(n.) A picture or likeness obtained by photography.
(v. t.) To take a picture or likeness of by means of photography; as, to photograph a view; to photograph a group.
(v. i.) To practice photography; to take photographs.
Example Sentences:
(1) His son, Karim Makarius, opened the gallery to display some of the legacy bequeathed to him by his father in 2009, as well as the work of other Argentine photographers and artists – currently images by contemporary photographer Facundo de Zuviria are also on show.
(2) Photograph: Guardian The research also compiled data covered by a wider definition of tax haven, including onshore jurisdictions such as the US state of Delaware – accused by the Cayman islands of playing "faster and looser" even than offshore jurisdictions – and the Republic of Ireland, which has come under sustained pressure from other EU states to reform its own low-tax, light-tough, regulatory environment.
(3) Photograph: AP Reasons for wavering • State relies on coal-fired electricity • Poor prospects for wind power • Conservative Democrat • Represents conservative district in conservative state and was elected on narrow margins Campaign support from fossil fuel interests in 2008 • $93,743 G K Butterfield (North Carolina) GK Butterfield, North Carolina.
(4) Photograph: Gareth Phillips for the Guardian Because health is devolved, the Welsh government can do things differently from England.
(5) If you want to become a summit celebrity be sure to strike a pose whenever you see the ENB photographer approaching.
(6) Photograph: Christopher Thomond for the Guardian I don’t know how much my parents paid for their home but in 1955 the average house price for the whole country was £1,891.
(7) We performed a prospective study on 68 eyes of 68 patients to compare the vertical cup-disk ratio obtained with the video-ophthalmograph to that obtained with manual analysis of black-and-white stereoscopic photographs.
(8) The arrest of the Washington Post’s Tehran correspondent Jason Rezaian and his journalist wife, Yeganeh Salehi, as well as a photographer and her partner, is a brutal reminder of the distance between President Hassan Rouhani’s reforming promises and his willingness to act.
(9) Photograph: David Grayson David Grayson, director, The Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility, Cranfield University David became professor of corporate responsibility and director of the Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility at Cranfield School of Management, in April 2007, after a 30 year career as a social entrepreneur and campaigner for responsible business, diversity, and small business development.
(10) The record includes postoperative drawings of the intraoperative field by Dr. Cushing, a sketch by Dr. McKenzie illustrating the postoperative sensory examination, and pre- and postoperative photographs of the patient.
(11) Photograph: Dan Chung Around 220,000 live in this mud-brick labyrinth; some homes date back five centuries.
(12) Illustration by Andrzej Krause Photograph: Guardian The Foreign Office attributed the forgotten boxes to "an earlier misunderstanding about contents" and stated that there needed to be an "improvement in archive management".
(13) Aircraft pilots Facebook Twitter Pinterest ‘Getting paid to have your head in the clouds.’ Photograph: CTC Wings Includes: Flight engineers and flying instructors Average pay before tax: £90,146 Pay range: £66,178 (25th percentile) to £97,598 (60th percentile).
(14) Photograph: Christopher Thomond for the Guardian Asked if Watson should seek to refresh his mandate after Corbyn’s overwhelming victory among members, McCluskey added: “Well, if Tom wants to try to refresh his mandate it would be interesting to see what happens.” Watson said it was time “to be proud of our party”, because the Conservatives were beatable and the prime minister, Theresa May, could call an election any time.
(15) As part of a series of articles on various aspects of image conservation, practical advice is given on how best to ensure image permanence of contemporary photographs.
(16) Photograph: Jared Malsin for The Guardian They are among at least seven Egyptians – six Christians and one Muslim – who are believed to be held hostage in Libya, though that is regarded as a conservative estimate.
(17) The small number of discordant outcomes could generally be accounted for by three factors: (1) retinal abnormalities beyond those considered in the photographic grading system (12 eyes), (2) nonretinal visual pathway disease (five eyes), or (3) false-positive and false-negative results in the measurement systems used to evaluate structure and function (five eyes).
(18) Photograph: Facebook "Iran's state television is only showing one side of society, only the people with hijab.
(19) The positive predictive value of the clinical diagnosis could be increased to more than 80% by measuring the degree of miosis and ptosis on single photographs, or by assuming independent confirmation of the clinical diagnosis by a second observer.
(20) All was very accomplished; her award-winning photographs have been exhibited in the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, and her articles and pictures were published in books, periodicals, and newspapers around the world.
(n.) An inclined plane, either artificial or natural, down which timber, coal, etc., are caused to slide; also, a narrow passage, either natural or artificial, in a stream, where the water rushes rapidly; esp., a channel, having a swift current, connecting the ends of a bend in the stream, so as to shorten the course.
(v. i.) To let fly, or cause to be driven, with force, as an arrow or a bullet; -- followed by a word denoting the missile, as an object.
(v. i.) To discharge, causing a missile to be driven forth; -- followed by a word denoting the weapon or instrument, as an object; -- often with off; as, to shoot a gun.
(v. i.) To strike with anything shot; to hit with a missile; often, to kill or wound with a firearm; -- followed by a word denoting the person or thing hit, as an object.
(v. i.) To send out or forth, especially with a rapid or sudden motion; to cast with the hand; to hurl; to discharge; to emit.
(v. i.) To push or thrust forward; to project; to protrude; -- often with out; as, a plant shoots out a bud.
(v. i.) To plane straight; to fit by planing.
(v. i.) To pass rapidly through, over, or under; as, to shoot a rapid or a bridge; to shoot a sand bar.
(v. i.) To variegate as if by sprinkling or intermingling; to color in spots or patches.
(v. i.) To cause an engine or weapon to discharge a missile; -- said of a person or an agent; as, they shot at a target; he shoots better than he rides.
(v. i.) To discharge a missile; -- said of an engine or instrument; as, the gun shoots well.
(v. i.) To be shot or propelled forcibly; -- said of a missile; to be emitted or driven; to move or extend swiftly, as if propelled; as, a shooting star.
(v. i.) To penetrate, as a missile; to dart with a piercing sensation; as, shooting pains.
(v. i.) To feel a quick, darting pain; to throb in pain.
(v. i.) To germinate; to bud; to sprout.
(v. i.) To grow; to advance; as, to shoot up rapidly.
(v. i.) To change form suddenly; especially, to solidify.
(v. i.) To protrude; to jut; to project; to extend; as, the land shoots into a promontory.
(v. i.) To move ahead by force of momentum, as a sailing vessel when the helm is put hard alee.
(n.) The act of shooting; the discharge of a missile; a shot; as, the shoot of a shuttle.
(n.) A young branch or growth.
(n.) A rush of water; a rapid.
(n.) A vein of ore running in the same general direction as the lode.
(n.) A weft thread shot through the shed by the shuttle; a pick.
(n.) A shoat; a young hog.
Example Sentences:
(1) Where he has taken a stand, like on gun control after the shootings in Newtown, Connecticut, Obama was unable to achieve legislative change.
(2) The charges against Harrison were filed just after two white men were accused of fatally shooting three black people in Tulsa in what prosecutors said were racially motivated attacks.
(3) The information about her father's semi-brainwashing forms an interesting backdrop to Malala's comments when I ask if she ever wonders about the man who tried to kill her on her way back from school that day in October last year, and why his hands were shaking as he held the gun – a detail she has picked up from the girls in the school bus with her at the time; she herself has no memory of the shooting.
(4) If we’re waiting around for the Democratic version to sail through here, or the Republican version to sail through here, all those victims who are waiting for us to do something will wait for days, months, years, forever and we won’t get anything done.” Senator Bill Nelson, whose home state of Florida is still reeling from the Orlando shooting, said he felt morally obligated to return to his constituents with results.
(5) An investigation into the shooting by the Cuyahoga County sheriff’s office has been completed and handed to the office of McGinty, the county prosecutor.
(6) That’s when you heard the ‘boom’.” Teto Wilson also claimed to have witnessed the shooting, posting on Facebook on Sunday morning that he and some friends had been at the Elk lodge, outside which the shooting took place.
(7) Holmes, 25, is charged with more than 166 separate offences relating to the mass shooting of 20 July in Aurora, including first degree murder.
(8) He was fighting to breathe.” The decision on her father’s case came just 10 days after a grand jury in Ferguson, Missouri, found there was not enough evidence to indict a white police officer for shooting dead an unarmed black teenager called Michael Brown.
(9) So far this year, we have seen more than 350 mass shootings in the US and it happens almost every day.
(10) I said ‘ periodista, no dispare ’ – it means ‘journalist, don’t shoot’ – ‘ por favor ’.
(11) Subway service was partially suspended and police blocked off the streets where the shooting occurred.
(12) But Steven Brounstein, a lawyer for one of the officers, said: 'For the DA to be equating this case to a drive-by shooting is absurd.
(13) Two officers who witnessed the shooting of unarmed 43-year-old Samuel DuBose in Cincinnati will not face criminal charges, despite seemingly corroborating a false claim that DuBose’s vehicle dragged officer Ray Tensing before he was fatally shot.
(14) They shouted at her: ‘Keep your hands in the air!’ They told her: ‘We’re going to shoot.’ “The shooting resumed.
(15) We simply do whatever nature needs and will work with anyone that wants to help wildlife.” His views might come as a surprise to some of the RSPB’s 1.1 million members, who would have been persuaded by its original pledge “to discourage the wanton destruction of birds”; they would equally have been a surprise to the RSPB’s detractors in the shooting world.
(16) Morel was arrested after his car was matched with one caught on camera fleeing the scene, and was involved in a hit-and-run with a cyclist 10 minutes after the shooting .
(17) Byrom had been scheduled to die by lethal injection last week for hiring a man to shoot dead her abusive husband, Edward, at their home in Iuka in June 1999.
(18) The deaths were due to: hanging (41 cases), poisoning (17 cases), leaping from a height (7 cases), and others (11 cases including one case of self shooting).
(19) A Catholic boys’ school has reversed its permission to allow civil rights drama Freeheld, starring Julianne Moore and Ellen Page as a lesbian couple, to shoot on location in New York State.
(20) Harvest the bulbs once they reach 7-8cm across; if you cut them off at ground level rather than pulling the whole plant up, the roots should produce a second crop of feathery shoots.