What's the difference between picture and vignette?



  • (n.) The art of painting; representation by painting.
  • (n.) A representation of anything (as a person, a landscape, a building) upon canvas, paper, or other surface, produced by means of painting, drawing, engraving, photography, etc.; a representation in colors. By extension, a figure; a model.
  • (n.) An image or resemblance; a representation, either to the eye or to the mind; that which, by its likeness, brings vividly to mind some other thing; as, a child is the picture of his father; the man is the picture of grief.
  • (v. t.) To draw or paint a resemblance of; to delineate; to represent; to form or present an ideal likeness of; to bring before the mind.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The rash presented either as a pityriasis rosea-like picture which appeared about three to six months after the onset of treatment in patients taking low doses, or alternatively, as lichenoid plaques which appeared three to six months after commencement of medication in patients taking high doses.
  • (2) The severity and site of hypertrophy is important in determining the clinical picture and the natural history of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM).
  • (3) Today’s figures tell us little about the timing of the first increase in interest rates, which will depend on bigger picture news on domestic growth, pay trends and perceived downside risks in the global economy,” he said.
  • (4) Only in 17 of the 97 examinees all the examined parameters were found normal, in the rest deviations from the normal echographic picture were revealed.
  • (5) For related pairs, both the primes (first pictures) and targets (second pictures) varied in rated "typicality" (Rosch, 1975), being either typical or relatively atypical members of their primary superordinate category.
  • (6) For this purpose a test consisting of 135 picture cards was devised.
  • (7) "But we develop a picture of someone from their previous engagements with us.
  • (8) Scintigraphic pictures of the uterine cavity and oviducts were obtained with a Jumbo Toshiba gamma-camera; they were subsequently analysed by an Informatek SIMIS-3 data processing system.
  • (9) It is a specific clinical picture with extensive soft tissue gas and swelling of the forearm.
  • (10) A 68 year-old man with a history of right thalamic hemorrhage demonstrated radiologically in the pulvinar and posterior portion of the dorsomedian nucleus developed a clinical picture of severe physical sequelae associated with major affective, behavioral and psychic disorders.
  • (11) In spite of antimalaria treatment, with cortisone and then with immuno-depressants, the outcome was fatal with a picture of acute reticulosis and neurological disorders.
  • (12) "But this is not all Bulgarians and gives a totally wrong picture of what the country is about," she sighed.
  • (13) Spotlight is still the favourite to win best picture A dinner in Beverly Hills was hosted in Spotlight’s honor on Sunday night.
  • (14) Erythrocyte filterability, blood viscosity, changes in the blood picture, and three blood coagulation factors (antithrombin III, protein C, and fibrin monomers) were investigated.
  • (15) The leak also included the script for an in-house Sony Pictures recruitment video and performance reviews for hundreds employees.
  • (16) In the case of the latter, it show either a more or less typical appearance of radicolography only or, more rarely, a picture which combines opacification of the epidural space with the subarachnoid passage of the contrast medium.
  • (17) As evidence, they show no mediated semantic-phonological priming during picture naming: Retrieval of sheep primes goat, but the activation of goat is not transmitted to its phonological relative, goal.
  • (18) Pathological changes may, thus, be initially confined to projecting and intrinsic neurons localized in cortical and subcortical olfactory structures; arguments are advanced which favor the view that excitotoxic phenomena could be mainly responsible for the overall degenerative picture.
  • (19) The clinical picture was characterized by hallucinations and delirium.
  • (20) These findings indicate the cytogenetic correlation with clinical and morphological picture, which consequently implicates the diagnostic and prognostic significance of chromosomal aspects.



  • (n.) A running ornament consisting of leaves and tendrils, used in Gothic architecture.
  • (n.) A decorative design, originally representing vine branches or tendrils, at the head of a chapter, of a manuscript or printed book, or in a similar position; hence, by extension, any small picture in a book; hence, also, as such pictures are often without a definite bounding line, any picture, as an engraving, a photograph, or the like, which vanishes gradually at the edge.
  • (v. t.) To make, as an engraving or a photograph, with a border or edge insensibly fading away.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Responding to the 8 vignettes, 30 American and 32 Australian nurses took part in the study.
  • (2) These problems are illustrated by a clinical vignette, and alternative approaches are explored.
  • (3) In this investigation, reanalysis of responses to case vignettes obtained from 436 psychologists, psychiatrists, and internists revealed that on the issue of confidentiality management, these health care providers discriminate among cases involving: Premeditated harm to others, socially irresponsible acts with possible dire consequences to self or others, and minor theft.
  • (4) A significant number of head-injured subjects also made errors confusing positive and negative emotions and errors interpreting emotionally toned vignettes.
  • (5) The Guardian witnessed one desperate vignette in Gevgeliya on Saturday: a Syrian woman in her 40s asking a fellow traveller for money to buy shoes as hers were in tatters.
  • (6) The subjects were undergraduate students (male = 240; female = 240) who responded to a vignette describing a sexual interaction between a father and daughter.
  • (7) Each vignette depicted a 1000-g birth weight infant, currently 7 weeks old and ready for discharge.
  • (8) Subjects read one of eight case vignettes about hypothetical stimulus persons and then completed verbal report inventories to assess attitudes.
  • (9) Surprise backing There is one bright spot for José Mourinho , as Alex Ferguson appears to debunk one of the more demeaning vignettes of recent years.
  • (10) The rating of acceptability by parents either in groups of five or alone of behavior management techniques (BMT) displayed in videotaped vignettes was studied.
  • (11) Comprising a series of short films (critics often term them "vignettes", which makes Louie sound far more po-faced than it is), interspersed with bursts of Louis's stand-up, the show sits closer to experimental film in its visual style and sensibility.
  • (12) The article also illustrates the system's use with three case management vignettes involving child protective services, the chronically mentally ill, and older adults.
  • (13) Our seven clinical vignettes illustrate different mechanisms of inappropriate admissions to psychiatric wards and the circumstances and outcome of such admissions, with emphasis on the shared responsibility of psychiatric and nonpsychiatric physicians, the financial consequences, and the implications of such admissions on the profession's public image.
  • (14) One-hundred sixty-eight mental health, welfare, and juvenile court personnel from six different locales within a state rated (a) the "amenability to treatment" of four case vignettes involving juvenile offenders and (b) the effectiveness of a variety of services for youth.
  • (15) This vignette, although far from complete, outlines some of the important works that have contributed to the evolution of cardioplegic techniques.
  • (16) Completed questionnaires, with three vignettes each, were returned by 495 respondents.
  • (17) Based on two clinical vignettes, an attempt at reconstruction is proposed, in which the narcissistic aspects of this pathology are emphasized.
  • (18) A case vignette is used to illustrate these processes.
  • (19) Clinical vignettes illustrate how de-idealization by proxy may aid detachment from childhood love-objects and allow healthy partial identification with the same-sex parent.
  • (20) Insight into nurses' perceptions and understanding of problem solving was gained by interviewing 116 nurses using vignettes of clinical problem solving.