(adv.) In a perpetual manner; constantly; continually.
Example Sentences:
(1) If there is a will to use primary Care centres for effective preventive action in the population as a whole, motivation of the professionals involved and organisational changes will be necessary so as not to perpetuate the law of inverse care.
(2) We speculate that intestinal injury may also induce or perpetuate arthritis by systemic distribution of inflammatory mediators produced by intestinal immune effector cells.
(3) These findings suggest that community differences in levels of violence are perpetuated as Zapotec children learn community-appropriate patterns for expressing aggression and continue to express these patterns as adults.
(4) Post-labeling addition of 1 mM caffeine increased perpetuated blocks to a frequency of about 10% of the initial number of dimers in 4 h in XP16KO-II cells, but not in XP16KO-I and normal cells.
(5) This phenomenon may be of significance in the perpetuation of the disease.
(6) Trierweiler has broken a fundamental principle of French political life, an unwritten law inherited from the Ancien Régime and perpetuated by France's revolutionary nomenklatura, that the private life – and by that I mean sex life – of a public figure must remain inviolable.
(7) The ways in which medical personnel have opposed the political abuse of medicine is explored by a brief review of the opposition of Chilean doctors to torture, the involvement of South African doctors in opposing the abuse of health services in perpetuating apartheid, and the growing medical movement in opposition to nuclear war.
(8) Utilization data are known to be strongly influenced by the supply of facilities, particularly beds; unless this can be taken into account there is a likelihood that historical patterns will simply be perpetuated whether justified or not.
(9) Health care professionals hold attitudes toward persons with disabilities that are similar to those of society as a whole, and they may be actual perpetuators of this limiting practice.
(10) Moreover, genetics textbooks consistently employ confused or misleading definitions of the concept of heritability that, together with the reporting of discredited data, perpetuate a fundamentally inaccurate understanding of the genetics of intelligence.
(11) Even the most popular Shia cleric, Sayyed Mohammed Fadlallah , a man who has deeply affected the thinking of key Hezbollah leaders and cadres since the party's inception, now says in no uncertain terms that Shias and the country as a whole want to see, and should see, a strong Lebanese army as the nation's sole protector; and that the perpetually unstable confessional system must be ended as soon as possible.
(12) When this parliament votes for another referendum as it inevitably will, thanks to the perpetual crutch that the Greens provide, let’s not pretend it reflects the will of the Scottish people, because it doesn’t.
(13) The study has shown that: There is a significant increase in the severity of gingivitis during pregnancy; The gingival changes progressively increase during the course of pregnancy; The gingival changes are more marked than the periodontal changes seen during pregnancy (increase in periodontal disease was seen in only a limited number of cases); There was an appreciable increase in the calculus and debris deposits in the pregnant as compared to the nonpregnant women; Increase in the calculus and debris deposits was apparent in all the trimesters of pregnancy; Gingival changes showed a greater correlation with the calculus and the debris index in the pregnant than in the nonpregnant women; The role of the irritant oral deposits either as a precipitating or perpetuating factor in the genesis of gingivitis during pregnancy can not be excluded.
(14) Also in the Lords amongst the phalanx of red leather benches is a solitary seat curbed by an armrest provided for a perpetually drunken Lord (hence the saying?)
(15) In addition, TNF is produced and cleared from the blood-stream within a short period of time after an LPS stimulus, suggesting that TNF sets into motion a chain of events that may be self-perpetuating even in the absence of further TNF stimulus.
(16) One of the most tragic aspects of child abuse and neglect is that it is so often perpetuated from one generation to another.
(17) Yet, for many reasons, clinicians tend to resist rapid changes and perpetuate antiquated practices, diagnostic strategies, and clinical policies.
(18) The role of Ixodes ricinus and possible other vectors in perpetuating transmission of the European infection remains to be defined.
(19) It is caused by an intense, self-perpetuating process of clot-formation and lysis within the abnormal vascular channels of the haemangioma, and results in consumption of platelets and clotting factors.
(20) The central role of platelet-vessel wall interaction in the initiation and perpetuation of this process is well established.
(adv.) In a persistent manner.
Example Sentences:
(1) Without medication atypical ventricular tachycardia develops, in the author's opinion, most probably when bradycardia has persisted for a prolonged period.
(2) If the method was taken into routine use in a diagnostic laboratory, the persistence of reverse passive haemagglutination reactions would enable grouping results to be checked for quality control purposes.
(3) We considered the days of the disease and the persistence of symptoms since the admission as peculiar parameters between the two groups.
(4) The remaining case had a calibre persistent submucosal artery within the caecum that was found incidentally in a resection specimen.
(5) The difference in HDL and HDL2 cholesterol concentrations between the MI+ and MI- groups or between the MI+ and CHD- groups persisted after adjustment by analysis of covariance for the effect of physical activity, alcohol intake, obesity, duration of diabetes, and glycemic control.
(6) Since the advance and return of sperm inside the tubes could facilitate the interaction of sperm with secretions participating in its maturation, the persistent infertility after vasectomy could be related to the contractile alteration that follows the excessive tubal distention.
(7) An experimental Anaplasma marginale infection was induced in a splenectomized mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus) which persisted subclinically at least 376 days as detected by subinoculation into susceptible cattle.
(8) TR was classified as follows: severe (massive systolic opacification and persistence of the microbubbles in the IVC for at least 20 seconds); moderate (moderate systolic opacification lasting less than 20 seconds); mild (slight systolic opacification lasting less than 10 seconds); insignificant TR (sporadic appearance of the contrast medium into the IVC).
(9) They had learned through hard experience what Frederick Douglass once taught -- that freedom is not given, it must be won, through struggle and discipline, persistence and faith.
(10) Short incubations with heparin (5 min) caused a release of the enzyme into the media, while longer incubations caused a 2-8-fold increase in net lipoprotein lipase secretion which was maximal after 2-16 h depending on cell type, and persisted for 24 h. The effect of heparin was dose-dependent and specific (it was not duplicated by other glycosaminoglycans).
(11) The first patient, an 82-year-old woman, developed a WPW syndrome suggesting posterior right ventricular preexcitation, a pattern which persisted for four months until her death.
(12) But not only did it post a larger loss than expected, Amazon also projected 7% to 18% revenue growth over the busiest shopping period of the year, a far cry from the 20%-plus pace that had convinced investors to overlook its persistent lack of profit in the past.
(13) Channel activation persists through the process of platelet isolation and washing and is manifested in higher measured values of [Ca2+]cyt and [Ca2+]dt in the "resting state."
(14) Gastro-intestinal surgery is only indicated if haemorrhage persists after a period of observation.
(15) Psychiatric morbidity is further increased when adjuvant chemotherapy is used and when treatment results in persistent arm pain and swelling.
(16) A newborn presenting with persistent umbilical stump bleeding should be screened for factor XIII deficiency when routine coagulation tests prove normal.
(17) This competence persists over the eight measurement points.
(18) To investigate the possibility that an abnormality of gastric emptying exists in duodenal ulcer and to determine if such an abnormality persists after ulcer healing, scintigraphic gastric emptying measurements were undertaken in 16 duodenal ulcer patients before, during, and after therapy with cimetidine; in 12 patients with pernicious anemia, and in 12 control subjects.
(19) Thus it appears that a portion of the adaptation to prolonged and intense endurance training that is responsible for the higher lactate threshold in the trained state persists for a long time (greater than 85 days) after training is stopped.
(20) persisted and was more abnormal in 23% of the cases including specific tracings in 37%.