What's the difference between persuasive and psychagogic?
(a.) Tending to persuade; having the power of persuading; as, persuasive eloquence.
(n.) That which persuades; an inducement; an incitement; an exhortation.
Example Sentences:
(1) An official from Cafcass, the children and family court advisory service, tried to persuade the child in several interviews, but eventually the official told the court that further persuasion was inappropriate and essentially abusive.
(2) The evidence for changes in function of the central nervous system in cases of chronic pain is persuasive.
(3) What emerges strongly is the expressed belief of many that Isis can be persuasive, liberating and empowering.
(4) The similarities in methods of intervention found in the work of investigators of very different theoretical persuasion raise the possibility that most treatment methods owe more to empirical clinical experience than to their presumed derivation from a theoretical model.
(5) The main therapies are i. suggestion, auto-suggestion, hynotism, assurance, persuasion, and ritualistic therapy; ii.
(6) Israel, as a non-EU member, will depend on its partner countries’ powers of persuasion.
(7) Co-operatives should not be afraid to champion radical causes, or engage with controversial issues, but this must not involve affronting customers, or turning our backs on good people of different political persuasions.
(8) Coleman, in his efforts to sustain the national team's momentum, will be particularly eager to keep Craig Bellamy in the lineup, although it was the persuasiveness of Speed that brought his return.
(9) Clegg went on: "Unless there's overwhelming evidence that this [campaign] is a really effective way of bolstering public confidence in the immigration system, and bearing down on illegal behaviour in the immigration system, I'm going to need a lot of persuasion this is something [we want to continue]."
(10) It may be true that the old idea, often persuasively advanced by the academic Stefan Collini , that the university is “a partly protected space in which the search for deeper and wider understanding takes precedence over all more immediate goals” cannot survive unscathed in a world where there is huge unmet demand for technically literate and numerate graduates to staff the knowledge economy.
(11) Localization of angiotensinogen messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) within the proximal tubule, together with demonstration of renin and converting enzyme mRNAs within the kidney, provide the most persuasive evidence for local, independent synthesis.
(12) There's a persuasive argument that politicians used R&R to justify policies they wanted to impose anyway.
(13) But the young – like the poor – seem more open to a yes persuasion.
(14) Their composure was shattered from the moment Alex McCarthy gifted the visitors an equaliser, all authority wrested away in the blink of an eye and Liverpool , suddenly focused where previously they had been limp and ineffective, the more persuasive threat in what time that remained.
(15) So it is little surprise that a campaign, led by orators as persuasive as Boris Johnson and Michael Gove, promising to address all these anxieties in one fell geostrategic swoop, should be gaining in popularity.
(16) Some commentators have persuasively suggested that Putin is tired of being Russia's leader.
(17) The 2008 election was a great day for those of the liberal persuasion.
(18) The finance minister, Mathias Cormann, said Bushby had made a “very persuasive argument that yet another inquiry might not be the best way forward”.
(19) Such an atrocity, had it been committed by any Arab or Iranian, or indeed a Muslim of any persuasion, would have brought down instant punishment, or even war.
(20) Then I stayed in a house where a modest set of Austen's novels stood almost out of reach on a high shelf, and I took down the last of her works, Persuasion - perhaps because it stood at the end of the row.
(a.) Attractive; persuasive.
Example Sentences:
(1) Effects of treatment are much better owing to the fact that patients are made more accessible to psychotherapy and psychagogic measures.
(2) In addition, physiotherapeutic, psychagogic and, if necessary, nursing and social measures are included.
(3) Against the background of the 100th anniversary of his birth the author traces Kronfeld's psychotherapeutic career, pointing out his activity at the Berliner "Institute of Sexual Research" under Magnus Hirschfeld, and his psychotherapeutic concept--the psychagogic guidance of the patient--and its connection with the individual psychology of Alfred Adler.
(4) It is essential that this be taken into account in both group and individual therapy, more especially as this will lead to favorable psychagogic and psychotherapeutic approaches.
(5) This aimed at creating a therapeutic community by means of a psychagogic therapy for maintaining the mental and emotional alertness of patients in order to prevent loneliness.