(n.) The act or practice of persecuting; especially, the infliction of loss, pain, or death for adherence to a particular creed or mode of worship.
(n.) The state or condition of being persecuted.
(n.) A carrying on; prosecution.
Example Sentences:
(1) The UNHCR said in a statement: “International law prescribes that no individual can be returned involuntarily to a country in which he or she has a well-founded fear of persecution.” The Tamil Refugee Council said it had spoken with a relative of one of the asylum seekers on board the vessel from India.
(2) But a former Manus immigration caseworker, Liz Thompson, told Guardian Australia on Tuesday she was aware of at least three cases where asylum seekers on Manus had presented their sexuality as a reason for their persecution during protection interviews since September last year, indicating the department would be well aware there were gay asylum seekers on Manus.
(3) Members of the Ahmadiyya community, an Islamic sect, have faced persecution in other areas of Britain from some other Muslims who do not recognise them as fellow Muslims but Ahmedi said they had not had the same experience in Crawley – proof that it was a tolerant community.
(4) Of UK respondents: 84% agreed that “people should be able to take refuge in other countries to escape war or persecution”.
(5) It’s a very complicated picture, both in terms of how agencies view press freedoms and in terms of Iranian laws.” Iran has long been condemned for its ongoing persecution of journalists, which has been stepped up in recent months.
(6) The UN considers the Rohingya to be one of the world’s most persecuted minorities.
(7) But I think there’s also a huge learning curve for social workers in understanding the massive journeys that people are making and the situation they have come from – the fighting they’ve seen, the discrimination, the persecution.” Join the Social Care Network to read more pieces like this.
(8) • Detainees’ families have suffered further persecution: for example, the wives of Li Heping, Wang Quanzhang, Xie Yang and Xie Yanyi have been subjected to police monitoring and harassment; the children of Li Heping and Wang Quanzhang have been denied enrolment at state schools due to police pressure; and the authorities have put pressure on the landlords of Wang Quanzhang’s and Xie Yanyi’s families to evict them from their homes.
(9) "I do not believe it is acceptable to send people home and expect them to hide their sexuality to avoid persecution," said May.
(10) Nothing should diminish the reality that Eritrean victims of that persecution deserve our solidarity, and need to be supported by all of us who believe that conciliation and concession to regimes such as exists in Eritrea will surely fail.
(11) Najia Bounaim, deputy campaigns director at Amnesty International’s Tunis office, said the arrest was “the latest chilling example of the Egyptian authorities’ systematic persecution of independent human rights defenders.” “We believe she has been arrested for her legitimate human rights work and must be released immediately and unconditionally,” she said.
(12) Sure, he has been doing the chat-show circuit in the US this past week to promote his latest sitcom, Bent (no relation to the Nazi homosexual persecution play – it's an Amanda Peet vehicle in which she may or may not go to bed with her builder).
(13) Asylum seekers take perilous boat journeys with their children because they judge the risk of violence, persecution and death where they are to be greater than the risk of getting on that boat.
(14) The people who were persecuting him and his companions and his sympathizers.
(15) Children who after the war were born into families of previously persecuted people--19 persons.
(16) When Pope Francis came to visit … he didn’t just speak about Christians who were being persecuted,” Obama said.
(17) Habib, who had lived in Australia since 2000, was visiting relatives who are part of the Hazara community, which has been regularly persecuted by the Taliban.
(18) Just over a third said they were persecuted through fear or threats, saying their career was deliberately sabotaged.
(19) The international community must honour the dying wish of Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo by taking immediate steps to protect his wife, the poet Liu Xia , who has endured years of government persecution, friends and supporters have said.
(20) Some gifted and canny writers have made a mint by appealing to teenagers’ sense of anguish and victimhood, the notion that they are forever embattled and persecuted by a rotten world run by authoritarian bozos.
(v. t.) To subdue, and bring under the yoke of power or dominion; to conquer by force, and compel to submit to the government or absolute control of another; to vanquish.
Example Sentences:
(1) Although he could be lovable, charming, whimsical, encouraging, and deeply devoted to his family, he subjugated the adult women in his household and at least one son to exploitation and abuse, demanding (and receiving from his wife and step-daughter) almost total abnegation of self.
(2) It is very disturbing that today's social customs allow Dr. Cornwell to advise that personal moral values should be subjugated to those of the community.
(3) If a Muslim candidate did not renounce such aspects of his or her faith, Carson said, “Why in fact would you take that chance?” Referring to criticism of his remark last weekend to NBC that he “would not advocate” a Muslim becoming president, Carson said: “I said anybody, doesn’t matter what their religious background, if they accept American values and principles and are willing to subjugate their religious beliefs to our constitution, I have no problem with them.” Article VI of the US constitution states: “No religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” The first amendment to the constitution says: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof …” Carson is a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
(4) The next conquest by William in 1066 crushed Anglo-Saxon England, but that in turn would produce the idea of “the Norman yoke”, which had supposedly subjugated the English people.
(5) Egypt's breadbasket is littered with the remnants of old colonisers, from the Romans to the Germans, and today its 50 million inhabitants jostle for space among the crumbling forts and cemeteries of those who sought to subjugate them in the past.
(6) The judiciary branch, according to these three laws, would become subjugated to the executive,” said Ewa Łętowska, a professor at Poland’s Institute of Legal Sciences and a former judge who served on the country’s constitutional tribunal and the supreme administrative court.
(7) When psychotherapy is viewed as inherently a change-facilitating process, subjugated to and oriented toward such events, the therapist's function is catalytic rather than analytic.
(8) With the Somali women who were the antithesis of the stereotyped, subjugated Muslim female – strong, proud, fighters to the end.
(9) LaPierre says look at the Second Amendment: "They had lived under the tyranny of King George and they wanted to make sure that these people in this new country would never be subjugated to tyranny... Then LaPierre says if there's an earthquake people need guns: "The only way they're going to be able to protect themselves in the cold, in the dark, when they're vulnerable, is with a gun."
(10) And yet the latest criticism from Brussels inspires a rightwing magazine cover showing European leaders wearing Nazi uniform: “Once again they want to subjugate Poland.” The PiS government is “anti-European”.
(11) Although the modern medical culture has originated in the West, it has gradually spread to all parts of the world, subjugating other kinds of medical knowledge and other attitudes to dying and death.
(12) Has the epidemic mass rape in Congo got something to do with the country's own history, the result of many years of subjugation, played back?
(13) It is no more justifiable than saying that the only future which religious Jews - as Jews - can envision is one in which non-Jews live in complete slavery and subjugation: a claim often made by anti-semites based on highly selective passages from the Talmud .
(14) His own daughter, a glamorous lawyer, is certainly no subjugated eastern woman.
(15) They are those who do not want Britain to look after its own economic interests and wants it to be subjugated to them for ever."
(16) And so they came by the thousands from every corner of our country, men and women, young and old, blacks who longed for freedom and whites who could no longer accept freedom for themselves while witnessing the subjugation of others.
(17) These connections survived Moon's increasingly embarrassing activities – his sermons dwelling on the "sexual organs", his description of American women as descended from prostitutes, family scandals, Rabbinic court condemnation for antisemitism and a vow to "conquer and subjugate the world".
(18) As a fellow Rhodes scholar and an African woman, I frequently get asked why, in the face of Rhodes's bloody and destructive quest to subjugate an entire generation of my people, I would accept money from a trust set up in his name.
(19) During subjugation and inertial feeding the skull remains ventroflexed.
(20) Asked in 2005 to elaborate on the meaning of the band's lyrics, Page replied: "The topics vary from sociological issues, religion, and how the value of human life has been degraded by being submissive to tyranny and hypocrisy that we are subjugated to."