What's the difference between pinna and pinnule?



  • (n.) A leaflet of a pinnate leaf. See Illust. of Bipinnate leaf, under Bipinnate.
  • (n.) One of the primary divisions of a decompound leaf.
  • (n.) One of the divisions of a pinnate part or organ.
  • (n.) Any species of Pinna, a genus of large bivalve mollusks found in all warm seas. The byssus consists of a large number of long, silky fibers, which have been used in manufacturing woven fabrics, as a curiosity.
  • (n.) The auricle of the ear. See Ear.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It is felt that otologic surgery should be done before the pinna reconstruction as it is very important to try and introduce sound into these children at an early age.
  • (2) In any rat receiving either level of T-2588, pinna reflex impairment was not detected at any frequencies.
  • (3) The chamber is fixed in the tissues of the rabbit pinna by means of a lavsan net.
  • (4) This paper describes the external ear anomalies found in this syndrome: short wide pinnae, often cupped and asymmetrical; distinctive triangular concha; discontinuity between the antihelix and antitragus; and 'snipped-off' portions of the helical folds.
  • (5) CAM inhibited the pinna reflex more strongly than did morphine and selectively antagonized quipazine-induced head twitches; its inhibition of head twitches induced by 5-hydroxytryptophan or LSD seemed unspecific.
  • (6) Concanavalin A and, to a lesser degree, other immunomodulators applied, when administered subcutaneously into the pinna, also have induced perichondrial chondrogenesis.
  • (7) A case of tinea of the pinna, mistaken for chondritis, is presented.
  • (8) It has been found previously under the light microscope that there was a circadian variation in mast cell number in the pinna of mice.
  • (9) 172, 451-457] and recently identified as the product of the lyn oncogene [Brunati, A. M., Donella-Deana, A., Ralph, S., Marchiori, F., Borin, G., Fischer, S. & Pinna, L. A.
  • (10) Since the hemisection of the spinal cord at T6 suppresses this reflex in the pinna of the same side, it must be concluded that the spinal pathway is ipsilateral.
  • (11) The variation in auditory space representation in the IC due to variation in pinna position is presented.
  • (12) A case of severe Pseudomonas perichondritis following a 'fashionable' ear-piercing procedure, performed high on the pinna, is reported.
  • (13) Tetradecane (TD), testosterone (TS), and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) were separately inuncted on rabbit pinnas once a day; the pinnas were biopsied on days 1, 3, 7, and 28.
  • (14) The directional properties of the external ear are based on sound diffraction by the pinna mouth, which, to a first approximation, is equivalent to an elliptical opening due to the elongated shape of the pinna.
  • (15) Although BRL 39123 failed to eradicate the virus from mice latently infected with HSV-1, treatment initiated 5 h after infection of the ear pinna reduced the numbers of mice that developed latent infections.
  • (16) This may be a more correct value since the PLM method overestimates the median S-phase length as it is known that in pinna skin the [3H]TdR is available to the tissues for 2 hr and true flash labelling does not take place.
  • (17) Attempts to create a pinna by moulding cartilage fragments have been reported previously by Peer.
  • (18) Thermal characteristics of the pinnae of the ears of New Zealand White rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) were measured with an infrared imaging system, and vasomotor oscillations were observed to occur spontaneously in the pinnae of all rabbits at an ambient temperature of 20 degrees C. Measured fluctuations in surface temperature were used to characterize the observed vasomotor oscillations, whereas heat loss from the pinnae was calculated using the mean pinna temperatures.
  • (19) We refined the method by which neonatal mouse hearts are transplanted into pouches in the pinnae of ears of adult recipient mice and used cyclosporine treatment as an example of how this method might be generally applied to study the dose-response relationship of immunosuppressive drugs.
  • (20) Auricular perichondritis developed in a patient following acupuncture to the pinna.



  • (n.) One of the small divisions of a decompound frond or leaf. See Illust. of Bipinnate leaf, under Bipinnate.
  • (n.) Any one of a series of small, slender organs, or parts, when arranged in rows so as to have a plumelike appearance; as, a pinnule of a gorgonia; the pinnules of a crinoid.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Aminergic elements were revealed by glyoxylic acid-induced fluorescence in the branchial nerve, branchial ganglion, branchial vessels, and pinnules in both species.
  • (2) It was noted in the pinnules that there was a much higher concentration of dopamine than serotonin.
  • (3) The younger pinnules or tips of A. fiordensis are less than 3% diphenol by weight.
  • (4) Tactile stimulation of the pinnule evoked a two-component contractile reflex contraction due to activation of the peripheral nerve plexus.
  • (5) In semi-intact preparations, pinnule contractions and junctional transmissions were then measured during 3-s depolarized pulses to L7 (frequency range = 1-44 per 3-s interval).
  • (6) Isolated pinnules of the gill of Aplysia contract when dopamine (DA) is perfused through the bath.
  • (7) As Aplysia age, motor neuronal (L7) elicited gill-pinnule contractions are significantly decreased, as is transmission at pinnule junctions.
  • (8) A weak or moderate tactile stimulus to the mantle elicits gill contraction (gill-withdrawal reflex) as a component of a more extensive withdrawal response; a stimulus applied directly to the gill elicits a localized response of the gill pinnule (pinnule response).
  • (9) Peripheral pathways are necessary and sufficient for the pinnule response.
  • (10) The pinnule often shows irregular, spontaneous contractions which are blocked by high-Mg2+ seawater and 30 mM CoCl2.
  • (11) The trained animals had (a) significantly higher pinnule contractions, (b) a significantly greater increase in pinnule contractions elicited by increasing L7 spike rates, (c) significantly higher double-spike facilitation, and (d) significantly higher facilitation per spike across the four spike trains below or at pinnule contraction threshold.

Words possibly related to "pinnule"