(n.) One employed to steer a vessel; a helmsman; a steersman.
(n.) Specifically, a person duly qualified, and licensed by authority, to conduct vessels into and out of a port, or in certain waters, for a fixed rate of fees.
(n.) Figuratively: A guide; a director of another through a difficult or unknown course.
(n.) An instrument for detecting the compass error.
(n.) The cowcatcher of a locomotive.
(v. t.) To direct the course of, as of a ship, where navigation is dangerous.
(v. t.) Figuratively: To guide, as through dangers or difficulties.
Example Sentences:
(1) A bouncy function has now been incorporated into a knee of the semi-automatic knee lock design in a pilot laboratory trial involving six patients.
(2) Among the guests invited to witness the flypast were six second world war RAF pilots, dubbed the “few” by the wartime prime minister, Winston Churchill.
(3) A pilot study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of gas in the puerperal endometrial cavity and to determine whether this finding has any relationship to the mode of delivery or to the development of puerperal endometritis.
(4) Network #5 conducted a pilot study of state survey results to profile data for Medical Review Board (MRB) analysis and to identify potential areas where educational activities could be focused.
(5) The evaluation of the data of unknown test persons of a pilot study in 96% resulted in a correct classification in patients with heart and circulatory diseases or persons with healthy heart and circulation, the classification in the above mentioned groups of diagnosis was performed on an average to 57%.
(6) The results obtained in a pilot study (42 patients with 74 lesions), a multicenter trial (254 patients with 553 lesions) and a prospective study still outstanding (29 patients with 38 lesions) allow to consider this system as suitable for clinical application.
(7) These pilot studies confirm the efficacy of sequential half body irradiations in systemic tumor therapy.
(8) Pilot studies had shown that the activity of rT3 5'MDH is markedly (greater than or equal to 85%) inhibited in the presence of 2 M NaCl, while the rT3 5'MDL is essentially unaffected, and both low and high Km T4 5'MD are minimally (approximately 20%) inhibited.
(9) Aircraft pilots Facebook Twitter Pinterest ‘Getting paid to have your head in the clouds.’ Photograph: CTC Wings Includes: Flight engineers and flying instructors Average pay before tax: £90,146 Pay range: £66,178 (25th percentile) to £97,598 (60th percentile).
(10) Kiev said the jets were downed by a missile launched from Russian territory , and that the pilots had parachuted out.
(11) The effect of thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) on modified neuroleptanesthesia with fentanyl-flunitrazepam was investigated in an open pilot study of 15 neurosurgical patients.
(12) It was also chided for failing to roll out a 2011 pilot scheme to put doors on fridges in its stores.
(13) The Duke of Gloucester will go to the British Virgin Islands and Malta, while the Falkland Islands – where Prince William will be serving briefly as a helicopter pilot in the spring – will receive an official visit from the Duke of Kent, who will also go to Uganda.
(14) This pilot research, supports the application of a classical conditioning model to human alcohol problems.
(15) Based on our work on the EIA and assessors’ own reports on the 2010 REF pilot , assessment panels are able to account for factors such as the quality of evidence, context and situation in which the impact was occurring – and even the quality of the writing – to differentiate between, and grade, case studies.
(16) The encouraging pilot results warrant a controlled study of exposure for dysmorphophobic avoidance and anxiety.
(17) In a pilot study previously reported, we showed that individual nerves could be traced in the different layers of the gut in Hirschsprung's disease (HD) using wholemount immunohistochemistry (WI).
(18) The group included 520 pilots, of whom 268 were receiving drug therapy.
(19) It is stressed that this was a pilot investigation, and that there is a need for better reporting and further research.
(20) Firearms officers will test the cameras in their training environment in Gravesend, Kent, with a view to wearing them on duty if the pilot is a success.
(n.) A small extent of ground; a plat; as, a garden plot.
(n.) A plantation laid out.
(n.) A plan or draught of a field, farm, estate, etc., drawn to a scale.
(v. t.) To make a plot, map, pr plan, of; to mark the position of on a plan; to delineate.
(n.) Any scheme, stratagem, secret design, or plan, of a complicated nature, adapted to the accomplishment of some purpose, usually a treacherous and mischievous one; a conspiracy; an intrigue; as, the Rye-house Plot.
(n.) A share in such a plot or scheme; a participation in any stratagem or conspiracy.
(n.) Contrivance; deep reach of thought; ability to plot or intrigue.
(n.) A plan; a purpose.
(n.) In fiction, the story of a play, novel, romance, or poem, comprising a complication of incidents which are gradually unfolded, sometimes by unexpected means.
(v. i.) To form a scheme of mischief against another, especially against a government or those who administer it; to conspire.
(v. i.) To contrive a plan or stratagem; to scheme.
(v. t.) To plan; to scheme; to devise; to contrive secretly.
Example Sentences:
(1) Multiple stored energy levels were randomly tested and the percent successful defibrillation was plotted against the stored energy, and the raw data were fit by logistic regression.
(2) It was found that linear extrapolations of log k' versus ET(30) plots to the polarity of unmodified aqueous mobile phase gave a more reliable value of log k'w than linear regressions of log k' versus volume percent.
(3) Binding data for both ligands to the enzyme yielded nonlinear Scatchard plots that analyze in terms of four negatively cooperative binding sites per enzyme tetramer.
(4) Facebook Twitter Pinterest With a plot based around fake (or real?)
(5) The ED50 and ED95 of mivacurium in each group were estimated from linear regression plots of log dose vs probit of maximum percentage depression of neuromuscular function.
(6) The aim of this study was to plot the course of the transcutaneously measured PCO2 (tcPCO2) in the fetus during oxygenation of the mother.
(7) Under standardized conditions, the relationship between antigen content and inhibition of chromium release was linear in a semilogarithmic plot, indicating that the antigen content can be determined from testing two dilutions of a given preparation.
(8) A combined plot of all results from the four separate papers, which is ordered alphabetically by chemical, is available from L. S. Gold, in printed form or on computer tape or diskette.
(9) In application to most proteins, this plot is linear and computer programs exist to evaluate it.
(10) Using the intersection point of these pH-logPCO2 lines as a point of equal hemoglobin-independent "base excess" for each condition, values for true base excess were plotted.
(11) We conclude that the biphasic nature of the Arrhenius plot of 5'-nucleotidase may be a property of the enzyme rather than its lipid environment.
(12) Ninety-eight different malignant adnexal tumors were analyzed for the presence of epidermal growth factor (EGF)-specific binding sites and binding parameters were calculated by Scatchard plot analysis [G. Scatchard, Ann.
(13) From the well-known Chebyshev's inequality, it has been shown that the possible error which could be derived from the Tsou plot will be much smaller than the usual experimental error obtainable.
(14) For this purpose the molecular models of Monod-Wyman-Changeux (MWC) and of Koshland-Nemethy-Filmer (KNF) are tested by showing how the different plots, direct, reciprocal, Scatchard and Hill, vary as do the parameters considered in these models.
(15) The Mr of human serum biotinidase estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Ferguson plot) and by sedimentation analysis was 68,000.
(16) The results are presented as effectiveness factor plots graphed as functions of bulk galactose and oxygen concentrations.
(17) A modified plot accounting for amphiphilic helices indicates 5-6 such alpha-segments.
(18) Similar plots for ethidium follow the latter pattern between 25 and 50 degrees C. These observations and our analyses of delta HB and delta SB are consistent with the hypothesis that the location in the DNA complex and the rotational motion of the alkylamine chain change substantially over the temperature range in this study.
(19) The results were analysed by scattergram plot and Wilcoxon's matched-pair signed ranks test.
(20) It is shown that when a constant current is applied such that a stable equilibrium and rhythmic firing are present, the following predictions are inherent in the HH system of equations: (a) Small instantaneous voltage perturbations to the axon given at points along its firing spike result in phase resetting curves (when new phase versus old phase is plotted) with an average slope of 1.