(n.) A portion of land nearly surrounded by water, and connected with a larger body by a neck, or isthmus.
Example Sentences:
(1) Mass drug administration via 3 modes of delivery reduced the incidence and prevalence rates and intensity of Brugia malayi infection in 3 rural villages in the Bengkoka Peninsula, Sabah, in 1982-1983.
(2) Picardo said that he was in frequent "fluid" contact with local politicians in the Spanish border town of La Linea and other areas where the more than 4,000 Spaniards who work in the peninsula live.
(3) Crimea is due to hold a referendum on joining Russia this Sunday, organised by the peninsula's self-appointed leaders.
(4) Yemen has long been the base of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, an offshoot of Osama bin Laden’s original group that has previously targeted Houthis.
(5) "We hope all relevant parties will do that which benefits peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, hope all sides will respond calmly and avoid exacerbating the situation," ministry spokesman Qin Gang said in the statement.
(6) S-(-)-Cathinone (S-(-)-alpha-aminopropiophenone) is the major active principle of khat leaves (Catha edulis), which are widely used in East Africa and the Arab peninsula as an amphetamine-like stimulant.
(7) Also killed was Samir Khan, a Pakistani-American who was a propagandist for Yemen's al-Qaida branch: al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.
(8) Trying to justify this under the terms of Peninsula Shield is certainly ironic, considering that interference in the internal affairs of member states is one of the things the force was set up to guard against, but it becomes a little easier if the Bahraini protesters are characterised as agents of a common enemy: Iran.
(9) The character of intrapopulational chromosome polymorphism of continental and island populations of Apodemus peninsulae is discussed.
(10) Chinese media warned that the Korean peninsula was closer to war than at any time since the North conducted the first of its five nuclear tests in 2006.
(11) In 1974, Michigan State University established the Upper Peninsula Medical Education Program (UP) to improve the physician supply in rural areas of Michigan by training students in a rural, practice-based setting.
(12) A settlement of Temiars, an aboriginal tribe residing in the north-eastern jungles of the Malay Peninsula, was selected for a study of their cardiorespiratory fitness.
(13) "As a party that wants peace and reunification, Lee was trying to make a point about how best to prevent war on the Korean peninsula," Hong said.
(14) When the summer heat strikes the Korean peninsula, it's not ice or water that North Korea's authorities recommend to get through the sweltering conditions – it's dog meat, among other "revitalising" foods.
(15) The peninsula's main source of revenue comes from tourism, and Russia has promised to make up for the absence of Ukrainian and other non-Russian tourists this summer by sending workers from state enterprises on package trips to Crimea.
(16) Al-Qaida in the Maghreb, Islamic State, the Boko Haram network of groups in Nigeria, independent clusters of militants in Libya and Egypt, al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, al-Shabaab in Somalia, non-IS militants in Syria, together occupy more physical space than at any time within living memory, possibly ever.
(17) Shelters in Denmark's Funen archipelago Along with my guide, Jakob, I was on the Danish island of Tåsinge, part of the South Funen archipelago that lies just south of Fyn, the large island sandwiched between the Jutland peninsula and Zealand (which hosts Copenhagen).
(18) Egypt launched air strikes on Islamist militant targets in the Sinai peninsula on Thursday, killing 23 fighters a day after the deadliest clashes in the region in years, security sources said.
(19) Armed men seized the Crimean parliament on Thursday and the peninsula's airports on Friday, but claimed to be members of locally organised "self-defence squads".
(20) A. agrarius, Apodemus peninsulae, and R. norvegicus serve as the main reservoirs of HFRS in rural areas, forest areas, and urban areas, respectively.
(a.) A variant of Straight.
(superl.) Narrow; not broad.
(superl.) Tight; close; closely fitting.
(superl.) Close; intimate; near; familiar.
(superl.) Strict; scrupulous; rigorous.
(superl.) Difficult; distressful; straited.
(superl.) Parsimonious; niggargly; mean.
(adv.) Strictly; rigorously.
(a.) A narrow pass or passage.
(a.) A (comparatively) narrow passageway connecting two large bodies of water; -- often in the plural; as, the strait, or straits, of Gibraltar; the straits of Magellan; the strait, or straits, of Mackinaw.
(a.) A neck of land; an isthmus.
(a.) Fig.: A condition of narrowness or restriction; doubt; distress; difficulty; poverty; perplexity; -- sometimes in the plural; as, reduced to great straits.
(v. t.) To put to difficulties.
Example Sentences:
(1) Coastguard Mohamed al-Alay said the refugees, carrying official UN refugee agency (UNHCR) documents, were travelling from Yemen to Sudan when they were attacked by an Apache helicopter near the Bab el-Mandeb strait.
(2) It’s a model Guyula says could be strengthened and expanded if the Australian government agreed to negotiate a treaty with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
(3) Burrows had resigned as governor of Bank of Ireland, leaving the lender in dire straits, with big losses and mounting debt threatening its very survival.
(4) When dealing with Tsai, we should bear in mind important factors such as her experience, personality and mindset,” added Wang, from the association for relations across the Taiwan strait.
(5) In the wake of direct shipping and postal links, this summer also saw the first direct flights across the Taiwan Straits since the civil war, with passenger services now running daily.
(6) If one of the focuses of this government is getting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people employed and staying within the workforce then one would have thought we’d have seen a larger outcome of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations funded under this strategy.
(7) The speedboat drivers pay close attention to the water conditions on the strait and try to approach the Iranian coast just after sunset.
(8) An epidemiological study of the prevalence of refractive errors was made of the Eskimo population of the Norton Sound and Bering Straits region of Alaska.
(9) Abbott will never be the prime minister for Aboriginal affairs because his “lifestyle” claim exposed such a fundamental lack of understanding about the imperative of “country” to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, including those in the cities, that I’m sure few will ever be able to trust him again.
(10) Mortality at study sites in the Strait of Juan de Fuca was related to premature parturition; 19 of 49 (39%) of the pups found dead were born prematurely.
(11) She read aloud the act preamble , acknowledging the Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islanders as the inhabitants of Australia before European settlement and the dispossession, without compensation, of their lands.
(12) It is devastating that jail is seen as a rite of passage for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, part of the natural order of things.” Indigenous prisoner who killed himself wasn't in a 'safe' cell despite being at risk Read more He said a Labor government would fund three trials – in a city, a regional town and a remote community – of “justice reinvestment” programs, “redirecting funds spent on justice system to prevention and diversionary programs to address underlying causes of offending with disproportionately high levels of incarceration”.
(13) Still, Murrumu’s qualified support for constitutional recognition will be controversial among the many Indigenous Australians who believe “recognise” offers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people nothing and that treaties are a minimum starting point.
(14) Except sex.” Rechtshaid and Flowers bonded on the phone over Dire Straits and Depeche Mode, relinquishing control to each other in Flowers’ Battle Born studios and crafting an accessible yet sophisticated power rock record.
(15) Earlier in the expedition, the crew believe, they became the first boat to travel through the Nares Strait west of Greenland to the Arctic Ocean in June, once impassable because of sea ice at that time of year.
(16) When the White House sent a private message to Tehran last week about its so-called "red lines" in the Strait of Hormuz, the reaction was both puzzled and incredulous.
(17) The loss of Aboriginal land, cultures and livelihoods is at the core of the climate crisis, with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people forced off our land due to extractive industries that fuel climate change, and increasingly by the devastating impacts of sea level rise, drought and reduced access to clean water,” she said.
(18) With one exception, animals from Georgia Strait and those away from the immediate influence of Fraser River water contained no detectable levels of chlorinated hydrocarbons.
(19) But they did Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people a grievous, hurtful, harmful wrong on many levels and this includes failing to include a single positive word about us anywhere in the constitution of modern Australia.
(20) The straited accumulations in adrenal cortical cells and brain macrophages that are characteristic of adrenoleukodystrophy have been studied histochemically in cryostat sections to seek leads for the biochemical identification of the striated material.