What's the difference between perform and vow?



  • (v. t.) To carry through; to bring to completion; to achieve; to accomplish; to execute; to do.
  • (v. t.) To discharge; to fulfill; to act up to; as, to perform a duty; to perform a promise or a vow.
  • (v. t.) To represent; to act; to play; as in drama.
  • (v. i.) To do, execute, or accomplish something; to acquit one's self in any business; esp., to represent sometimes by action; to act a part; to play on a musical instrument; as, the players perform poorly; the musician performs on the organ.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) From 1982 to 1989, bronchoplasty or segmental bronchoplasty and pulmonary arterioplasty in combination with lobectomy and segmentectomy were performed for 9 patients with central type lung carcinoma.
  • (2) All transplants were performed using standard techniques, the operation for the two groups differing only as described above.
  • (3) These data indicate a steady improvement in laboratory performance over the last 10 years.
  • (4) In conclusion, the efficacy of free tissue transfer in the treatment of osteomyelitis is geared mainly at enabling the surgeon to perform a wide radical debridement of infected and nonviable soft tissue and bone.
  • (5) This paper discusses the typical echocardiographic patterns of a variety of important conditions concerning the mitral valve, the left ventricle, the interatrial and interventricular septum as well as the influence of respiration on the performance of echocardiograms.
  • (6) After two weeks all animals were killed and autopsies of the animals were performed.
  • (7) The 1989 results were compared with those of a similar survey performed in 1986.
  • (8) During the performance of propulsive waves of the oesophagus the implanted vagus nerve caused clonic to tetanic contractions of the sternohyoid muscle, thus proving the oesophagomotor genesis of the reinnervating nerve fibres.
  • (9) Theoretical computations are performed of the intercalative binding of the neocarzinostatin chromophore (NCS) with the double-stranded oligonucleotides d(CGCG)2, d(GCGC)2, d(TATA)2 and d(ATAT)2.
  • (10) In addition autoradiography was performed to localize labelled cells in the inner ear.
  • (11) Surgical repair of the rheumatologic should however, is performed rarely, and should be reserved for the infrequent cases that do not respond to medical therapy.
  • (12) Six hours later, bronchoalveolar lavage was performed.
  • (13) Basing the prediction of student performance in medical school on intellective-cognitive abilities alone has proved to be more pertinent to academic achievement than to clinical practice.
  • (14) It has also been used to measure the amount of excision repair performed by non-replicating cells damaged by carcinogens.
  • (15) The performance characteristics of the CCD are well documented and understood, having been quantified by many experimenters, especially in the physical sciences.
  • (16) 2.35pm: West Ham co-owner David Sullivan has admitted that a deal to land Miroslav Klose is unlikely to go through following the striker's star performances in South Africa.
  • (17) Just after blood sampling, FEV1 measurements were performed.
  • (18) Effects of habitual variations in napping on psychomotor performance, short-term memory and subjective states were investigated.
  • (19) The study examined the sustained effects of methylphenidate on reading performance in a sample of 42 boys, aged 8 to 11, with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • (20) In addition, control experiments with naloxone, ethanol, or cigarette smoking alone were performed.



  • (n.) A solemn promise made to God, or to some deity; an act by which one consecrates or devotes himself, absolutely or conditionally, wholly or in part, for a longer or shorter time, to some act, service, or condition; a devotion of one's possessions; as, a baptismal vow; a vow of poverty.
  • (n.) Specifically, a promise of fidelity; a pledge of love or affection; as, the marriage vow.
  • (n.) To give, consecrate, or dedicate to God, or to some deity, by a solemn promise; to devote; to promise solemnly.
  • (n.) To assert solemnly; to asseverate.
  • (v. i.) To make a vow, or solemn promise.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The strike, which Central Command said destroyed the Isis fighting position, follows Barack Obama's vow in his televised speech on Wednesday to go on the offensive against Isis more broadly in Iraq and, soon, Syria.
  • (2) But Mr Bolloré, with a 29% stake in Aegis, vowed to keep calling shareholder meetings until he gets his way.
  • (3) But Clegg also says he is not going to be cowed into taking Cameron's vow of silence about Farage's assertion that he finds Britain unrecognisable and is uncomfortable at the lack of English spoken on commuter trains out of Charing Cross.
  • (4) Cameron also believes the planned peace talks can lure Assad's acolytes to break with their leader by vowing that if he goes, the existing military and security services will be preserved, saying the aim was "to learn the lessons of Iraq".
  • (5) "We have vowed to never forget and we never will," he said.
  • (6) The Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu , has vowed the militant Islamist group Hamas, blamed by Israel for the kidnapping, will "pay a heavy price".
  • (7) China to allow pension fund to invest in stock market for first time Read more China’s state-run media has repeatedly vowed that the country’s leaders will not allow such huge losses to continue.
  • (8) The Communication Workers Union (CWU), which represents postal workers, has vowed to fight the sale, which it says will lead to a "worse deal for customers, staff and thousands of small businesses dependent on the Royal Mail".
  • (9) Von Trier, who took a " vow of silence " after being banned from the Cannes film festival in 2011 after joking about Nazism during a press conference for Melancholia, arrived at Nymphomaniac's photocall wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the phrase "Persona Non Grata"; true to his word, he failed to attend the subsequent press conference where his actors and producer talked about the film.
  • (10) Iran has vowed to retaliate against the ISA extension, passed unanimously on Thursday, saying it violated last year’s agreement with six major powers to curb its nuclear programme in return for lifting of international financial sanctions.
  • (11) Far from being depressed, the audience turned into a heaving mass of furious geeks, who roared their anger and vowed that they would not rest until they had brought down the rotten system The "skeptic movement" (always spelt with "k" by the way, to emphasise their distinctiveness) had come to Singh's aid.
  • (12) Most remarkably: last July, 60 Minutes reported that Al Sharpton "has decided not to criticize the president about anything " – a vow that should be the ultimate disqualifying attribute for working in journalism: how can someone be employed as a political commentator if they vow never to criticize the president under any circumstances?
  • (13) Griffin vowed to lodge a complaint at the "unfair" way the Question Time programme was produced, despite the BNP's claims that his appearance sparked the "biggest single recruitment night in the party's history".
  • (14) More than 120 couples joined the mass on Sunday morning to renew their wedding vows and celebrate more than 1,700 years of marriage between them.
  • (15) Brandis has asked the ACT government not to put the new laws into effect until the court can determine their validity, but the chief minister, Katy Gallagher, has vowed to press ahead.
  • (16) Instead, he vowed: "That means I will be cautious about the promises I make.
  • (17) Before the August rebellion Uganda and Rwanda both had some troops on the eastern Congo border, by agreement with Mr Kabila and theoretically in joint operations with his forces against the tens of thousands of former Rwandan soldiers and interahamwe who have vowed to continue the genocide in Rwanda.
  • (18) Qatar had vowed to reform the industry after the Guardian exposed the desperate plight of many of its migrant workers last year.
  • (19) In his only specific growth measure, he said Britain's planning laws would have to be scrapped so more housing could be built, vowing to scrap "the suffocating bureaucracy" that he said was holding economic growth back.
  • (20) We look forward to many more years of working with Maria.” Sharapova, who has been provisionally banned while the International tennis Federation decides her fate, has thanked her fans for their support and vowed to return to the game.