What's the difference between perfusion and pertusion?



  • (n.) The act of perfusing.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) To quantify the size of the lesion in mice, the area of the infarct on the brain surface was assessed planimetrically 48 h after MCA occlusion by transcardial perfusion of carbon black.
  • (2) The vascular endothelium is capable of regulating tissue perfusion by the release of endothelium-derived relaxing factor to modulate vasomotor tone of the resistance vasculature.
  • (3) When perfusion of the affected lung was less than one-third of the total the tumour was found to be unresectable.
  • (4) To examine the central nervous system regulation of duodenal bicarbonate secretion, an animal model was developed that allowed cerebroventricular and intravenous injections as well as collection of duodenal perfusates in awake, freely moving rats.
  • (5) Myocardial ischaemia was induced in perfused rabbit hearts by ligating the left main coronary artery.
  • (6) Arginine vasopressin further reduced papillary flow in kidneys perfused with high viscosity artificial plasma.
  • (7) They are best explained by interactions between central sympathetic activity, brainstem control of respiration and vasomotor activity, reflexes arising from around and within the respiratory tract, and the matching of ventilation to perfusion in the lungs.
  • (8) Within the capillary-perfused mucosa and muscularis (between 50 and 2000 microns from the urothelial surface), concentrations decreased by 50% for each 500-microns distance.
  • (9) This method provided myocardial perfusion images of high quality which were well correlated with N-13 ammonia images.
  • (10) Infarct size is always expressed as a percentage of the perfusion area of the occluded artery.
  • (11) The results indicated that the role of contact inhibition phenomena in arresting cellular proliferation was diminished in perfusion system environments.
  • (12) These results indicate that FMLP increased a pulmonary microvascular permeability in isolated buffer-perfused rabbit lungs that is PMN dependent and mediated by LT produced possibly by a result of ROS production.
  • (13) While concentrations of fully glycosylated 35S-Cysteine rhEPO did not exhibit any detectable decrease during perfusion, desialo-35S-Cysteine rhEPO was rapidly cleared from the perfusate.
  • (14) Measurement of adenosine in coronary effluent and in ventricular tissue by radioimmunoassay verified that no residual elevated adenosine remained following perfusion and washout.
  • (15) In goldfish intestine (perfused unstripped segments and mucosal strips) the serosal addition of ouabain (10(-4) M) resulted in a vanishment of the transepithelial potential difference and in a continuous increase in transepithelial resistance.
  • (16) Adding prazosin (30 nM) to the perfusate completely (approximately 90%) reversed this effect (p less than 0.05), while alpha 2-adrenergic receptor blockade with yohimbine (300 nM) had no effect.
  • (17) Because isosmolar albumin solution is easier to prepare than hyperosmolar cryoprecipitated plasma and gives comparable results, it remains our perfusate of choice for continuous perfusion preservation.
  • (18) Similarly, the phosphorylation potential, phosphocreatine, adenosine triphosphate, and cyclic adenosine monophosphate were constant in the range of autoregulation but decreased directionally with coronary perfusion pressure below 110 cm H2O for both SHR and WKY rats.
  • (19) Studies were conducted in isolated, buffer-perfused rat lungs to determine if prostaglandin (PG) E1 attenuated pulmonary edema provoked by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
  • (20) The cardiac output increased by 29% after hemodilution without significant alterations in cerebral perfusion pressure and showed a good inverse correlation with the Hct and the WBV.



  • (n.) The act of punching or piercing with a pointed instrument; as, pertusion of a vein.
  • (n.) A punched hole; a perforation.

Example Sentences:

Words possibly related to "perfusion"

Words possibly related to "pertusion"