What's the difference between penis and phallus?



  • (n.) The male member, or organ of generation.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In this book, he dismisses Freud's idea of penis envy - "Freud got it spectacularly wrong" - and said "women don't envy the penis.
  • (2) In October, an episode of South Park saw the whole town go gluten-free (the stuff, it was discovered, made one’s penis fly off).
  • (3) Liekens, who has been called the "leading lady in sexology", has written several books including The Vagina Book, The Sex Bible and Her Penis Book.
  • (4) Pharmaco-Doppler sonography includes the evaluation of blood-flow velocities within the dorsal and deep cavernous arteries of the penis before and after intracavernous application of a vasoactive drug.
  • (5) The duration of symptoms up to the time of biopsy and histological verification of differentiated spinocellular carcinoma of the penis varied from one month to thirteen years.
  • (6) The comedian Daniel O’Reilly, who gives laddish advice on how to “pull birds” under the guise of a deliberately provocative character in the ITV2 series, has proved controversial for lines such as “Just show her your penis.
  • (7) Writing in the journal Nature , the researchers describe how our ancestors lost another piece of DNA that gives rise to both facial whiskers and sensitive spines on the tip of the penis, both of which are found in chimpanzees and other non-human primates.
  • (8) The stamps, which were similar in paper and size to Japanese 10-yen postage stamps, were wrapped around the penis before sleep and the stamp ring was checked for breakage the next morning.
  • (9) In the corpora cavernosa penis, a dense plexus of fibers was associated with arteries, intrinsic cavernosal muscle, and veins, including the deep dorsal vein.
  • (10) Our experience indicates that the lower gastrointestinal tract should be considered as a possible cause of infection in all cases of synergistic gangrene of the scrotum and penis.
  • (11) Seven peripheral vein sites were successfully venipunctured in unanaesthetized chinchillas: the femoral, cephalic, auricular, saphenous, dorsalis penis, lateral abdominal and tail veins.
  • (12) Cytogenetic findings in a squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the penis in a 60-year-old patient was observed for the first time.
  • (13) In the past straightening and lengthening of the penis were not given adequate consideration, and penile elongation was limited to release of dorsal skin chordee only.
  • (14) Another treatment form, which often leads to a non-acceptable shorting of the penis, is the technique used in the Schröder-Essed and Nesbit procedures.
  • (15) An ultrasonic echogram revealed a heterogeneous tumor, a hemangioma, having dimensions of 3.5 X 2.5 X 1.5 cm and no connection of the corpus cavernosum penis.
  • (16) In the control males given the vehicle alone, the proximal segment of the os penis, composed of a compact cell mass found at day 0, developed at 5 days into the membrane bone with bone marrow and hyaline cartilage; the distal segment, composed of mesenchymatous cells until 10 days, developed at 30 days into fibrocartilage characterized by a distribution of type I collagen.
  • (17) Chondrogenesis and osteogenesis of the os penis were caused by androgens, while the rudiments of the os penis were formed independently of androgens.
  • (18) The fibres from the bed and the penis gave identical results by six different methods.
  • (19) Operations on the ureter decreased during the recent 5 year period and they were the fourth most frequent following those on the scrotum, scrotal contents and penis.
  • (20) A later phase of penis envy usually represents a regressive effort to resolve oedipal conflicts.



  • (n.) The emblem of the generative power in nature, carried in procession in the Bacchic orgies, or worshiped in various ways.
  • (n.) The penis or clitoris, or the embryonic or primitive organ from which either may be derived.
  • (n.) A genus of fungi which have a fetid and disgusting odor; the stinkhorn.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Bacteriologic examinations of the phallus-tissues and cloacal mucous membranes of healthy juvenile ganders showed microorganisms of the same genera or family, except Mycoplasma and Candida spp.
  • (2) Scores of archaeologists working in a waterlogged trench through the wettest summer and coldest winter in living memory have recovered more than 10,000 objects from Roman London , including writing tablets, amber, a well with ritual deposits of pewter, coins and cow skulls, thousands of pieces of pottery, a unique piece of padded and stitched leather – and the largest collection of lucky charms in the shape of phalluses ever found on a single site.
  • (3) But Oliver now seems to have accepted his fate as a satirical news anchor who covers the Trump campaign, wading into the recent phallus-based Trump news in his headlines section on Sunday night.
  • (4) We report a case of clitoral and renovascular involvement of neurofibromatosis resulting in an enlarged phallus with juvenile hypertension.
  • (5) Throughout known history the phallus has been invested with symbolic and even magical significance to fertility, strength, domination and conquest.
  • (6) The authors describe a male newborn with multiple congenital anomalies; craniofacial dysmorphism, bilateral cleft palate and lip, ambiguous external genitalia with absence of phallus, ventricular septal defect, agenesis of olfactory bulbs, and presence of small round cells simulating migration defect in the cerebellar white matter.
  • (7) In a phenotypic (XY karyotype) eunuchoid female aged 24, external genitalia were represented by completely fused underdeveloped scrotolabial folds and a 1-cm-long phallus with phallic urethra.
  • (8) This protophallus, the imaginary phallus and the phallus of the phallic phase are later all absorbed into the psychical representation of the penis and determine the mental image in the long term.
  • (9) We present a method used in four cases, three transsexuals and one pseudohermaphrodite, in which a phallus was successfully constructed using the deep inferior epigastric flap.
  • (10) Pelvic examination revealed and enlarged clitoris with prominent phallus, an enlarged right labio-scrotal fold with palpable gonad and a 3 mm diameter opening of both the urethral meatus and vaginal orifice at the vestibule.
  • (11) By Day 16, the dorsal and ventral lips of the cloaca have differentiated from the collar-like structure and the rounded, apical region of the g. tubercle gives rise to the primitive phallus.
  • (12) That is, through the process of displacement, the phallus also functions as a metonymic symbol.
  • (13) The patient's habitus was masculine despite the presence of a small phallus, pseudo-vaginal perineal hypospadias, bifid scrotum, gynecomastia, and diminished virilization.
  • (14) Formation of a mucosal collar from the inner surface of the prepuce offers the surgeon who performs hypospadias repairs the opportunity to create a cosmetically normal-appearing phallus.
  • (15) And my mind turned again to Michael Gove , who, to put their relationship in terms of Gove’s beloved Dennis Wheatley, is the supplicant Simon Aron to Boris’s satanic Mocata, their joint prize the mummified phallus of Conservative party power.
  • (16) The authors describe their technique for correction of curvatures of the phallus, regardless of its aetiology, applied to 46 cases (36 cases of Peyronie's disease and 10 cases of congenital curvature without hypospadias).
  • (17) The Receptaculum ductus deferentis, the Corpus vasculare paracloacalis and the Phallus nonprotrudens in the Cloaca were supplied from the thick Ramus cloacalis of the A. pudenda.
  • (18) A personal case was recently studied by the authors in some detail: A 51-year-old individual reared as a female with primary amenorrhea, short stature, subnormal intelligence, male type habitus, hirsutism, moderate breast development, ambiguous external genitalia with a 5 x 2 cm phallus, labia majora with scrotal type skin, and a urogenital sinus.
  • (19) Although the prosthesis is firm, it is flexible enough to keep the phallus inconspicuous under various types of undershorts, either in the normal position or against the abdominal wall.
  • (20) The phallus of males and females was similar in size, and neither experimental treatment had a significant effect on its size at day 25.

Words possibly related to "penis"