(n.) A vessel with a very narrow stern; -- called also pinky.
(v. i.) To wink; to blink.
(a.) Half-shut; winking.
(v. t.) To pierce with small holes; to cut the edge of, as cloth or paper, in small scallops or angles.
(v. t.) To stab; to pierce as with a sword.
(v. t.) To choose; to cull; to pick out.
(n.) A stab.
(v. t.) A name given to several plants of the caryophyllaceous genus Dianthus, and to their flowers, which are sometimes very fragrant and often double in cultivated varieties. The species are mostly perennial herbs, with opposite linear leaves, and handsome five-petaled flowers with a tubular calyx.
(v. t.) A color resulting from the combination of a pure vivid red with more or less white; -- so called from the common color of the flower.
(v. t.) Anything supremely excellent; the embodiment or perfection of something.
(v. t.) The European minnow; -- so called from the color of its abdomen in summer.
(a.) Resembling the garden pink in color; of the color called pink (see 6th Pink, 2); as, a pink dress; pink ribbons.
Example Sentences:
(1) Vertical gratings are tinged with green and horizontal gratings with pink.
(2) Today, she wears an elegant salmon-pink blouse with white trousers and a long, pale pink coat.
(3) 7 male and 39 female undergraduates were alternately assigned to rooms painted red or Baker-Miller Pink.
(4) The first-floor lounge is decorated in plush deep pink, with a mix of contemporary and neoclassical decor, and an antique dining table and chandelier.
(5) The animals were exposed for 120 h to continuous pink noise at the intensities 80, 90 and 100 dB SPL.
(6) In this paper, previous literature on the subject is surveyed, and an experimental approach under standardized conditions to allow analysis of possible causes and biological mechanisms of the pink-teeth phenomenon in rats is described.
(7) Pink Monday said it was precisely the reaction it had hoped for.
(8) Positive specimens produce a faint pink deposit which is better visualised by silver enhancement which gives an intense black colour.
(9) The reason fashion magazines have been excited over the M&S coat is because various high-end designers all made pink coats this season.
(10) On other days, she dresses head to toe in bright pink.
(11) Other designs included short ruffle cocktail dresses with velvet parkas slung over the shoulder; blazers made of stringed pearly pink; and gold beading and a lace catsuit.
(12) Results obtained with a high pass filtered pink noise at a 106, 109 and 113 dB SPL on 37-40 week foetuses are given to illustrate this dependency.
(13) Approximately 30% of the C. neoformans strains produced large amounts of the pink (purple after 6 days) pigment in the absence of light whereas 70% of the Cryptococcus neoformans strains, as well as C. laurentii, C. albidus, C. diffluens, and C. albicans also produced the pink pigment with light being required for significant early production (2--6 days).
(14) Quality Street toffee penny yellow is the new pink Breaking news!
(15) The country’s supreme court ruled that Imelda Marcos illegally acquired the items, including diamond-studded tiaras and an extremely rare 25-carat pink diamond.
(16) On the opposite side there are obviously a few people who are full of a lot of hatred.” Jake Johnstone, who was was wearing the pink triangle of the 1980s Act Up movement, said: “Obviously we had the Paris attacks and everyone was shocked by it, but because Orlando was an attack on the LGBT community it feels very personal and a lot of people feel deeply affected by it.
(17) Now Alex Salmond, the SNP’s once and future king has been enjoying fish, chips and pink champagne with the editor of the New Statesman, Jason Cowley .
(18) They claim 13 Labour candidates received visits from Harriet Harman’s “pink bus” but did not declare this in their local returns, with the cost instead included in the national return; that the Lib Dems used an election battlebus to transport activists to constituencies which was not included in the candidates’ returns; and that the SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon, “used a helicopter to campaign for SNP candidates in 12 target constituencies – at a cost of £35,000”.
(19) Grace Coddington, Dame Helen Mirren, Laura Mvula, and Karen Elson, in the pink duster coat that proved so popular for M&S.
(20) A group of young men and women calling themselves the Salopards (Bastards) and wearing pink dungarees "to show you can be against gay marriage without being homophobic", was also there to "defend the family".
Example Sentences:
(1) Eagle has since said that her pinkie wiggle was "commenting on the size of GDP growth".
(2) The meningeal irritation was not present, but lumbar puncture showed slightly pinky CSF with normal pressure.
(3) By then, of course, Rich and his business partner, Pincus 'Pinky' Green, had long since fled to Zug, and were well on their way to making the money back through a series of sanctions-busting oil shipments to South Africa and other 'pariah' states.
(4) In March 2002, a pre-buzzcut Justin Timberlake broke up with a pre-breakdown Britney Spears after a three-year relationship which saw them blossom from perma-smiling Mouseketeers to pin-ups for young love (they used to call each other Stinky and Pinky!).
(5) Call me old fashioned, but I'd rather not see high-level female politicians pinkie-wiggling at the prime minister.
(6) Years ago I went out to a swanky birthday dinner, with set menu, which included some flat bits of pinky slime.
(7) You can imagine Alec Guinness walking in at any minute, or Pinkie from Brighton Rock.
(8) The image of that gingery, bony, pinky-whitey person on the cover with the liquid mercury collar bone was – for one particular young moonage daydreamer – the image of planetary kin, of a close imaginary cousin and companion of choice.
(9) I see Makka Pakka's sponge and soap, the Tombliboos' piano, the sippy cups from the Pinky Ponk, the Og-Pog.
(10) The study’s lead researcher, Prof Pinki Sahota, said: “The results suggested that body shape dissatisfaction and dietary restraint behaviours may begin in children as young as six to seven years old, and there is an association with increased BMI.
(11) And they are bonkers, involving a psychedelic cast of Iggle Piggle and Upsy-Daisy and Makka Pakka and the rest, all bobbling around in a surrealist garden, dancing and hugging, hanging out in a magical gazebo and travelling in their flying vessels, the Ninky Nonk and the Pinky Ponk.
(12) Twenty minutes after both injections had been given and a Super Pinky pressure device had been placed on the eye, the mean decrease in IOP from the preoperative value was 3.1 mm Hg in group 1 and 4.8 mm Hg in group 2.
(13) [It] is hard to believe she could get worse … you can start down at her pinky toe and work your way up to her head and you will find a cut, bruise, graze or broken bone on every part of her body … She has been giving it her all for a week now and the first three days she had no medical care whatsoever.
(14) His compositions were daring and dynamic, combining radical foreshortenings and vast areas of "empty" space, Procrustean croppings and dangerous blockings of view, and an enormous variety of materials and techniques, greasy inks and essences – oil diluted with turps – powdery pinky pastels, plain old charcoal on bright green commercial paper or robin-egg blue, and all shapes and sizes, some huge some almost miniatures, some extremely elongated, some almost square.
(15) Some people do seem to be worried that their children are going to grow up with a vocabulary of Pinky Ponk and Ninky Nonk and Makka Pakka, and I think that's rather silly.
(16) Pinky, a 1949 race drama about a light-skinned black woman passing for white, was another exception, garnering a best supporting nomination for Ethel Waters.
(17) I feel like Pinky taking notes from The Brain as he runs through ideas for a huge Boy Better Know record, Eskimo Dances in Dubai and Jamaica, a Roll Deep record label, and even a grime version of Watch The Throne.
(18) It was common enough, as late as 1938, for Graham Greene to have his sinister protagonist Pinkie carry a small bottle of acid in Brighton Rock.
(19) The effort's wide, but really not far away at all, and it's not clear whether Mannone would have got his pinkies to it were the ball on target.
(20) Usually, this happens after the pinkie-wiggler has been intimate with the pinkie-wigglee and their, ahem, coupling ended badly.