(1) "With hyperspectral imaging, you can tell the chemical content of a cake just by taking a photo of it.
(2) Photo-sensitivity probably only limits the processing period slightly, at least under these conditions relevant for the dental practice.
(3) The method described uses film DOT-I and DOT-II by Dupont, whereby the exposure of the step wedge takes place on a linear accelerator with a photo energy of 10 MeV.
(4) The WikiLeaks website posted a Twitter link to the cache of documents, saying it “contains many tens of thousands (of) emails, photos, attachments up to April 24, 2017”.
(5) Facebook Twitter Pinterest No shake: Donald Trump snubs Angela Merkel during photo op The piece of pantomime was in stark contrast to the visit of Theresa May in January.
(6) I have always struggled with the quality of my own work but despite my misgivings about the photos I am taking I can't honestly say they would have been any better two years ago.
(7) Graphic photos of Said's injuries circulated online and became a rallying cause for activists opposed to Egypt's 29-year-old emergency law, which suspends many basic civil liberties and provides effective immunity for the security services before the courts.
(8) You’d be staggered by the number of dimwitted debutantes who stand for photos next to cakes iced with the famous double-C. You know how you wanted a Spider-Man cake when you were little, and your mum made you Spider-Man cake, and it was the happiest birthday of your life?
(9) For a while North Korea refused to play, but after delicate negotiations the players were persuaded back on to the pitch and the correct flag was displayed alongside the team photos.
(10) On presidential election day 2010 it offered one group in the US a graphic with a link to find nearby polling stations, along with a button that would let you announce that you'd voted, and the profile photos of six other of your "friends" who had already done so.
(11) Not exactly – rather, it had become impossible to distinguish between people who were legitimately Googling for information, and people who were trying to take a photo.
(12) The #putyourwalletsout phrase was coined by Sydney-based Twitter user Steve Lopez, who accompanied it with a photo of his wallet.
(13) Sent in an email to a victim, the software is activated when an attachment, such as a photo, is opened.
(14) Maybe it’s all unreal, all the way down, the speeches, the photo opportunities?
(15) It's brown, crusty and cratered, like somewhere Hubble may have sent back a photo of.
(16) The Dozen: the weekend's best Premier League photos Read more The visitors scored late on through Mame Biram Diouf’s header but had chances before and after having played with great intent and togetherness, with Diouf guilty of missing two good chances in the first half alone.
(17) Here's a tribute from the historic Apollo theater in Harlem, New York City: Touré (@Toure) Photo: The Apollo Theater in Harlem remembers Nelson Mandela.
(18) The latter association was sensitive to a non-ionic detergent ('Photo flo').
(19) The promise of exclusive photos and an "official chatroom" doesn't exactly set our world alight – but White is also promising subscribers four 7" records, four 12" records and four new T-shirts a year.
(20) (In the available photos of Tamerlan, he is carrying a black backpack, but one without a white square on the handle.)
(v. t.) To fix or impress, as a stamp, mark, character, idea, etc., into or upon something.
(v. t.) To stamp something in or upon; to make an impression or mark upon by pressure, or as by pressure.
(v. t.) To strike off an impression or impressions of, from type, or from stereotype, electrotype, or engraved plates, or the like; in a wider sense, to do the typesetting, presswork, etc., of (a book or other publication); as, to print books, newspapers, pictures; to print an edition of a book.
(v. t.) To stamp or impress with colored figures or patterns; as, to print calico.
(v. t.) To take (a copy, a positive picture, etc.), from a negative, a transparent drawing, or the like, by the action of light upon a sensitized surface.
(v. i.) To use or practice the art of typography; to take impressions of letters, figures, or electrotypes, engraved plates, or the like.
(v. i.) To publish a book or an article.
(n.) A mark made by impression; a line, character, figure, or indentation, made by the pressure of one thing on another; as, the print of teeth or nails in flesh; the print of the foot in sand or snow.
(n.) A stamp or die for molding or impressing an ornamental design upon an object; as, a butter print.
(n.) That which receives an impression, as from a stamp or mold; as, a print of butter.
(n.) Printed letters; the impression taken from type, as to excellence, form, size, etc.; as, small print; large print; this line is in print.
(n.) That which is produced by printing.
(n.) An impression taken from anything, as from an engraved plate.
(n.) A printed publication, more especially a newspaper or other periodical.
(n.) A printed cloth; a fabric figured by stamping, especially calico or cotton cloth.
(n.) A photographic copy, or positive picture, on prepared paper, as from a negative, or from a drawing on transparent paper.
(n.) A core print. See under Core.
Example Sentences:
(1) The small print revealed that Osborne claimed a fall in borrowing largely by factoring in the proceeds of a 4G telecomms auction that has not yet happened.
(2) When very large series of strains are considered, the coding can be completely done and printed out by any computer through a very simple program.
(3) A combined plot of all results from the four separate papers, which is ordered alphabetically by chemical, is available from L. S. Gold, in printed form or on computer tape or diskette.
(4) "We were very disappointed when the DH decided to suspend printing Reduce the Risk, a vital resource in the prevention of cot death in the UK", said Francine Bates, chief executive of the Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths, which helped produce the booklet.
(5) How does it stack up against the competition – and are there any nasties in the small print?
(6) A wide range of development possibilities for the printed circuit microelectrode are discussed.
(7) Because while some of these alt-currencies show promise, many aren't worth the paper they're not printed on.
(8) This week they are wrestling with the difficult issue of how prisoners can order clothes for themselves now that clothing companies are discontinuing their printed catalogues and moving online.
(9) These letters are also written during a period when Joyce was still smarting from the publishing difficulties of his earlier works Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.” Gordon Bowker, Joyce’s biographer, agreed: “Joyce’s problem with the UK printers related to the fact that here in those days printers were as much at risk of prosecution on charges of publishing obscenities as were publishers, and would simply refuse to print them.
(10) In the 1980s when she began, no newspaper would even print the words 'breast cancer'.
(11) Information and titles for this bibliography were gleaned from printed indexes and university medical center libraries.
(12) Subscribers to the paper's print and digital editions also now contribute to half the volume of its total sales.
(13) A microcomputer system is described for the collection, analysis and printing of the physiological data gathered during a urodynamic investigation.
(14) Many other innovations are also being hailed as the future of food, from fake chicken to 3D printing and from algae to lab-grown meat.
(15) The four are the spoken language, the written language, the printing press and the electronic computer.
(16) Comparison of these tracks and the Hadar hominid foot fossils by Tuttle has led him to conclude that Australopithecus afarensis did not make the Tanzanian prints and that a more derived form of hominid is therefore indicated at Laetoli.
(17) The conversation between the two men, printed in Monday's edition of Wprost news magazine , reveals the extent of the fallout between Poland and the UK over Cameron's proposals to change EU migrants' access to benefits.
(18) Brand names would instead be printed in small type and feature large health warnings and gruesome, full-colour images of the consequences of smoking.
(19) An interactive image-processing workstation enables rapid image retrieval, reduces the examination repeat rate, provides for image enhancement, and rapidly sets the desired display parameters for laser-printed images.
(20) But printing money year after year to pay for things you can’t afford doesn’t work – and no good Keynesian would ever call for it.