(1) A get a rookie phenom on the bench in Xander Bogaerts just waiting to come in and turn the series on its head, piles of starting pitching, boatloads of bullpen talent, a Cardinals team capable of scoring in droves without hitting homers and a Boston lineup that bullied the AL all season long by racking up over 850 runs, even if they haven't scored many lately .
(2) Luckily the Cardinals will have rookie phenom Michael Wacha, who has yet to take a loss this postseason, on the mound tonight .
(3) Dr Michael Dobbie, chief executive of the Australian Phenomics Network, said the program had provided critical infrastructure for the Australian biomedical research fraternity.
(4) Yes the Rays have actually scored fewer runs per game since rookie phenom Wil Myers joined the lineup (surprising), but who cares now that close to normal service has resumed on the pitching front – a 2.26 staff ERA and a .206 batting average against in July, with David Price dominating opponents once more.
(5) Former World Player of the Year Kaka and Robinho, the one-time phenom who inspired Pele to stop a training session and tell the then teenager he reminded him of himself, would certainly fit the bill, and help satisfy some of the 214,369 people who “liked” Orlando City’s Brazilian Facebook page within two months of it being set up.
(6) When they started the season without phenom Manny Machado and lost him again to a freakish August injury .
(7) 12.45am BST Boston Red Sox lineup The big news is, as expected, rookie phenom Xander Bogaerts is in the starting lineup once again for struggling third baseman Will Middlebrooks.
(8) Bryce Harper, the other half of the phenom dream team, had quite the start to a season, hitting two home runs in his very first at bats, just in case anyone was thinking about any potential sophomore slump.
(9) Although many teams have afforded second, third and fourth chances to players with behaviour concerns in the past, they are less likely to do so for a 30-year-old offensive guard than they might for a young phenom at another position.
(10) It also comprises artificial organisms, including a genome, a phenome, and a (developmental) map that connects the genome to the phenome.
(11) Severe hyperthermia, lethal to the cells, does not lead to L1Rn activation (actually a marked suppression is seen) and the mode of phenomic death is necrosis.
(12) You see it, especially on junior staff, they’re now caught in this situation – what do they do – so it’s a very awkward time at the moment.” Professor Chris Goodnow, of the Australian Phenomics Facility, said he was due in Washington in two weeks for a meeting “which gives us in Australia a seat at the table of the very cutting edge of genomics and biomedical research”.
(n.) An appearance; anything visible; whatever, in matter or spirit, is apparent to, or is apprehended by, observation; as, the phenomena of heat, light, or electricity; phenomena of imagination or memory.
(n.) That which strikes one as strange, unusual, or unaccountable; an extraordinary or very remarkable person, thing, or occurrence; as, a musical phenomenon.
Example Sentences:
(1) The ability of azelastine to influence antigen-induced contractile responses (Schultz-Dale phenomenon) in isolated tracheal segments of the guinea-pig was investigated and compared with selected antiallergic drugs and inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism.
(2) We conclude that the priming effect is not a clinically significant phenomenon during natural pollen exposure in allergic rhinitis patients.
(3) The operative arteriograms confirmed vascular occlusive phenomenon.
(4) Post-irradiation hypertonic treatment inhibited both DNA repair and PLD recovery, while post-irradiation isotonic treatment inhibited neither phenomenon.
(5) Current recommendations regarding contraception in patients with diabetes are not appropriate for the adolescent population and therefore tend to support this phenomenon rather than relieve it.
(6) This phenomenon is age dependent and more pronounced in animals with sever autoimmune disease.
(7) The superior mesenteric artery and the abdominal aorta made the mean angle of 35.5 degree in patients with normal left renal vein, the mean angle of 45.4 degrees in those with left renal vein compression without nutcracker phenomenon, and the mean angle of 11.9 degrees in those with nutcracker phenomenon.
(8) Instead, he handed over the opening to reporter Molly Line, who said, “Racial profiling is in the eye of the beholder,” before citing differing perceptions of the phenomenon between white and black people, which is like reading the headline “Rapist, Victim Differ on Consent”.
(9) The phenomenon can be ascribed to the decrease in charge density due to the incorporation of dodecyl alcohol into SDS micelles.
(10) They clearly demonstrate the phenomenon of mast cells degranulation.
(11) Reconstituted freeze dried allogeneic skin grafts contained virtually no blood, a phenomenon possibly analogous to the 'no reflow' phenomenon of microsurgery.
(12) The patient was a forty-five-year-old female who had been troubled by obstinate Raynaud's phenomenon for ten years before the definite diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension was made.
(13) The presence of the positive-off diagonal of the second-order kernel of respiratory control of heart rate is an indication of an escape-like phenomenon in the system.
(14) Upon illumination, a dark-adapted photosynthetic sample shows time-dependent changes in chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence yield, known as the Kautsky phenomenon or the OIDPS transient.
(15) Additional presumptive evidence indicated that this resistance phenomenon is not mediated extrachromosomally, but rather chromosomally.
(16) This phenomenon can have a special significance for defining the vitality in inflammation of bone tissue, in burns and in necrosis of soft tissues a.a. of the Achilles tendon.
(17) After primary challenge the phenomenon was neither observed in normal animals nor in animals effectively immunized against tumor.
(18) This phenomenon may be overcome by utilizing more dextran-coated charcoal in the extraction.
(19) The influential Belgian scientist Quetelet demonstrated a remarkable scotoma towards the phenomenon.
(20) CoQ10 suppressed the mentioned phenomenon in regenerating liver.