a more liberal regime, such as being allowed to make telephone calls under supervision.
(12) Then they become increasingly unable to afford the probation fees that are piled on by private companies paid to oversee them, including fees for everything from basic supervision to drug tests.
(13) The pathologist should be aware that he is still liable for errors induced by the technician, even without having the possibility of responsibility or any supervision.
(14) Supervision in one form or another was possible in all of the departments participating, as a rule because an experienced colleague was present in the outpatient department.
(15) The availability of high-dose phenylpropanolamine-containing preparations without medical supervision is potentially dangerous, and certain restrictions should be imposed on such preparations.
(16) Also, programmes for proper administration, organization and supervision of the PHCUs and programmes.
(17) The results suggest that compliance in using the initial prescription for sublingual nitroglycerin can be improved when the physician supervises the first dose.
(18) He also said special advisers needed better training and management and that something had gone wrong in the supervision of Hunt's special adviser Adam Smith.
(19) However, the governor of the Bank, Mervyn King , will chair both the committee and the prudential authority, and is expected to exercise ultimate control over all areas of supervision.
(20) It is further necessary to lay down relevant executive orders for the hygienic control of the fertilizers and the supervision of the production plants.