(a.) Of or pertaining to a periphery; constituting a periphery; peripheric.
(a.) External; away from the center; as, the peripheral portion of the nervous system.
Example Sentences:
(1) Our results suggest that the peripheral sensitivity to hypoxia declined more than that to CO2, implying a peripheral chemoreceptor origin for hypoxic ventilatory decline.
(2) At the early phase of the sensitization a T-cell response was seen in vitro, characterized by an increased spleen but no peripheral blood lymphocyte reactivity to T-cell mitogens at the same time as increased reactivity to the sensitizing antigen was detected.
(3) Peripheral vascular surgery has become an increasingly common mode of treatment in non-university, community hospitals in Sweden during the last decade.
(4) We postulate that FAA may affect the human peripheral and mucosal immune system.
(5) 10D1 mAb induced a substantial proliferation of peripheral blood T cells when cross-linked with goat anti-mouse Ig antibody.
(6) Peripheral eosinocytes increased by 10%, and tests for HBsAg, antiHBs, antimitochondrial antibody and anti-smooth muscle antibody were all negative.
(7) The effects of phenoxyacetic acid herbicides were investigated on the induction of chromosome aberrations in human peripheral lymphocyte cultures in vitro and in lymphocytes of exposed workers in vivo.
(8) The concentrations of the drugs used in in vivo experiments did not affect the WBC counts in the peripheral blood of healthy mice.
(9) We analyzed the amounts and types of glycosphingolipids (GSLs) from peripheral blood lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes isolated by counter-current elutriation.
(10) Thus, B cells that grow spontaneously from the peripheral blood of SS patients spontaneously produce a B-cell growth factor.
(11) If tracer is introduced into the carotid artery after osmotic treatment, brain uptake is increased by a net factor of 50 (a factor of 70 due to elevation of PA, multiplied by 7 due to infusion by the carotid route) as compared to uptake by normal, untreated brain with infusion into a peripheral vein.
(12) The reduction rates of peripheral leukocytes, lung Schiff bases and lung water content were not identical in rats depleted from leukocyte after inhalation injury.
(13) We studied the chemotaxis of peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) and monocytes and the production of tumor necrosis factor alpha by monocytes of patients with juvenile periodontitis (JP).
(14) Peripheral blood monocytes undergo an oxidative burst similar to that seen in neutrophils.
(15) The results clearly show that the acute hyperthermia of unrestrained rats induced by either peripheral or central injections of morphine is not caused by activation of the pituitary-adrenal axis.
(16) The number of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) producing IgM (spontaneous and pokeweed mitogen (PWM) stimulated) at the end of a seven day culture period was similar in PBC patients and control subjects while the amount of IgM synthesized (spontaneous and PWM stimulated) during this period was significantly greater in the patient group, implying that the amount of IgM produced per B cell was increased in PBC.
(17) Peripheral serum erythropoietin (Ep) levels were determined in the majority of patients in the control and PTE groups.
(18) In investigation of AMLR composed of peripheral blood cells and spleen cells of gastric cancer patient, AMLR on splenic non-T cells as a stimulator was significantly suppressed compared with peripheral blood non-T cells as a stimulator.
(19) These data suggest that SP receptors are expressed in the brain and peripheral tissues, NK receptors are expressed in the CNS, and SK receptors are expressed in peripheral tissue.
(20) The fine needle aspiration cytology features of twelve peripherally located bronchioloalveolar cell carcinomas of the lung diagnosed by fine needle aspiration biopsy are described.
(a.) Of or pertaining to a tangent; in the direction of a tangent.
Example Sentences:
(1) On the tangential views the inclinations of the future implants were estimated and the part of the alveolar ridge having a width less than 5 mm, which is the minimum width for housing an implant, was compiled.
(2) These tangential fibers are in part the preterminal arborizations of geniculocortical axons, since some of them have been shown to degenerate after geniculate lesions.
(3) These were not observed in area 5, although here the distribution of callosal neurons waxed and waned in the tangential cortical plane.
(4) In 2 patients the frontally recorded SEP component P20 was lost; in one of them the activity of mainly the tangential dipole was reduced.
(5) The derivatives of these cells spread out tangentially over the entire fundus of the eye in a concentric manner.
(6) The soft, dull, malacic appearance of the center results from lack of a true surface layer of tangential collagen fibers.
(7) Detection of the cysts was only possible after myelographic screening of all cases of tangential trauma.
(8) Tangential semithin sections of demineralized tooth germ were serially cut from the enamel surface to the enamel-dentin junction.
(9) The distances between the test points are reduced in tangential direction, compared to the chart.
(10) Parameters measured from simulator films included: (a) the perpendicular distance from the posterior tangential field edge to the posterior part of the anterior chest wall at the center of the field (CLD); (b) the maximum perpendicular distance from the posterior tangential field edge to the posterior part of the anterior chest wall (MLD); and (c) the length of lung (L) as measured at the posterior tangential field edge on the simulator film.
(11) One-hundred patients with anterior foot pain were examined by tangential sesamoid x-rays and some by bone scan.
(12) The tangential force caused massive swelling and one week later bowing of the forearm was noticed.
(13) The ferret callosal cell distribution has a greater tangential extent in area 18 than in area 17.
(14) These results suggested that AcMNPV-induced depolymerization of microtubules may be a necessary event in, rather than a tangential effect of, virus replication.
(15) The three-field breast set-up, in which tangential oblique opposed fields are joined to an anterior supraclavicular field, has been the method of choice for treatment of breast cancer for many years.
(16) This report quantifies the increase of burn survival, which we believe is associated with the use of early tangential excision and grafting as opposed to conventional therapy in adult patients with burns.
(17) Migration and early differentiation of neurons of the tangential vestibular nucleus of the chick take place between embryonic days 5 and 8.
(18) Data are acquired in the stationary mode only (no wobble motion), resulting in a transaxial spatial resolution of better than 6 mm full width at half-maximum (FWHM) at the center, which degrades to 7.5 mm tangentially and 9.6 mm radially at a radius of 20 cm.
(19) If the tangential velocity of the spot is constant, very large and subject-specific biases emerge in the perception of the aspect ratio.
(20) For the latter problem, the most employed solutions are: the inclusion of IMC in the tangential fields, the use of the direct or oblique electron beam for IMC alone.