What's the difference between planar and sector?



Example Sentences:

  • (1) By means of rapid planar Hill type antimony-bismuth thermophiles the initial heat liberated by papillary muscles was measured synchronously with developed tension for control (C), pressure-overload (GOP), and hypothyrotic (PTU) rat myocardium (chronic experiments) and after application of 10(-6) M isoproterenol or 200 10(-6) M UDCG-115.
  • (2) This is due to the fact that the SPECT images contain more anatomical and physiological information than similar planar images.
  • (3) The planar 7H-pyridocarbazole cations form stacks approximately parallel to b. Interactions between stacks occur by weak van der Waals forces.
  • (4) The permeability properties of planar lipid bilayers made from egg lecithin, n-decane and a long-chain secondary amine (n-lauryl [trialkylmethyl]amine) are described.
  • (5) The results of quantitative analysis of planar thallium-201 stress scintigraphy are superior to those of visual analysis.
  • (6) In a direct test of the hypothesis that the M2 coat protein of influenza A can function as a proton translocator, we incorporated a synthetic peptide containing its putative transmembrane domain into voltage-clamped planar lipid bilayers.
  • (7) Qualitative planar 201-thallium (201Tl) scans, coronary angiography, or both were also performed (median between studies 11 days).
  • (8) In addition to improved image quality, the characteristics of 99mTc sestamibi allow gated planar or SPECT perfusion images to be obtained.
  • (9) The channel protein most likely is composed of several copies of a single type of polypeptide, which can be removed from photoreceptor membranes by detergents and functionally reincorporated into the membrane of liposomes or planar bilayers.
  • (10) Image quality was excellent and superior to that obtained from planar and tomographic MIBG studies.
  • (11) Nomograms for square planar arrays spanning the range from 3 X 3 cm to 10 X 10 cm were developed.
  • (12) Partial deviation from total planarity as in enol-carbamates (V) leads to some loss of binding affinity, which largely disappears in hydroaromatic structures (VI).
  • (13) Only 1.3% SLS reduced the rate of epithelial healing after three times a day drop application as determined using planar measures of epithelial regrowth.
  • (14) A recently developed rf echo planar imaging method has been modified to rapidly generate spectroscopic information along one in-plane axis and spatial information along the other.
  • (15) The adenine moiety is nearly planar and the torsional angle of the glycosidic linkage O(4')-C(1')-N(3)-C(4) is -161.5 degrees.
  • (16) Planar RBC imaging followed by blood-pool SPECT scanning was performed in 77 patients with a total of 108 hemangiomas and in 29 patients with a total of 46 hepatocellular carcinomas.
  • (17) The allene oxide also opens to a zwitterion, which undergoes charge delocalization to form a planar intermediate; this structure is the achiral precursor of the stable end product of pericyclic ring closure, viz., racemic cis-12-oxo-PDA.
  • (18) Data-analysis programs provide reproduction of stored data, comparison of linear scans, beam profiles along any line of a planar or volume scan, and isodose distributions from any planar scan or from any planar scan or from any plane of a volume scan.
  • (19) Planar scintigraphy showed an intense, diffuse biventricular uptake of the radiotracer.
  • (20) The power dependence of the pore formation rate on the toxin concentration in planar bilayers indicates that an aggregation mechanism underlies the channel assembly.



  • (n.) A part of a circle comprehended between two radii and the included arc.
  • (n.) A mathematical instrument, consisting of two rulers connected at one end by a joint, each arm marked with several scales, as of equal parts, chords, sines, tangents, etc., one scale of each kind on each arm, and all on lines radiating from the common center of motion. The sector is used for plotting, etc., to any scale.
  • (n.) An astronomical instrument, the limb of which embraces a small portion only of a circle, used for measuring differences of declination too great for the compass of a micrometer. When it is used for measuring zenith distances of stars, it is called a zenith sector.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Adding a layer of private pensions, it was thought, does not involve Government mechanisms and keeps the money in the private sector.
  • (2) Asthma is probably the commonest chronic disease in the United Kingdom, and its attendant morbidity extends outside the possible scope of the hospital sector.
  • (3) It comes as the museum is transforming itself in the wake of major cuts in its government funding and looking more towards private-sector funding, a move that has caused some unease about its future direction.
  • (4) of rats resulted in cell death and terminal degeneration in entorhinal, insular, and posterior cingulate cortices, and in the CA1, CA3 and dentate gyrus sectors of hippocampus.
  • (5) The Future Forum is a group of 57 health sector specialists chaired by the Professor Steve Field, the former chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners.
  • (6) The World Humanitarian Summit in May 2016 may be the most timely opportunity to make an honest appraisal of the effectiveness of the current system to deal with the sector’s “ new normal ” of finite resources and unlimited challenges.
  • (7) This is welcome news but it needs to be borne in mind that the manufacturing sector is still far from racing ahead and serious doubts remain about the strength of demand for manufactured goods over the medium term, particularly once stimulative measures start being withdrawn.
  • (8) "Medical professionals have perhaps been the least involved [of all sectors] in debates and discussions around abortion, and anti-choice groups have very effectively carried out a deliberate strategy of targeting and influencing health professionals.
  • (9) The FCx lesions themselves were shown to have no significant effect on DA utilisation in any CP sector.
  • (10) We present a comparison of the Canadian and American data on expenditures, identifying the sectors in which the experience of the two nations diverges most, and describing the processes of control.
  • (11) Alton Towers has a long record of safe operation and as we reopen, we are committed to ensuring that the public can again visit us with confidence.” A spokesman for the park said that said that X-Sector, the high-octane section of that park where the Smiler is based, would remain closed until further notice.
  • (12) And we will sell those assets that can be managed better by the private sector.
  • (13) "It will mean root-and-branch change for our banks if we are to deliver real change for Britain, if we are to rebuild our economy so it works for working people, and if we are to restore trust in a sector of our economy worth billions of pounds and hundreds of thousands of jobs to our country."
  • (14) Despite some high profile problems, the private sector share of community services has been expanding; its market share grew around 50% in the two years from 2010-11.
  • (15) Analysis of a transposable, element-induced o2 allele, o2-m20, revealed that sectors of endosperm cells contained the nuclear-localized O2 protein, indicating excision of the transposable element.
  • (16) After clinical examination and semen analysis, we studied 4100 patients by scrotal US with sector mechanical (7.5 MHz) probe with water bag and by transrectal US for prostatic vesicular region evaluation with 5-6.5 MHz linear probe (lately we used biplanar probe).
  • (17) We are going to see a sharp fall unless sellers hold the sector up by making aggressive offers.
  • (18) Thanks to the groundbreaking technology and heavy investment of a new breed of entertainment retailers offering access services, we are witnessing a revolution in the entertainment industry, benefitting consumers, creators and content owners alike.” ERA acts as a forum for the physical and digital retail sectors of music, and represents over 90% of the of the UK’s entertainment retail market.
  • (19) Burham's claim to be the continuity candidate, coupled with his past reputation as a Blairite, suggests a centrist leadership that would stay on course in terms of private sector involvement in public services, a crackdown on benefit claimants and a tougher stance on criminals.
  • (20) Generally, patients with anterior sector conditions showed improved performance with band-pass filters (not with ND filters).