What's the difference between phone and ring?



Example Sentences:

  • (1) We’ve spoken to them on the phone and they’ve all said they just want to come home.” A total of 93 pupils from Saint-Joseph were on the trip.
  • (2) "In my era, we'd get a phone call from John [Galliano] before the show: this is what the show's about, what do you think?
  • (3) Just don’t be surprised if they ask you to repair their phones, too.
  • (4) Sharif Mobley, 30, whose lawyers consider him to be disappeared, managed to call his wife in Philadelphia on Thursday, the first time they had spoken since February and a rare independent proof he is alive since a brief phone call with his mother in July.
  • (5) I have the BBC app on my phone and it updates me, and I saw the wire ‘Malaysian flight goes missing over Ukraine.’ I’m like, well it’s probably the Russians who shot it down.
  • (6) "I was in the car with Matthew and he held out his phone and said: 'We need to talk about this' with a very serious face, and my immediate thought was somebody had found where I lived and had made a direct threat.
  • (7) Its struggling mobile phone business resulted in a net loss of 136 billion yen for the three months to September, although that figure was smaller than analysts had predicted.
  • (8) The £1m fine, proposed during the Leveson inquiry into press standards, was designed to demonstrate how seriously the industry was taking lessons learned after the failure of the Press Complains Commission tto investigate phone hacking at the News of the World.
  • (9) They also had speakers, long before boomboxes and mobile phones pushed sounds out in public.
  • (10) The latest annual report from the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has revealed that there was 582,727 requests for phone, web browsing and location data – commonly known as “metadata” – that can reveal detailed information about a person’s personal lives and associations.
  • (11) Ed Balls, the shadow home secretary, today called on the head of the Metropolitan police to reopen the investigation into phone hacking by the News of the World.
  • (12) I could just banish the app from my phone forever, but deleting a piece of smart tech that makes my life easier doesn’t feel very satisfying.
  • (13) Customers who sign up to the Tesco Mobile Xtras programme will see an extra full-screen ad roughly every third time they unlock their phone.
  • (14) Source: Mediacells (Or view the map at OpenHeatMap ) At the other end of the scale, a number of countries will see proportionately few new buyers - suggesting that the remaining featurephone owners are declining to upgrade to more powerful phones.
  • (15) I've spoken to her on the phone and seen her a couple of times, but I've not noticed any change in Georgina.
  • (16) While there's no indication of whether Zuckerberg's teams will act on Dediu's advice, the rumours that Facebook is working on a phone have surfaced from time to time – most recently in April, when the Taiwanese news site Digitimes suggested it is working with Taiwan's HTC to build a device integrating all the Facebook functions, for release this autumn.
  • (17) If they included a warning in the package ‘tamper resistance’ feature that works by non-Apple-authorised repair services may be mistaken for tampering attempts, and lead to the phone being disabled’, then it would be purely a feature ... By concealing the feature prior to sales, and only even revealing it after being repeatedly pressured over it, Apple turned what could have been a feature into a landmine.” Apple shares have fallen more than 20% in the past three months as investors begin to doubt whether it can maintain the stellar growth posted since the iPhone first went on sale eight years ago.
  • (18) More Apple and Android phones have now been sold, for example, than all the Japanese cameras ever made.
  • (19) January 2011 • Ian Edmondson, the News of the World's assistant editor (news), is suspended following a "serious allegation" relating to phone hacking during Andy Coulson's editorship of the paper.
  • (20) Jowell said she was first told that her phone had been hacked "on 28 or 29 occasions" by the police in May 2006.



  • (v. t.) To cause to sound, especially by striking, as a metallic body; as, to ring a bell.
  • (v. t.) To make (a sound), as by ringing a bell; to sound.
  • (v. t.) To repeat often, loudly, or earnestly.
  • (v. i.) To sound, as a bell or other sonorous body, particularly a metallic one.
  • (v. i.) To practice making music with bells.
  • (v. i.) To sound loud; to resound; to be filled with a ringing or reverberating sound.
  • (v. i.) To continue to sound or vibrate; to resound.
  • (v. i.) To be filled with report or talk; as, the whole town rings with his fame.
  • (n.) A sound; especially, the sound of vibrating metals; as, the ring of a bell.
  • (n.) Any loud sound; the sound of numerous voices; a sound continued, repeated, or reverberated.
  • (n.) A chime, or set of bells harmonically tuned.
  • (n.) A circle, or a circular line, or anything in the form of a circular line or hoop.
  • (n.) Specifically, a circular ornament of gold or other precious material worn on the finger, or attached to the ear, the nose, or some other part of the person; as, a wedding ring.
  • (n.) A circular area in which races are or run or other sports are performed; an arena.
  • (n.) An inclosed space in which pugilists fight; hence, figuratively, prize fighting.
  • (n.) A circular group of persons.
  • (n.) The plane figure included between the circumferences of two concentric circles.
  • (n.) The solid generated by the revolution of a circle, or other figure, about an exterior straight line (as an axis) lying in the same plane as the circle or other figure.
  • (n.) An instrument, formerly used for taking the sun's altitude, consisting of a brass ring suspended by a swivel, with a hole at one side through which a solar ray entering indicated the altitude on the graduated inner surface opposite.
  • (n.) An elastic band partly or wholly encircling the spore cases of ferns. See Illust. of Sporangium.
  • (n.) A clique; an exclusive combination of persons for a selfish purpose, as to control the market, distribute offices, obtain contracts, etc.
  • (v. t.) To surround with a ring, or as with a ring; to encircle.
  • (v. t.) To make a ring around by cutting away the bark; to girdle; as, to ring branches or roots.
  • (v. t.) To fit with a ring or with rings, as the fingers, or a swine's snout.
  • (v. i.) To rise in the air spirally.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The Tyr side chain had two conformations of comparable energy, one over the ring between the Gln and Asn side chains, and the other with the Tyr side chain away from the ring.
  • (2) Sterile, pruritic papules and papulopustules that formed annular rings developed on the back of a 58-year-old woman.
  • (3) The teeth were embedded in phenolic rings with acrylic resin.
  • (4) Surgical removal was avoided without complications by detaching it with a ring stripper.
  • (5) The Labour MP urged David Cameron to guarantee that officers who give evidence over the alleged paedophile ring in Westminster will not be prosecuted.
  • (6) These results coupled with previous studies support activation of benz[j]aceanthrylene via both 2 and cyclopenta ring epoxidation.
  • (7) TK1 showed the most restricted substrate specificity but tolerated 3'-modifications of the sugar ring and some 5-substitutions of the pyrimidine ring.
  • (8) Endothelium-dependent relaxations to acetylcholine and endothelium-independent relaxations to nitric oxide were observed in rings from both strains during contraction with endothelin.
  • (9) Aortic rings from the rabbit were similarly potently antagonized by the protein kinase C inhibitors, however, K(+)-induced contractions were also equally sensitive to these agents in both rat and rabbit tissues.
  • (10) The intracellular distribution and interaction of 19S ring-type particles from D. melanogaster have been analysed.
  • (11) Rings of isolated coronary and femoral arteries (without endothelium) were suspended for isometric tension recording in organ chambers filled with modified Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution.
  • (12) In all cases Richter's hernia was at the internal inguinal ring.
  • (13) Seventy-five hands showed normal distal latency, in which cases, however, the SNCV of the ring finger was always outside the normal range, while the SNCVs of the thumb, index and middle fingers were abnormal in 64%, 80% and 92% of cases respectively.
  • (14) The cells are predominantly monopolar, tightly packed, and are flattened at the outer border of the ring.
  • (15) Defects in the posterior one-half of the trachea, up to 5 rings long, were repaired, with minimal stenosis.
  • (16) A new analog of salmon calcitonin (N alpha-propionyl Di-Ala1,7,des-Leu19 sCT; RG-12851; here termed CTR), which lacks the ring structure of native calcitonin, was tested for biological activity in several in vitro and in vivo assay systems.
  • (17) The chemical shift changes observed on the binding of trimethoprim to dihydrofolate reductase are interpreted in terms of the ring-current shift contributions from the two aromatic rings of trimethoprim and from that of phenylalanine-30.
  • (18) Three strains of fluorescent pseudomonads (IS-1, IS-2, and IS-3) isolated from potato underground stems with roots showed in vitro antibiosis against 30 strains of the ring rot bacterium Clavibacter michiganensis subsp.
  • (19) Both adiphenine.HCl and proadifen.HCl form more stable complexes, suggesting that hydrogen bonding to the carbonyl oxygen by the hydroxyl-group on the rim of the CD ring could be an important contributor to the complexation.
  • (20) Serial sections from over a hundred such structures show that these are tubular structures and that the 'test-tube and ring-shaped' forms described in the literature are no more than profiles one expects to see when a tubular structure is sectioned.